Critter Lit

Write. Draw. Read. Repeat.

women in kidlit

Interview with Author Emma Pearl Part 2

Authors, InterviewsLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursdays Critters! I’m thrilled to share another interview with author Emma Pearl today! You can read her first interview with us here. She is back with us today to talk about her new book, SAVING THE SUN, which just released this month with Page Street Kids.

So without further ado, please welcome Emma Pearl!

It’s great to have you back!

 Thank you for having me again!

 Tell us about your latest book.

Saving the Sun features the same characters as my debut Mending the Moon, Luna and Poppa, as they work to avert another natural disaster. This time, while they’re on vacation on a tropical island, the sweltering sun falls into the sea and they must work together with the island animals and sea creatures to get it back into the sky and set it alight again.

Interior art from SAVING THE SUN by Emma Pearl, illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, published by Page Street Kids

Interior art from SAVING THE SUN by Emma Pearl, illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, published by Page Street Kids

Last we spoke you had released your debut book. Can you share some of your experiences since your first book came out. How are things different? How are they the same?

 Releasing my debut was a huge milestone and the achievement of a lifelong dream, but it’s also a time of great stress and anxiety that I’m sure every author is familiar with – will anyone read it? Buy it? Like it? It’s quite terrifying in many ways because you put your heart out there and you have absolutely no control over what happens once you release it into the world. It’s no longer yours.

 I’ve had some wonderful experiences interacting with children and parents online and in person at school and library events. It’s a huge thrill when children connect with the story, when you see their eyes and imagination light up. That’s what it’s all about.

 My day-to-day life hasn’t really changed at all – there are still not enough hours in the day to get all the writing done!

 What do you find inspiring right now?

I’ve always found inspiration in nature, and right now (for the sake of my mental health) I’m trying very hard to focus on the beautiful landscape around me rather than the chaos in the wider world. I love my local, snow-capped mountain, rivers, waterfalls, oceans, trees, flowers – all these help to ground me as well as inspiring my writing.

 What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Being immersed in storytelling, books and my own fictional worlds. And being a part of helping children to discover that magic too – it’s such a privilege.

 What do you find difficult working as an author?

The most difficult thing for me is the torturously slow pace of the whole industry. I’m not patient by nature and each part of the process (Every. Single. Thing!) takes about a thousand times longer than I would like! I’m learning to focus on my own productivity rather than fixate on waiting for responses from other people or stress about things that are outside my control, but it’s not easy!

 Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Not so much habitual as doggedly persevering! I just try to do as much as I can whenever I can, even if it only means squeezing in five minutes here and there. I am definitely more productive if I can get myself into a routine – the ideal would be 2-3 hours every morning and the same again every afternoon and evening. But mostly life gets in the way and doesn’t allow anything like that much time.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

The Kid Lit community is honestly the best, kindest, most welcoming and supportive community there is. I’ve had so many positive experiences – support, advice and encouragement from other writers at every stage. I’ve been lucky enough to be both a mentee and a mentor through the WriteMentor program, both of which have been highlights. All my critique partners past and present have been a godsend. And now I belong to the promo group Kids Book Crew – 13 authors all releasing books in the next year or so supporting one another, and it’s a delight to be a part of!

Recommended reading?

Ah, don’t get me started! I could go for hours… I’ll try to keep it short(ish). Some adult fiction I’ve read recently and loved – The Ferryman by Justin Cronin, Good Girls Die Last by Natali Simmonds, The Memory of Animals by Claire Fuller and Blue Ticket by Sophie Mackintosh.

And picture books –The Last Rainbow Bird by Nora Brech, Sleepy Sheepy by Lucy Ruth Cummins and Pete Oswald, Floof by Heidi McKinnon, Mother of Sharks by Melissa Cristina Márquez and Devin Elle Kurtz, The Wishing Flower by A.J. Irving and Kip Alizadeh.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

You can become a published author but you also need to earn a living (they are quite separate things!).

What’s up next for you?

I have a few projects out on submission at the moment so I’m hoping some good news will arrive in the not too distant future! In the meantime, as always, I have about a million works in progress – a variety of picture books, middle grade and young adult novels.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Keep on creating – what you do is so important. But take care of yourself too. It’s a brutal industry and it’s okay to step away if you need to. Try to set goals that are within your control (i.e. ‘finish the manuscript’, not ‘sign with an agent’), and find your tribe – support from other writers is invaluable.

And last, but not least, favorite book character?

Matilda (loves books, fearless and triumphant underdog, strong female, can move objects with her mind – what a hero!)

Huge thank you to Emma for stopping by Critter Lit again! Congrats on your new book!

EMMA PEARL’S debut picture book Mending the Moon, illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, was published by Page Street Kids in 2022. Saving the Sun is her second book. Emma lives in New Zealand and writes fiction for young people of all ages from picture books to young adults. She is represented by Sera Rivers at Speilburg Literary.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Emma or her books, visit her online or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @emmspearl

Instagram: @emmspearl

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Emma’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of SAVING THE SUN?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, October 5th.

Interview with Zoe Tilley Poster

Authors + Illustrators, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with an author/illustrator whose gorgeous sophomore book, PETE AND LEONIE: THE GREAT BABY SWAP just released with Dial Books for Young Readers on August 15th! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her new book, process, and road to publication.

So without further ado, please welcome Zoe Tilley Poster!

Where do you live?

In a meadow in the woods, in central Vermont.

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first book, THE NIGHT WILD, was published in 2022.

 How did you first get published?

I worked for a year or two on a rough draft of THE NIGHT WILD, and with that, was very lucky to sign on with my wonderful agent Andrea Morrison. She sold the project to Dial Books, so I got to work with my editor and art director there - Kate Harrison and Lily Malcom - on both THE NIGHT WILD and PETE AND LEONIE.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

I have in the past, but not right now. I have a three year old son, so I’m enjoying spending a lot of time with him these days. Making books takes a lot of creative energy that I find hard to maintain if I’m doing it 40 hours a week. 20 hours (or under) is much more sustainable for me.

What inspires you to create picture books?

It used to be my own experiences in nature, and hanging out with animals. That’s still important, but now I read to my kid a lot, and am hugely inspired by the things he laughs at and is delighted by. He likes excavating machines a lot. Bonus points if they get themselves into some hilarious disaster, and are operated by maniac frogs. These are not things I know how to draw, but I’m workin’ on it.

What surprised you the most working as an author/illustrator?

It’s surprising how much of a story gets edited out - usually by me, often my favorite parts - because those elements simply aren’t serving the greater good of the story as a whole. It’s the difference between making single pieces of stand-alone art (or poetry or prose) and making a whole story.

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

Hanging out in my studio, listening to my music, going down the weird and exciting rabbit holes in my head.

What do you find difficult working as an author/illustrator?

The isolation. Aside from a small amount of collaboration with agent, editor and art director, it’s pretty solitary and can be lonely.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Take a break. Go on a road trip, indulge in the other things I love doing, notice what interests me or incites my emotions, and follow those paths.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Setting limits on my day. I didn’t used to do that - I thought the harder/longer I worked in my studio, the more I’d get done. Now I know there are serious diminishing returns… and if I work too long, I become filled with self doubt and I can not see my work with any clarity. So stopping after X number of minutes/hours (whatever I decide in the morning) is critical to doing good work.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I used to be part of a writers group, and everyone was so encouraging and helpful, genuinely wanting to boost each other up.

Recommended reading?

