Critter Lit

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sian james

Interview with Author Glenys Nellist Part 3

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I’m thrilled to have Glenys Nellist with us again today to talk about her latest book, WHEREVER YOU ARE, illustrated by Sian James, which just published with Beaming books last month. WHEREVER YOU ARE is absolutely stunning and lovely and I can wait for you all to take a peek.

So without further ado, please welcome Glenys Nellist!

It’s great to have you back!

It’s great to BE back, Lindsay! Thanks for having me.

Tell us about your latest book.

Published by Beaming Books and beautifully illustrated by Sian James, Wherever You Are explores the simple, but powerful premise… wherever you are, God is there.

I love that WHEREVER YOU ARE is so universal. It relates to so many situations and moments in life. What inspired you to create this book?

My inspiration came from a little moment I shared with my grandson eight years ago. He stood by the window watching the snow gently fall, and he was so still and quiet that I took a photo. After a moment, he turned to me and asked, in his three-year-old voice, Where’s God? I never imagined that this little moment would one day become the inspiration for a picture book, but it just goes to show that ordinary moments can become extraordinary.

With such an open-ended theme for WHEREVER YOU ARE, how did you organize the text for this book? Did you make a list of situations you wanted to weave together? What was your writing process like?

I knew that I wanted to start by referencing that little moment I shared with my grandson, and so the book begins in this way: God is in the whisper of the gently falling snow.. God is in the daffodil as she begins to grow. As soon as I started writing, the text just seemed to flow organically, without any kind of list. I didn’t really include any specific situations (all the ones you’ll see were created by the wonderful illustrator, Sian James.) Instead, I simply focused on exploring the fact that no matter where we are, or what we’re doing; no matter what time of day or night; no matter how we’re feeling… in happy times or sad times, in good times or bad times, God is with us. In this way, it was my goal to reassure the reader that God is with us in every physical space in which we find ourselves and every emotional space too.

Do you have a favorite spread in WHEREVER YOU ARE? If so, why is it your favorite?

Can I pick two? The first is the one featuring my grandson watching the snowfall. Can you believe that I was able to share the photo I’d taken that day with Sian James, and she used it as the basis for one of the first illustration in the book? 

Interior art from WHEREVER YOU ARE by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sian James, published by Beaming Books

The second is also based on a true incident. One autumn day, I was out raking leaves in the street with my neighbor, and I had such a powerful sense of God’s presence all around that I wanted to include that in the book too. I just knew, that day, that God was in the leaves, in the wind, in the sunshine, and most of all, in my neighbor. Sian used my photographs of our street to faithfully depict that little moment, and she even included the fire hydrant at the bottom of our driveaway! Here’s me and my neighbor raking leaves:

Interior art from WHEREVER YOU ARE by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sian James, published by Beaming Books

As an author, do you get to weigh in on the illustration process with your publisher?

Normally, no! It is my job to write the words, and the illustrator’s job, under the direction of the publisher, to create the illustrations. What a joy, then, to be able to collaborate with Sian James, via my editor, so that those special moments could be included.

What are some of your favorite picture books right now?

I am loving the recently published Sparrow’s Prayer, a title exploring all the different ways to pray, by Roger Hutchison, and Grandpa’s Window, a gentle book on grief, by Laura Gehl. 

What’s up next for you?

I’ll be releasing two more titles this year. Later in the summer, Little Mole is back in the fourth installment of his popular series! Published by Beaming Books. Little Mole Gives Thanks releases in August, and then in October I have a board book publishing with Zonderkidz called Read and Rhyme: The First Christmas. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I’d love to share a word of encouragement about Imposter Syndrome, and the importance of battling it. I never, ever thought that I would one day be the author of over thirty books for children. So convinced was I, that I wasn’t good enough to be an author, that I gave up on my first book halfway through. If I hadn’t finished that book, I wouldn’t now be the author of all those other titles. So…whether you aspire to be an author or an illustrator, don’t quit! Work hard, keep going, improve your craft and chase those dreams—because dreams do come true.  

Huge thank you to Glenys for stopping by Critter Lit today! Thank you for your wonderful insight and advice. It’s always lovely to have you. Congrats on your beautiful new book and exciting upcoming projects!

GLENYS NELLIST  is the author of over thirty children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas  and the popular series Love Letters from God  and Snuggle Time. Her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Glenys, visit her online at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of WHEREVER YOU ARE, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of WHEREVER YOU ARE from Beaming Books?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 16th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author Karen Greenwald

Authors, Debut Interviews, debut interviewLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with a debut author who found her way to picture books through the law— which I love! It’s always fascinating to me to hear how debut authors and illustrators find their way to kidlit. I’m thrilled to share Karen’s story and road to publication with all of you today in celebration of her debut picture book, A VOTE FOR SUSANNA: THE FIRST WOMAN MAYOR, illustrated by Sian James, with Albert Whitman Books.