My son Iggy and I love these:

The ¡VAMOS! and EL TORO series by Raúl the Third and Elaine Bay

WONDROUS WONDERS by Camille Jourdy

STORIES OF THE NIGHT by Kitty Crowther

And for adults: BEAUTIFUL DARKNESS by Fabien Vehlmann and Kerascoët

 What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Reading my second book, PETE AND LEONIE: THE GREAT BABY SWAP, to my son and hearing him laugh out loud. Best stamp of approval ever.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

Rules REALLY ARE made to be broken! People tell you a lot about what can and can’t be done (and I think they mean what a publisher will or will not buy). I think it’s way more important to think about what you as a writer/artist do well, and to keep getting better at those things. Break a rule well enough… and someone will buy your book because you broke it (you just have to get it in front of the right eyes). At least that is my hope… because I only like to read wonderfully weird books.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

PETE AND LEONIE is about two babies - a human and a coyote - who trade places for a day. It’s a book for people who like to roll around in mud puddles. Or eat blueberry muffins. Or try out one thing, and then change their mind.

What’s up next for you?

I’m working on a story about fear, a girl and a dog.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Dig deep and find the story in you that no one else can tell! Don’t shy away from the hard stuff! I’m talking about aesthetics, writing style, content, theme. If something matters to you, really explore that. I want to live in a world where artistic integrity means something, and where artists make others feel like they are less alone, by shining a light on what is weird but very human.

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Pearl from William Steig’s THE AMAZING BONE.

Huge thank you to Zoe for stopping by Critter Lit today! Thank you for sharing your latest book with us!

 Zoë Tilley Poster is an illustrator who lives in Vermont with her husband and dog. Her debut picture book The Night Wild came out in 2022.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Zoe or her books, visit her online:



BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Zoe’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of PETE AND LEONIE THE GREAT BABY SWAP?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, September 7th.

Book Review of A Christmas Eve Wish For Santa by Deb Adamson, illustrated by Anne Zimanski

Book ReviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we are changing things up a bit and sharing a book review of a new book by an immensly talented author we had the pleasure of speaking with in 2021 and 2022: Deb Adamson! You can read her previous interviews with CritterLit here and here. Today I’m so excited to share with you all her newest book coming out September 1st— A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA, illustrated by Anne Zimanski, published by McSea Books.

I LOVE a good Christmas book! They are such a big part of the holiday season for our family and I’m always on the lookout for new and fresh takes on the season. Deb Adamson’s newest book, A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA, illustrated by Anne Zimanski does not disappoint!

Interior art from A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA, by Deb Adamson, illustrated by Anne Zimanski, published by McSea Books

This lovely Christmas book is all about well wishes for Santa on his biggest night of the year. It’s a fresh take, focusing on the journey that Santa undertakes every year to spread Christmas joy to families around the world. As the text moves along, the reader is guided through the idea of sending well wishes— hoping that he stays safe during his flight, that the presents are secure in his sleigh, that the moonlight will guide him, etc. The careful consideration of someone else, Santa in this case, it what I found to be the most charming aspect of this story. It asks children to consider the great adventure that Christmas Eve is for Santa. To ponder all the things that have to go right for the night to be a success. It’s a lovely sentiment.

Interior art from A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA, by Deb Adamson, illustrated by Anne Zimanski, published by McSea Books

As the evening continues, the reader gets to see snippets of scenes around the world, watching Santa visit various places throughout the world. We see decorated palm trees, pine trees, and cactuses! City rooftops and remote islands. The perspective increases the emphasis on what a massive journey this is for Santa— completed in one night! It’s magical. And for further reading, Deb has even included back matter sharing various Christmas Eve traditions from around the world.

Interior art from A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA, by Deb Adamson, illustrated by Anne Zimanski, published by McSea Books

Anne Zimanski’s art is warm and inviting, filled with charm and lots holiday spirit. I was absolutely delighted by this book, which will definitely be added to our Christmas book collection this year.

Happy Reading everyone!

Huge Thank you to Deb Adamson for sharing a digital version of her book with me to review.

DEB ADAMSON’S books can be silly sweet and often a combination of both.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Deb Adamson or her books visit her online or follow her on social media: Twitter and Instagram @DebAdamsonBooks

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Deb Adamson’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of A CHRISTMAS EVE WISH FOR SANTA?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, August 31st! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Terry Pierce Part 2

Authors, Book Reviews, InterviewsLindsay Ward8 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! We are taking a few weeks off here and there throughout the summer to spend some time resting and relaxing, BUT today we have a fantastic interview with author Terry Pierce, who we were lucky enough to connect with a while back. You can read our first interview with Terry from 2020 here. Terry is back with a new book, HELLO, MEADOW! illustrated by Nadja Sarell, which published with Yosemite Conservancy last month. I’m thrilled to have Terry with us again and can’t wait to catch up and hear about all the fantastic work she’s been doing.

So without further ado, please welcome Terry Pierce!

Where do you live?

I‘m very fortunate to live in the beautiful mountain community of Mammoth Lakes, California, a small town nestled in the heart of the Eastern Sierra. My husband and I moved there in 2019 when he retired. 

How many years have you been in publishing?

I began writing in 1999, after closing my Montessori preschool, so it’s been almost twenty-four years now! I wanted to stay connected to young children and had been thinking of trying my hand at writing children’s books for a while, (like so many teachers!), so it felt natural to give it a try.

How did you first get published?

My first publications came in the form of pet magazines. When I first started writing, I gave myself a 5-year deadline to get a book published or else find a different career (I know, very naive of me!). I also made the mistake of submitting picture book manuscripts too soon, so when I became frustrated with all the rejections and wanted any kind of “win,” I tried writing for pet magazines and succeeded. I also re-strategized and decided to write children’s joke books, which turned out to be my first published children’s books. Three months after my first joke book manuscript, Greatest Goofiest Jokes, was accepted, I received an offer on my first picture book, Two Tales of Hawaii. Both books were published within my 5-year deadline!

Do you write full-time?

At the moment, I’d say I write part-time with a full-time heart. Because my husband retired and we moved to a place that constantly calls to me get outside, I’m not writing quite as much as I used to, but it’s certainly enough to keep me busy! Although I do write outside, in nature, a lot more than I used to, which is inspiring and joyful.

When I was writing full-time, I looked at it as my full-time job. I would “clock in” at 8:30 every weekday morning, take a 30-minute lunch break, and “clock out” around 3:30-4:00. I spent my mornings writing, and the afternoons doing marketing and book promotion. Now, I write when the muse calls, which is a lot of fun.

What inspires you to create picture books?

Inspiration can come from many places, but lately, I draw much inspiration from nature. I’m surrounded by some of the most beautiful wilderness in the world, in a place of wild animals, towering trees, and dynamic waterways, which always stirs up story ideas in my mind.

For example, when I heard about Yosemite Conservancy’s call-out for board books, I thought about what I’ve learned about bear conservation since moving to Mammoth Lakes—important concepts such as proper food storage and trash disposal, locking a dumpster after you use it, and not leaving any food in your vehicle. It occurred to me that this would be a great idea for teaching very small children how to be good stewards of the environment. Yosemite Conservancy loved the idea and Eat Up, Bear! was born.

Eat Up, Bear! has had so much success that Yosemite Conservancy asked me to write a board book about meadow conservation, using a similar structure to our bear book. Now, we’re celebrating the release of Hello, Meadow! on April 11, 2023. I didn’t have to wander too far for this book’s inspiration. I took trips to Tuolumne Meadows in Yosemite National Park and ventured out into my own backyard, which has many gorgeous meadows to inspire.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

Initially, I was most surprised at how long it takes for an idea to become a published book. When I talk with my UCLA writing students about this, they’re always surprised at this, too. I think the longest it took for one of my ideas to get published was Mother Earth’s Lullaby (Tilbury House), which took ten years from idea to publication. I’ve always joked that book publication works in “glacial time” even though I understand why now. A writer and editorial team need time to perfect the text, the illustrator typically needs 6-12 months to create the artwork, and you can add another six months for the printing process. If any unexpected extraneous global or economic factors occur, they can delay the process even further. So, if you want to write children’s books, put on your “patience cap!” 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I love having a creative outlet, where I can play with words and language. It took me a while to discover that my “sweet spot” for writing is rhyming picture books, but this is where I thrive. I’ve dabbled in other children’s book formats (chapter books and even a middle-grade novel), but I’m most happy when writing for very young children.

I also enjoy knowing that my books are having a positive effect on children’s lives. I missed that from my Montessori teaching days, but now, I can have an even broader influence on kids, whether it comes in the form of helping them learn to read with my easy readers, or helping get them off to a great start in life by snuggling up on someone’s lap and sharing a board book or picture book. In the case of Hello, Meadow! and Eat Up, Bear!, I love knowing that I’ve had a hand in creating future conservationists who understand that the natural world—while seemingly resilient—can actually be fragile and needs good stewards to care for it. Collaborating with the Yosemite Conservancy publishers and the National Park Service to make sure our message comes through in a kid-friendly way that’s inviting to little ones and their families was a great experience.

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Waiting for responses to queries and submissions can be exhausting! And it’s not just about the time. When I first began writing, the wait typically ended with a response of some kind from an editor. I loved it when an editor wrote an encouraging note, even if they passed on the manuscript. Nowadays, as you know, most houses don’t give any kind of reply, unless they're interested in the work. I understand their need to save time and energy, but I find it frustrating because I have no idea if I was close, if the idea has merit and is worth pursuing, or if it needs a fresh perspective. I do miss the human connection with the submission process.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I get outside! In the summer, I’ll go on a hike or long walk. In the winter, I’ll strap on my snowshoes and go for a walk where I can be alone and think. The fresh air, the cadence of my steps, and wide-open spaces always gets the creative juices flowing!

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I like it to be quiet when I write. No music, TV, or any background conversation when I’m working. I find it too distracting and can’t focus very well. Once, when my family was visiting and I had a deadline, I drove to a nearby trailhead, parked, and worked in my car! I figured if I needed a break, I was right at a trailhead and could walk in the woods to clear my head.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Amongst the many positive experiences I’ve had with the Kid Lit community, one of the most memorable came very early in my writing experience. Let me preface this by saying I’m basically a shy person. The year I started writing, I joined the SCBWI and signed up for a Writers’ Day event in Los Angeles, which was held at a school. I drove three hours to the event and found a seat inside, pretty much keeping to myself but noticing how many people knew each other. It was like a reunion of old friends for many! 

At lunch, I took my boxed lunch and went out onto the football field where many other participants chose to eat. I was sitting on the 50-yard line, all alone, when a woman came over from a nearby group and asked me if I was meeting anyone. I said no, and she invited me to join them. I was so grateful for her kindness, and found that the group was actually from my chapter of the SCBWI! I’m still friends with some of those writers, and many of them went on to become published authors. For a very shy person who found the courage to drive by herself to Los Angeles to attend a writing conference, this was the ultimate reward! It made me realize that joining the SCBWI was more than just learning about children’s writing—it was about networking and finding like-minded friends.

Recommended reading?

I don’t have any specific books to recommend because so many terrific titles come out all the time, but what I do recommend is to pay attention to titles from resources such as the ALA Caldecott Medal nominees, or Betsy Bird’s “Best Books” list she does each December at her Fuse#8 Production blog. (

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

For me, the highlight of my career was when I received an offer of representation from a reputable agency a few years ago. It was validating, after 68 agent queries, to see that my work had enough merit for an agent to want to represent my work (actually, I had two agencies interested at the same time). I loved networking with other authors from the agency and being so connected with them. Unfortunately, I eventually let my agent go as we just weren’t a good match, but still, the experience was an important part of my writing journey. 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Great question! Two things would have been good to know at the beginning. First, I wish someone could have explained how much work it takes to get published—learning the craft, networking, submitting and querying, handling rejections (because we all get passes on our work), and continuing to get published after your first book comes out. 

Second, I would have liked to have had an idea of how much money children’s authors are paid. Books, particularly picture books, are a huge investment for publishers sometimes costing them up to $25-30K. And many picture books are only in print for two or three years, so most authors’ earnings are limited unless they’re fortunate to have a top-selling book. According to Hannah Holt’s author survey (2017), the majority of published picture book writers earn less than $10K annually. That wouldn’t have deterred me from writing, but it would have been good to know before I started!

Can you tell us about your newest book?

I’d love to! Hello, Meadow! is my second board book with Yosemite Conservancy, illustrated by the talented Nadja Sarell. In the early summer of 2021, our editor, Nicole Geiger, approached me with an idea from the publisher about writing a book about meadow conservation, in a similar style as our first book, Eat Up, Bear! Of course, I said yes! I dove into researching the importance of meadows as wildlife habitats, water filters, carbon retainers, and places of peace and beauty for humans. 

Interior art from HELLO, MEADOW! by Terry Pierce, illustrated by Nadja Sarell, published by Yosemite Conservancy

After a couple of initial drafts, we landed in a place where everyone liked where the book was going; then, for me, it was a matter of fine-tuning the text. I was thrilled when my editor confirmed that Nadja Sarell was interested in doing the illustrations for the book, as her artwork in Eat Up, Bear! was charming, inviting, and perfect for the project. It was a collaboration between myself, Nicole, Yosemite Conservancy, and the National Park Service to determine specific species of flora and fauna to include in the art, along with a diverse cast of humans. Nadja did an amazing job! Her colorful illustrations will invite young children and their families to pour over the pages finding animals, flowers, and other plants, all while experiencing the message that meadows are fragile yet important places that need our care and respect.

Interior art from HELLO, MEADOW! by Terry Pierce, illustrated by Nadja Sarell, published by Yosemite Conservancy

Interior art from HELLO, MEADOW! by Terry Pierce, illustrated by Nadja Sarell, published by Yosemite Conservancy

Interior art from HELLO, MEADOW! by Terry Pierce, illustrated by Nadja Sarell, published by Yosemite Conservancy

What’s up next for you?

I have another board book, I’m a Baby!, coming out in Fall of 2024 with Familius. I’m also working with Yosemite Conservancy on another possible board book, but it’s too early to give any details on that one. Stay tuned!

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I always recommend aspiring writers join the SCBWI. It’s a terrific organization and a great place to learn about children’s writing. Their workshops, conferences, and resources such as The Book, are incredibly helpful. And of course, it’s a great way to network and find like-minded writers.

Another suggestion I make to new writers is to take a writing course on the genre they’re interested in writing, as it gives a structured look at the craft. It’s so important to develop your craft before you start submitting your work! Early in my career, I took some courses through UCLA Extension Writers’ Program, and now I teach for them. They offer a variety of classes on writing for children and teens, in a variety of formats (online, remote, on-campus). Their website is

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Oh gosh, that’s a tough question! As a child, my favorite character was Pippi Longstocking. I saw myself in her because she was such a tomboy! She was also bold and outspoken, two qualities I wish I had, as I was a very shy child. I also loved Wilbur the pig from Charlotte’s Web. He was so sweet and humble. I always thought he had the characteristics of a good friend. As an adult, one of my favorite characters is Katniss Everdeen from the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins. Katniss was a brilliant mix of strength, determination, and resilience, combined with compassion and kindness.

Huge thank you to Terry for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your new book!

TERRY PIERCE is the author of twenty-six children’s books, including Eat Up, Bear! (Yosemite Conservancy), Love Can Come in Many Ways (Chronicle Books), Mama Loves You So (Little Simon) and Soccer Time! (Random House). She has an MFA in Writing for Children & Young Adults from Vermont College of Fine Arts, including Picture Book Concentration certification. She's been writing since 1999; with her work appearing in children's and parenting magazines, and the children’s book market. Terry also teaches online children’s writing courses for UCLA Extension Writers’ Program. She lives in the mountain community of Mammoth Lakes, California where she can be found writing, enjoying the outdoors, or watching wildlife from her living room. To learn more about Terry, please visit her website at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Terry follow her online:

Facebook: @TerryPierceAuthor

Twitter: @terrycpierce

Instagram: @tlcpierce

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of HELLO, MEADOW! click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of HELLO, MEADOW!? Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, June 29th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Illustrator Christina Wald

Illustrators, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward5 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I’m thrilled to be back this week with an illustrator interview! I love all the authors and author/illustrators we have on Critter Lit, of course, but It’s not often I get to feature an illustrator. Today we have an immensely talented illustrator who has illustrated over 60 books! She’s here to tell us all about her new books (4 came out last year!) and some insight into her process.