So without further ado, please welcome Karen Greenwald!

Where do you live?


When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I decided in fourth grade that one day I would write a book. Then in law school I took “Literacy and the Law.” We delved into book banning history, civil rights issues, international law issues, et al—but we also had to tutor a child and create our own picture book. It was a gift to my artistic soul! The book I wrote and illustrated (inspired by Rawls’ Theory of Justice and John and Evelyn Dewey) actually won two brand strategy industry international awards and was spoken about by the Majority Leader of Congress to a room full of women leaders a few years ago.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

I began seriously studying the art of children’s literature around five-ish years ago. One of the things that surprised me the most was how vast the difference is between the average person’s opinion/knowledge of picture book publishing versus the reality.

When I happened on a reference to Susanna Salter, I was hooked immediately. I knew I had to tell her story—especially since Salter’s history has been left to a 1954 article (and the blogs/articles, etc that use the same information). My journey from beginning to sale took about two a half years. After spending several hours over the phone with amazing librarians and genealogists at Kansas State University, I was deeply saddened to hear the next weekend that the library had burned to the ground. Thankfully, nobody was hurt. I did wonder, however, if it was a “sign”…like, don’t do this one!

For over a year and a half, in spite of various hurdles, I kept researching, trying to access anything that would give me that special something the story needed. But little could be found that fit picture book story requirements. As we know, an interesting moment or tale doesn’t necessarily fit this genre.

 Then I met (virtually) Susanna Salter’s great granddaughter. She and her brother shared with me beautiful letters, pictures, and the like. When I wrote the final draft two years in, I kept one of her letters open on my laptop desktop. I think I actually teared up when I typed the final words. (Ssh! Don’t tell anyone!)

Can you share a bit about your process?

I never knew this prior, but apparently I am a major researcher—I will not stop until I get that everything I need to make the story my own. I enjoy and am inspired by building relationships with a circle of people surrounding the topic I’m working on. This makes the experience meaningful for me. I write out the idea (I do this for art, too) in my head, moving parts around like magnetic poetry pieces. Once I feel like I have the concept, then I get typing.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Good question! I’ll let you know when I figure that one out!

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

A lack of distraction, my favorite thesaurus, and my dog napping (if you’ve ever been on the phone with me, you know why! Lol!)

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Who doesn’t inspire me?! I cannot go in a book store for this very reason. I have to pull out every book I go near.

Dream project to work on?

I feel like I’m living my dream right now with my debut. What could be better than shining a light on an incredible woman who changed American politics and world history? To be the first and only person to write her story is an honor.

Tell us about your debut book.

As I mentioned, this is a story I am so proud to tell. Susanna Salter made international history in 1887-1888. I am still surprised to the reaction I get when discussing her with everyone from elected officials to educators. Even those who think they know the story mostly have their information from this 1954 article. Her impact has never truly been taught, discussed, or considered. In all of the news coverage that she received, nobody ever asked a very important question. I wanted to tell a deeper story. Thanks to the generosity of two of her great-grandchildren and my own research, I was able to discover her heart.

What’s up next for you?

Hmm…what is next?;)

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

This is actually the hardest one of your questions—lol! Can I give a few? Clearly, When Harry Met SallyFerris Bueller’s Day Off (the creativity of the post ending-ending), and St. Elmo’s Fire (because I’m a Georgetown alum—though, it was actually filmed at University of MD)…I really could go on… 

Huge thank you to Suzanna for stopping by Critter Lit today!

Karen M. Greenwald has a wide range of government, campaign, and branding experience. She’s won international awards for STEM creative, writing, video, rebranding, and self-promotion. Bylined credits include online, print magazines, and The Washington Post. Karen belongs to SCBWI, 12×12, and co-founded #SunWriteFun—a NF/Info Fic. summer contest that raises money for kidlit charities. Her picture book, A VOTE FOR SUSANNA, THE FIRST WOMAN MAYOR, debuts in October (Albert Whitman). It has held steady since February on two of Amazon’s Hot New Releases lists for kids. A Phi Beta Kappa, she earned undergraduate and JD degrees from Georgetown University. Before turning to branding, Karen worked as an attorney and focused on international environmental compliance issues.

FOR MORE INFO about Karen’s work, visit her online or follow her on social media @karenmgreenwald

BUY THIS BOOK To order a copy of Karen’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of A VOTE FOR SUSANNA: THE FIRST WOMAN MAYOR?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, October 7th! US addresses only please.