So without further ado, please welcome Christina Wald!

Where do you live?

Cincinnati, Ohio

How many years have you been in publishing?

Since the early 90s. I started doing Children's books in 2005.

How did you first get published?

I first did art for role-playing games in the 90s. I took my portfolio to conventions and eventually did work for Dungeons & Dragons, Star Wars, and Lord of the Rings books and cards. I refocused my portfolio in the early 2000s and my first picture book was in 2005 for Publications International. It was Look, Find & Learn: Animals of the World. I got my first books from art directors seeing my portfolio online starting with Scholastic. I did art for Scholastic News for many years.

Do you illustrate full-time?


What inspires you to create picture books?

I love the medium and form of storytelling. I am now getting into writing but it is tricking because my schedule fills so quickly. My book about sketching just went to print and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I had to project manage, write, hire and editor and designer, and create any additional artwork. It makes me respect all those roles in a new way. I am used to doing all my illustrations and handing them off to the designer. It has also emboldened me to write more for children's books and comics. This is a great time to fuel your own dream projects. I have so many ideas.

What surprised you the most working as an illustrator?

Each project is so different. No two books are alike and it can be hard to predict how long it will take to paint. There are so many factors.

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

The creative freedom and the joy of doing something I love. Every part of the process is so interesting. I love researching whatever animal I am illustrating or figuring out the look and design of characters and the spaces they inhabit in the story.

I have traveled to many places to research for books I had to illustrate. Once, I met with bat rescuers for a book I illustrated by Carole Gerber called Little Red Bat. I also went to Montana for The Wild Life of Elk by Donna Love, which was a partnership with the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and the US Forest Service. Most recently, I went to Switzerland to photograph a village I was illustrating for Werd & Weber. Sometimes I meet with scientists and contact people for illustration details for historical illustrations.

Thumbnailing and researching a new book is so full of excitement and possibility.

What do you find difficult working as an illustrator?

Scheduling and planning. I am always working on several projects and am booked through 2025. I have to make sure I make time for family, travel, and interests. Balance is so difficult and yet very important. Illustrating a children's book is like running a marathon and a graphic novel is like 10 marathons. You cannot finish one in a couple of all-nighters.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Through urban sketching and my sketchbook. Getting into urban sketching made me remember why I love drawing.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I try to sketch every day.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

People are so supportive. I had a friend send my portfolio to his editor when I was first getting into kid's books and recently, I got a really nice referral from another illustrator for a really cool book. There is so much generosity. I have several groups of artist friends I meet with online and we share our projects and talk about the business.

Recommended reading?

My favorite books growing up were the McCloskey books like Blueberries for Sal and the Francis series by Russell and Lillian Hoban. My current favorites are Dan Santat (Oh No! Or How My Science Project Destroyed the World, Beekle), David Wiesner (Mr. Wuffles is GENIUS), and Aaron Becker (Journey).

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

That is tough to say, I have had the opportunity to work on some really cool books with many amazing authors and teams. I had the opportunity to illustrate the San Diego Zoo's Centennial picture book in 2015 and Sloth's Treehouse Inn is with the same team from the zoo. I also recently illustrated about about Kew Gardens (Return to Kew Gardens) by Marsha Varrow which had really lovely characters and is unique. It was also really exciting to work with Mazza Museum.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started illustrating?

Be patient.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Sloth's Treehouse Inn came out last fall. It is about Santiago the sloth letting all his animal friends live in his tree to escape the destruction of the rainforest. It was so fun to illustrate. Sloths are a favorite animal of mine, I love their faces. The Cincinnati Zoo and the San Diego Zoo have the same species of sloth so I went to the Cincinnati Zoo to sketch and watch them.

Studies for SLOTH’S TREEHOUSE INN by Carrie Hasler, Illustrated by Christina Wald

Interior sketches for SLOTH’S TREEHOUSE INN by Carrie Hasler, Illustrated by Christina Wald

Interior art from SLOTH’S TREEHOUSE INN by Carrie Hasler, Illustrated by Christina Wald

I actually had 4 books (Sloth's Treehouse Inn, Return to Kew Gardens, The Train Rolls On to the North Pole, and Alp Nik) come out late last year. COVID was a crazy time and a bunch was released at once. I also had a book re-release from Storey Publications called The Barnyard.

Interior art from THE TRAIN ROLLS ON TO THE NORTH POLE written by Jodi Adams, Illustrated by Christina Wald

What’s up next for you?

I am finishing Hadori Stands Up by Shari Lyon. Shari wrote the San Diego Zoo Centennial book and this is the 4th in her Read to Me, Sing to Me series. It is about a hippo who stands up to poachers to save her friends. It is a really moody and cool book with a earworm song. It will be available soon through Kickstarter, stay tuned but following my Instagram or blog. I also have two more train books coming up. The latest, The Train Rolls On to the North Pole, came out in fall 2022. The one I am working on is The Train Rolls On to the County Fair. I have a couple more books lined up to be revealed soon.

Interior sketches from Hadori Stands Up written by Shari Lyon, illustrated by Christina Wald

Interior art from Hadori Stands Up written by Shari Lyon, illustrated by Christina Wald

Interior art from Hadori Stands Up written by Shari Lyon, illustrated by Christina Wald

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Keep creating work and stories. Don't get distracted by comparing yourself to other creators online. Focus on the type of art you want to do and love; it is the road to happiness.

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Madeline, of course.

Huge thank you to Christina for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on all your new books!

CHRISTINA WALD is a designer, illustrator, and educator. She has illustrated over 60 picture books, many about animals of all types! She also teaches illustration and narrative story telling at Northern Kentucky University. She loves to travel and sketch all over the world and just got back from New Zealand. Her book Sloth's Treehouse Inn came out in the fall and Sketching Here & Everywhere is out at the end of May. Mazza Museum acquired some of her works a couple years ago for their collection and the Toledo Children's Library also has a piece of her work from Little Red Bat. She lives in Cincinnati, Ohio with her husband and 3 cats.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Christina follow her on online: or follow her on Instagram: @christinawald_art

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of SLOTH’S TREEHOUSE INN, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of SLOTH’S TREEHOUSE INN?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, May 25th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Erin Dealey

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with the immensely talented author Erin Dealey! She’s here today to chat about her newest book, THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK, illustrated by Germán Blanco, publishing with Genius Cat Books this week! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her new book, experience in publishing, and creative process.

So without further ado, please welcome Erin Dealey!

Where do you live?

I live in northern California, halfway between Sacramento and South Lake Tahoe. And yes, we’ve had quite a bit of snow & rain recently but we’re not complaining!

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first book, GOLDIE LOCKS HAS CHICKEN POX, came out when our daughter was in second grade, and now she is a second grade teacher!

How did you first get published?

My path to publication is a slush pile success story. As a high school theater teacher, I wrote skits and plays for my students as well as elementary classes to perform. My first published play was "The Christmas Wrap Rap" in Plays magazine. One day I picked up a YA  novel left behind by one of my drama students and thought, I could do this.  I always told my students to follow their dreams, so I took my own advice. 

I started writing a YA and swapping pages with a fellow teacher, author Anne Martin Bowler. But Annie was having me read a picture book pages while I gave her chapters. This is when Goldie Locks Has Chicken Pox popped into my head. To my surprise it was like writing a skit or play, a story to be performed (or read) aloud and keep "audiences" coming back for more. 

When Goldie was done, I queried two publishers and received a rejection slip right away from one of them. The other editor asked me to send the full manuscript, which I did. During the summer, I run the Theater Department at Sugarloaf Fine Arts Camp, so I truly lost track of how much time had passed. In September, I got a call from a Senior Editor at Atheneum/Simon & Schuster, who eventually offered me a contract. I am forever grateful to Caitlyn Dlouhy for changing my life. (I am proud to say one of my recent books, PETER EASTER FROG, illus. but G.Brian Karas, is a Caitlyn Dlouhy Book/ Atheneum/ Simon & Schuster. We have come full circle!)

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

Yes, now I do—and I am so very grateful!

What inspires you to create picture books?  It feels like all the paths of my crazy life converged when I started writing children’s books. In my opinion, everyone needs to find a way to keep creativity in their lives. I’m so very lucky to have found the world of #kidlit.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I get to play with words, and sometimes they become books; and sometimes those books make children happy; and sometimes I get to meet kids at school visits and on zooms; and sometimes I get to tell them I never thought I would be an author someday; and sometimes there’s a kid who feels the same way.  

What do you find difficult working as an author? Waiting, waiting, WAITING. I get that it’s part of the process, but I was that kid who would turn in an assignment and instantly want to know: “What’d I get?” So this is definitely the hard part. The key is to know you’ve sent the best version of your story (so far), and then trust. Remember that editors, agents, critique partners, Beta readers ALL have busy lives. We’re not the only kids in the family who want attention. Focus on how very lucky we are to be doing this crazy #kidlit thing to begin with. And go write something else while you’re waiting.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?  I have an idea notebook where I write these down, and I try to play with every idea that shows up. Even the craziest ones. I firmly believe that the more you honor those ideas, more will come to you. 

Can you tell us about your newest book? Thanks for asking! THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK (Genius Cat Books, illustrated by Germán Blanco) will release on April 25th! I can’t wait for everyone to meet the half-Birthday buddies, Big, Best, Blinger, and Bright. Let the celebrations begin! The Half Birthday Book is for everyone –any time of the year but especially kids with summer birthdays or birthdays on holidays, who don’t get to celebrate at school. And there are also those who share their birthdays with the BIG holidays…

What’s up next for you?

On July 15th look for CHRISTMAS AHOY! (Illus. Kayla Stark / Sleeping Bear), a counting book about a lighted holiday boat parade, with a different kind of boat on each spread, and possibly a missing Santa. (Oh no!) If that sounds like a very early release date for a holiday book, the goal is to get the buzz going so that bookstores will carry it for the holidays. I’ve seen the illustrations and they’re so much fun! 

After that, there’s a hasn’t-been-announced picture book coming in 2024 with Sleeping Bear, as well as more happy book news to come! 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Thanks so much for having me on your Critter Lit blog, Lindsay. 

Another key factor in navigating this crazy #kidlit world of ours is to find your community. Find ways to lift each other up. Share each other’s successes and the not-so-successful times too, and NEVER compare your path to someone else’s. There is no “right way.” Take the time to find your way. You’ve got this!

Huge thank you to Erin for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your newest book!

Erin Dealey's original career goal was Olympic Gold Medal tetherball player. When that didn't pan out, she became a teacher, theater director, actor, mom, screenwriter, and author of over a dozen children’s books (so far), including DEAR EARTH…From Your Friends in Room 5 (Harper Collins/ Illus. Luisa Uribe), and the upcoming HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK (Genius Cat / Illus. Germán Blanco) & CHRISTMAS AHOY! (Sleeping Bear/ Illus. Kayla Stark). She lives in northern California with her husband, and welcomes any opportunity to visit schools around the world. You can find her online at and on social media as @ErinDealey. (She will follow you back!) 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Erin follow her on online:

You can find #BookBirthday interviews on Erin’s blog. As well as extensions for her books at  

Twitter @ErinDealey

Insta: erindealey

Pinterest Erin Dealey 

FB Erin Dealey

Find Erin’s Reading Song and Freebies at Dealey/Links 

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of THE HALF BIRTHDAY BOOK?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, May 4th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author + Illustrator Jane Smith Part 2

Authors + Illustrators, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Author and illustrator Jane Smith is back with us today, and I couldn’t be more excited because her new book, NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT!, is absolutely hilarious, silly, and full of lots of giggles— my favorite kind! (To read our first interview with Jane, click here.) Jane is here to talk to us about her new book, process, and approach to creativity.

So without further ado, please welcome back Jane Smith!

It’s great to have you back!

Thank you so much, Lindsay! I’m thrilled to pieces to be here chatting about my hilarious new children’s book, Naked Butt Busts Out!

 Tell us about your latest book.

Naked Butt Busts Out! is a laugh-out-loud picture book about being true to yourself. The story follows the cheeky little bunny, Naked Butt, who just want to be himself. But for Naked Butt, being yourself, means literally baring it all, and he discovers that everyone wants him to cover up his tail again! Especially his momma. So, he tries this best to keep his true self tucked under shirts and shorts, but when his clothes start feeling itchier and scratchier and tighter and tighter, Naked Butt can’t keep himself under wraps anymore—he BUSTS out! And to everyone’s surprise, Naked Butt’s hilarious city streak shows momma that standing out in the crowd isn’t just a good thing, it’s a lifesaver, and that being yourself can inspire others to uncover a whole new view of the world, too.

Interior art from NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT! by Jane Smith

Interior art from NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT! by Jane Smith

 What inspired you to create this book?

Naked Butt Busts Out! was inspired by the universal experience of kiddos just not wanting to get dressed!! This is such a hilariously familiar developmental stage for the age range that hits the picture book sweet spot that it felt like a solid heart for a story. And when I married it to the metaphorical concept of being yourself equaling being naked, the whole book began to come together.

Interior art from NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT! by Jane Smith

 Can you tell us a bit about your creative process? How do you approach new ideas?

I like to have multiple books projects in-progress at any given time! I generally work on a story as long and as far as I know what to do with it. Then I put it away and pick up another WIP, and then switch back later once I’ve thought thru what comes next. I find that the time away in-between intense bursts of activity on developing a project is actually the secret magic ingredient that brings it altogether and fuels my creative process.

I approach new ideas both playfully and seriously! Seriously in that I always right them down—no matter how ridiculous or off-the-wall. And playfully in that I like to give myself feel reign to explore an idea by doodling—maybe characters or little bits or bobs from the ideas—and by brainstorming word lists—like free word associations, little one liners of text, etc. Usually, it’s thru this exploration that I discover if I have the heart of something true that I can continue to build on.

 How do you shake the rust off when you feel stuck creatively? 

I have lots of little tricks for this—taking a walk, doing a little yoga, mediating, reading, going to the bookstore or library, watching a movie or TV show, baking, cooking a new recipe, visiting a friend who lives close by, calling a friend who lives far away, doodling with no expectations. And if all else fails, take a nap!!

 What do you find inspiring right now?

 Right now, I’m very inspired by the wide world of indie publishing possibilities available to authors and illustrators! I think in an industry where the labors of creative professionals are very undervalued, while also being the bedrock of the whole industry, it is exciting that indie publishing provides affordable, accessible opportunities to take the reins as both creative artists and professional businesspeople.

 Any new books that you are loving right now?

Two books I read recently that I can’t stop thinking about are: Demon Copperhead by Barbara Kingsolver (newly released last fall) and The Haunting of Hill House by Shirley Jackson (classic published in 1959). Both are gorgeously written and stay with you long after you finish the final page.

 What’s up next for you?

 More children’s books!!! I can’t share any details yet, but I’m excited, so stay tuned…

 Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Your creative work is meaningful! Your creative effort is meaningful! But it will never matter MORE to anyone else than it does to YOU. So do not ever shy away from being your own best advocate, regardless of whether or not you’re agented, regardless of whether or not you’re traditionally published.

And last, but not least, favorite book character?

This is so hard! I have so many favorites! Ha ha! Ok—today I’m going to say Max and Ruby from Rosemary Well’s beloved series. How can you not adore this hilarious pair?!

Huge thank you to Jane for stopping by Critter Lit today! It was so great to catch up with you and hear about your hilarious new book! Congrats!

JANE SMITH is the author-illustrator of nine children’s picture books, including the popular Chloe Zoe series, Hello, New House and Miss Meow. Naked Butt Busts Out! is her first self-published title. Jane enjoys knock-knock jokes, cartoons and making kiddos laugh. She lives in sun-kissed Wilmington, North Carolina with her husband and super star daughter.

FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT JANE SMITH follow her on social media:

 • Web Site:

• Instagram & Facebook: @SuperJaneSmith

• Twitter: @SuperJaneArtist

• Goodreads:

• Super Readers Club Newsletter:

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT!, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of NAKED BUTT BUSTS OUT?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, April 6th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author Ratha Tep

Authors + Illustrators, Interviews, Debut Interviews, AuthorsLindsay Ward7 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author, Ratha Tep, whose debut book, WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT, illustrated by Camilla Pintonato, published with Princeton Architectural Press last year. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her road to publication, process, and debut book!

So without further ado, please welcome Ratha Tep!

Where do you live?

After spending many years in New York City, and a four-year jaunt in Switzerland, I now live in Dublin, in a 180-year-old house by the sea.

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I’ve never wanted to be anything but a writer. My parents only read me a handful of picture books when I was a child, though, so I never thought about the genre until I was pregnant with my first child, and was gifted Where the Wild Things Are. That was my first time reading it, in my 30s, and I was blown away. It really opened up a new world, and showed me the extraordinary possibilities of the picture book. The artwork is, of course, phenomenal, but what I love even more is the layered text and its gorgeous rhythm. The book does so much with so few words, and really gets to the heart of a universal experience in a novel way. I’ve wanted to write my own picture books ever since.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

While I had dabbled with the thought of writing picture books for a few years, life sort of got in the way. My children were still very young, and I was also contributing to the New York Times, and other newspapers and magazines. I would say I first seriously thought about picture book writing in 2019, when I went to London to take a Guardian Masterclass on the subject. I had written one story at that point. But it wasn’t until a year later that I really hunkered down and went “all-in.” I joined SCBWI, and a critique group, and showed my stories to friends for feedback. I got very lucky in that my wonderful agent, Debbie Bibo, saw promise in Wally. She paired me up with the super talented illustrator, Camilla Pintonato, who really brought the manuscript to life. She infused the book with so much energy and humor. Having Wally poke out from the page? Brilliant! 

Can you share a bit about your process?

I don’t think I have much of a process. But I have come to learn that for every great story, there are probably a dozen if not more stories that have led up to it. In the Guardian Masterclass I took, I think it was the writer, Alex Milway, who said that your first story probably won’t be accepted, but maybe your twelfth might be. What I do now is have several different stories going on at once. And whenever I have a kernel of an idea, say, if I’m out doing something with my kids, I’ll email it to myself as a note. Sometimes a spark is all it takes! 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Listen to my kids! Wally literally came from my older daughter’s first experience with playing the piano at age 6. She started claiming—without seeing anyone else play—that she was the world’s greatest piano player. I thought it was both hilarious and exactly the kind of hyperbolic statement only a kid could make.

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

Make coffee. Emphasis on the making—not drinking. I literally make about five cups of coffee a day because I remember to only drink about a third of each cup before it gets cold.

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

I run a picture book recommendation site called Max’s Boat where I ask other writers and illustrators this very question, and am always learning about new (and old) books to dig into. There are so many authors that inspire me for different reasons that I don’t even know where to begin! So perhaps I’ll leave it at Maurice Sendak. 

Dream project to work on?

My next book!

Tell us about your debut book.

Wally LOVES playing the piano, and starts claiming—without seeing anyone else play— that he’s the world’s greatest piano-playing wombat. So imagine his surprise when he realizes that there’s another piano-playing wombat who can play better than he can! Wally adds tap-dancing to his routine, then ball-twirling—just to be able to call himself the world’s greatest anything. But this other wombat outdoes him each and every time! Wally deals with the big and complicated feelings of envy and the all too human (or wombat-esque) desire to be the best—in a fun, madcap kind of way.

Interior art from WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT by Ratha Tep, illustrated by Camilla Pintonato, published by Princeton Architectural Press

Interior art from WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT by Ratha Tep, illustrated by Camilla Pintonato, published by Princeton Architectural Press

Interior art from WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT by Ratha Tep, illustrated by Camilla Pintonato, published by Princeton Architectural Press

What’s up next for you?

While Wally came out in North America in October, it’s only coming out in Ireland and the UK in April. I’ve never actually seen it in a bookstore yet, so seeing it on a shelf will be a thrilling sight! I also have a bunch of school and library visits lined up, and I’m really excited to finally get to share Wally in person!

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Amos McGee. I normally love humorous picture books but A Sick Day for Amos McGee is just quietly perfect. And for their cameo roles, the stick insect in Mina by Matthew Forsythe and the family of beetles in The Little Wooden Robot and the Log Princess by Tom Gauld.

Huge thank you to Ratha for stopping by CritterLit today! Congrats on your debut!

RATHA TEP was born in Cambodia and grew up in New York City, where her childhood consisted of, among other things, walking her rabbit on a leash on the concrete sidewalks, and weekly visits to the Children’s Reading Room at the Donnell Library. She went on to get degrees in English and in Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, and has also taken writing workshops and classes at Brown University and the New School.

 Ratha is a frequent contributor to The New York Times. Her work has also appeared in print and online for publications such as The Wall Street Journal, T: The New York Times Style Magazine, Travel + Leisure, Afar, and Food & Wine, where she was an editor for seven years. Ratha has reported from New York, Paris, Milan, London, Zurich and Basel. She is now looking to create new worlds of her own, in which animal characters navigate their foibles and frailties with humor and spirit.

​Ratha is happily settled in a 180-year-old house in Dublin filled with books and creaky floorboards. She loves, in no particular order, Sunday roasts with her family, curling up to read with her girls in the evening (and morning), and weeping willow trees. She recently started Max’s Boat, a picture book recommendation site where writers and illustrators share their favorite titles.
Her first picture book is about a wombat named Wally, who was the World’s Greatest Piano-Playing Wombat, until he realized he wasn’t.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Ratha or her book, visit her online or follow her on social media:







WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of WALLY THE WORLD’S GREATEST PIANO-PLAYING WOMBAT?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 23rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Glenys Nellist Part 3

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I’m thrilled to have Glenys Nellist with us again today to talk about her latest book, WHEREVER YOU ARE, illustrated by Sian James, which just published with Beaming books last month. WHEREVER YOU ARE is absolutely stunning and lovely and I can wait for you all to take a peek.

So without further ado, please welcome Glenys Nellist!

It’s great to have you back!

It’s great to BE back, Lindsay! Thanks for having me.

Tell us about your latest book.

Published by Beaming Books and beautifully illustrated by Sian James, Wherever You Are explores the simple, but powerful premise… wherever you are, God is there.

I love that WHEREVER YOU ARE is so universal. It relates to so many situations and moments in life. What inspired you to create this book?

My inspiration came from a little moment I shared with my grandson eight years ago. He stood by the window watching the snow gently fall, and he was so still and quiet that I took a photo. After a moment, he turned to me and asked, in his three-year-old voice, Where’s God? I never imagined that this little moment would one day become the inspiration for a picture book, but it just goes to show that ordinary moments can become extraordinary.

With such an open-ended theme for WHEREVER YOU ARE, how did you organize the text for this book? Did you make a list of situations you wanted to weave together? What was your writing process like?

I knew that I wanted to start by referencing that little moment I shared with my grandson, and so the book begins in this way: God is in the whisper of the gently falling snow.. God is in the daffodil as she begins to grow. As soon as I started writing, the text just seemed to flow organically, without any kind of list. I didn’t really include any specific situations (all the ones you’ll see were created by the wonderful illustrator, Sian James.) Instead, I simply focused on exploring the fact that no matter where we are, or what we’re doing; no matter what time of day or night; no matter how we’re feeling… in happy times or sad times, in good times or bad times, God is with us. In this way, it was my goal to reassure the reader that God is with us in every physical space in which we find ourselves and every emotional space too.

Do you have a favorite spread in WHEREVER YOU ARE? If so, why is it your favorite?

Can I pick two? The first is the one featuring my grandson watching the snowfall. Can you believe that I was able to share the photo I’d taken that day with Sian James, and she used it as the basis for one of the first illustration in the book? 

Interior art from WHEREVER YOU ARE by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sian James, published by Beaming Books

The second is also based on a true incident. One autumn day, I was out raking leaves in the street with my neighbor, and I had such a powerful sense of God’s presence all around that I wanted to include that in the book too. I just knew, that day, that God was in the leaves, in the wind, in the sunshine, and most of all, in my neighbor. Sian used my photographs of our street to faithfully depict that little moment, and she even included the fire hydrant at the bottom of our driveaway! Here’s me and my neighbor raking leaves:

Interior art from WHEREVER YOU ARE by Glenys Nellist, illustrated by Sian James, published by Beaming Books

As an author, do you get to weigh in on the illustration process with your publisher?

Normally, no! It is my job to write the words, and the illustrator’s job, under the direction of the publisher, to create the illustrations. What a joy, then, to be able to collaborate with Sian James, via my editor, so that those special moments could be included.

What are some of your favorite picture books right now?

I am loving the recently published Sparrow’s Prayer, a title exploring all the different ways to pray, by Roger Hutchison, and Grandpa’s Window, a gentle book on grief, by Laura Gehl. 

What’s up next for you?

I’ll be releasing two more titles this year. Later in the summer, Little Mole is back in the fourth installment of his popular series! Published by Beaming Books. Little Mole Gives Thanks releases in August, and then in October I have a board book publishing with Zonderkidz called Read and Rhyme: The First Christmas. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I’d love to share a word of encouragement about Imposter Syndrome, and the importance of battling it. I never, ever thought that I would one day be the author of over thirty books for children. So convinced was I, that I wasn’t good enough to be an author, that I gave up on my first book halfway through. If I hadn’t finished that book, I wouldn’t now be the author of all those other titles. So…whether you aspire to be an author or an illustrator, don’t quit! Work hard, keep going, improve your craft and chase those dreams—because dreams do come true.  

Huge thank you to Glenys for stopping by Critter Lit today! Thank you for your wonderful insight and advice. It’s always lovely to have you. Congrats on your beautiful new book and exciting upcoming projects!

GLENYS NELLIST  is the author of over thirty children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas  and the popular series Love Letters from God  and Snuggle Time. Her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Glenys, visit her online at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of WHEREVER YOU ARE, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of WHEREVER YOU ARE from Beaming Books?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 16th! US addresses only please.

DOUBLE Interview with Best Friends and Author/Illustrators Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal!

Authors + Illustrators, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward1 Comment

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a DOUBLE interview with real life besties Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal! I’ve been a long time fan of their individual books— they are STUNNING and you should check them out immediately here and here if you haven’t already. I’m so excited to have them BOTH with us today to talk about their road to publication, creative process, and their newest book, I DON’T CARE, written by Julie Fogliano, published with Neal Porter Books this past November, which Molly and Juana illustrated together.

So without further ado, please welcome Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal!

Where do you live?

As we are two, we’ll answer in a world-class-ping-pong game style!

Juana: I live in small coastal town in Southeastern Connecticut. Before moving here in February of 2021, I always lived in the city. I love small town living!

Molly: I can see why you do! Your small town is completely and utterly charming! It aaaaalmost makes me want to move there too… but right now the weather here in Arizona is perfect. 70 degrees in February. Ask me again in July :)

How many years have you been in publishing?

J: Let me see… I decided to start making children’s books in October of 2005. That does not mean I was published, but that I was determined to be. So, what? Seventeen and a half years here and counting. Moll?

M: Almost the same! I left animation with the idea that I’d like to start writing and illustrating in 2003. So… 20 years now?! Eek! 

How did you first get published?

J: My work was first published by educational and small publishers. It is not until July of 2016 that I was published by one of the “Big-Five” (four now?) here in the United States. It was “La Madre Goose: A Nursery Rhymes for los Niños”, written by Susan Middleton Elya, published by Putnam/Penguin Random House.

M: We’re on the same page again! After years of juggling small illustration jobs, and caring for small people as a new mom, Penguin Random House gave me my first big break too! Viking Children’s Books published Tea Rex, in 2013. 

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

J & M: Yes, we do!

What inspires you to create picture books?

M: I love creating and exploring the relationships between characters. In the process I not only get to know and better understand them, I get to know and better understand myself too. 

J: And I make books about finding our own selves, our identities, our places in the world, the reason why we are in this world. That’s a constant personal search and what drives me to make new work.

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

M: Ooooo, there are so many that it’s hard to pick a favorite! One of the things I love most is the feeling when something ineffable falls into place. Like when I’m sketching and sketching, trying to capture the essence of a character and then, suddenly, find them—“There you are! It’s you!”

J: I agree with Molly. That’s an amazing moment! I love being able to create the worlds that we want to see exist.

What do you find difficult working as an author/illustrator?

M: DeadlinesThey’re my Achilles heel!

J: We are best friends for a reason! My biggest challenge is that we create our own schedules. It can be a trap when you are so easily distracted.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

M: For rust, I recommend WD40 — it really helps get things moving. For ideas, I recommend work. I used to worry all the time that I’d run out of new ideas. But then I noticed that as soon as I wrapped up one story another idea would present itself! Finishing one seems to get things moving for another. Work is the WD40 of my mind!

J: As I was saying, I can get distracted and bored easily which is the reason why I’m a mixed media artist. If I use different ways of making the art, I have to be present while I’m solving this new puzzle. A new puzzle I just made for myself.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

J: Same answer as above but with a contradictory twist, I need routine. Having my quiet walks outside, listening to my favorite music, making art in a room where natural light floods the space are all a-must. 

M: Same. I love new puzzles, but I love to them with a fresh cuppa coffee in my favorite mug, next to my pencils organized by color, with my work mix playing, next to the sunny window… no wonder we’re besties!

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

J: I have to say meeting Molly Idle. Have you met her? She’s pretty amazing!

M: Jinx! I was going to say meeting YOU!!!

Recommended reading?


M: A Polar Bear In the Snow, by Mac Barnett and Shawn Harris

J: What is Love?, by Mac Barnett and Carson Ellis

M: Kafka and the Doll, by Larissa Theule and Rebecca Green (I’m so glad you introduced me to this one, Juana!)

J: I love that book! Give it a second read and then read I Talk Like A River, by Jordan Scott and Sydney Smith. 

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

M:  I mean, we could say winning Caldecotts…that feels like bragging. But it was incredible to have our books honored! 

J:  They were a huge recognition for our work. Hooray for awards!

M: And Hooray for teachers, and librarians, and Readers!

J: Yes!!!

Can you tell us about your newest book?

J & M: Our newest book is “I Don’t Care”, written by Julie Fogliano and published by Neal Porter Books. We co-illustratred the book, a process that was both scary and fantastic at the same time. We have been critique partners for years but not until this story that we had worked on a book together! 

Juana’s Favorite Interior Illustration from I DON’T CARE, written by Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal, published by Neal Porter Books

Molly’s Favorite Interior Illustration from I DON’T CARE, written by Julie Fogliano, illustrated by Molly Idle and Juana Martinez-Neal, published by Neal Porter Books

What’s up next for you?

J & M: We’re making more books together, and we’re each making board books too!

J: Alma’s Words, two new bilingual board books, are releasing September 5, 2023: Alma and Her Family and Alma, Head to Toe, with two more books coming in 2024.

M: And I have Flora and Friends ABCs, publishing October 10, 2023, with an entire flock of new bird buddies, and Flora and Friends Colors flying off shelves in 2024!

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

J: Making children’s books requires drive, determination, and a thick skin. It is a matter of when, not if , it will happen. Your time will come!

M: Agreed! That’s one of the nicest things about the publishing industry. There’s no limit on how many stories can be told. If you make good work- there’s a place for it. There’s always room for one more!

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

J: If I have to pick just one, it is The Little Prince from El Principito (The Little Prince). 

M: One?! I’ll pick two: Toot and Puddle. Two best friends who are very different and very similar at the same time. Remind you of anybody?

HUGE THANK YOU to Molly and Juana for stopping by CritterLit today! It was truly an honor!

MOLLY IDLE is the author and illustrator of the Caldecott Honor–winning book Flora and the Flamingo. She is also the creator of Tea Rex, the mermaid tales Pearl and Coral, and Witch Hazel. Molly lives with her fabulous family in Tempe, Arizona—where she can most often be found with a cup of espresso in one hand and a pencil in the other, scribbling away on her next book. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Molly or her work visit or follow her on social media:

@mollyidle on Instagram

@mollyidle on Twitter

JUANA MARTINEZ-NEAL is the author and illustrator of the Caldecott Honor–winning book Alma and How She Got Her Name. She also illustrated New York Times bestselling picture book Tomatoes for Neela by Padma Lakshmi; Fry Bread: A Native American Family Story by Kevin Noble Maillard, which won a Robert F. Sibert Medal; and La Princesa and the Pea by Susan Middleton Elya, for which she won a Pura Belpré Illustrator Award. Juana Martinez-Neal lives in Connecticut with her family. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Juana or her work, visit or follow her on social media:

@juanamartinezn on Instagram

@juanamartinez on Twitter

Check out I DON’T CARE on the Holiday House website here or follow on social media: @holidayhousebks on all platforms.

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of I DON’T CARE click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of I DON’T CARE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 23rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Illustrator BlueBean

Illustrators, debut interviewLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with illustrator BlueBean, visiting with us all the way from Malaysia. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her creative process and new book, THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, which just published with Starry Forest Books this month!

So without further ado, please welcome BlueBean!

Where do you live?

Hello! I am BlueBean. I’m from Malaysia. Recently, I moved to a new town far away from the city and work in my home studio.

How many years have you been in publishing?

Three years and counting.

How did you first get published?

I feel happy that I got an offer from the client which is a sweet start for me.

Do you illustrate full-time?

Yep, I am a full-time illustrator. I worked as a concept artist at an animation studio before becoming a freelance illustrator. I spent many years exploring different paths, including teaching, working in the wild, picking fruit, and growing avocados. These are the things that inspire me to keep creating. After my last job at the capsicum greenhouse, I started drawing again, and a few months later, I got a chance to draw my first picture book.

What inspires you to create picture books?

I love books! Children's picture books have always been one of my favorite books to collect. Maybe it counts as one of the reasons? :D

What surprised you the most working as an illustrator?

I think illustrating a book is something I never dreamed of! I love how my art came out on the spreads and tells a story with the colors. Currently, I want to create more lovely picture books and it is one of my big goals! 

What is your favorite thing about being an illustrator?

Creating things and enjoying what I’m doing.

What do you find difficult working as an illustrator?

Creating things and enjoying what I’m doing. Yep, the same answer as the previous question. I have to admit nothing I enjoy is easy, which is why I feel more fulfilled every time I complete a challenging task.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I do other things. Writing, baking, traveling, and hopping into a nice cafe for food and good vibes. And, I play games and badminton sports!

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Most of the time, I will set a goal first before the creativity comes to life, like planning what value I want to bring out, or how the arts would affect others. Then, I sketch the idea and also research it.

Interior sketch from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

Interior art from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

Interior sketch from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

Interior art from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I’ve met super nice and talented people, including book illustrator friends, although I have to say that I am actually a very shy person. For this book title, the whole project was challenging, yet I appreciated having the creative freedom given by the Starry Forest team to make the best work I could.

Recommended reading?

Jimmy Liao from Taiwan impressed me a lot since I was a teenager. His arts are quiet, yet so vivid and emotional. I have always loved his books, especially The Sound of Colors: A Journey of the Imagination. The illustrations are just phenomenal and filled with details.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

This “The Way We Say Hello” book of course is one of the most exciting picture books I have drawn. Since the illustrations are created in gouache and digitally, it's also the first book I have drawn in traditional media, this was the hard part, and it took me a lot of courage to take the first step. I first painted my book spread with gouache, then digitally touched up the painting and finished it.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started illustrating?

Honestly, I don’t know. But if I’m thinking now, I hope to receive any kind of positive words! They are meant for me! And I love good advice from great people or leaders. Sometimes, I may feel lost and I will need guidance.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

First of all, I would like to thank Lindsay for having me in this interview. This book is a lovely book, written by Andrea Denish, and everyone is welcome to read it, whether you are an adult or young! I also read this story to my cat, Yibby who I brought home for New Year's and it was a great welcome gift for her.

Here’s a bit about the book:

A young child searches for the best way to welcome a new baby to their family as they ask, "A special day. A special place. How will you greet a special face?" With rhyming text, heartwarming art, and educational facts about cultures and customs around the world, The Way We Say Hello takes you as far as Tibet and as near as your front yard as you learn greeting after greeting.

Along the way, you'll also discover how to welcome the world into your heart in different languages, gestures, and places. You can say "namaste," "howdy," or "annyeong." You can use traditional greetings like the Māori hongi or European cheek kisses. You can use sign language to greet those who are hard of hearing, or send a card to someone far away.

Perfect for new big siblings, baby showers, and kids curious about different cultures and languages. There are so many ways to greet someone new, no matter where they're from or what language they speak--so how will YOU say hello?

Interior art from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

Interior art from THE WAY WE SAY HELLO, written by Andrea Denish, illustrated by BlueBean, published by Starry Forest Books

What’s up next for you?

Currently, I am working in an upcoming art gallery in a bookstore. Stay in touch with my social pages, where I’m always sharing news. At the same time, warmly welcome you to visit my online shop at

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

“Love what you do! Do what you love!” These are the words that popped into my head. I know that sometimes we are asked to choose between two options. But I hope that in the adult world, we wouldn’t have to select a single answer to a multiple-choice question—we can always do our best to balance many aspects at the same time.

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

I must say is the main little girl with a bubble ponytail! I hope everyone can feel her cuteness and sweetness!

Huge thank you to BlueBean for stopping by Critter Lit today!

BLUEBEAN 蓝豆, is an artist and book illustrator from Kuala Lumpur. Her real name is Angela. She is currently working in her home studio where she creates all the illustrations and goodies.

Her paintings' inspiration comes from the beauty and harmony of nature. She loves the calm feeling and whimsical stories with cute and quirky fellows. While characters with tiny paws are her huge sparks, she admires all kinds of creatures in the wilderness.

Her arts appear in picture books, animation, music videos, and advertisements. She also has a small online shop selling products that she makes.

Spending most of the time creating, BlueBean jumps around for stores and wonder. She enjoys good movies, and music and is a huge book lover. Sometimes she attends art events and mostly has a tea party with forest buddies.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about BlueBean or her work, visit her online:



Online store:

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of Bluebean’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of THE WAY WE SAY HELLO?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 16th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author and Illustrator Becky Gehrisch

Authors + Illustrators, Debut InterviewsLindsay WardComment

Happy Tuesday Critters! This week we have TWO fabulous interviews. Today we have a debut author and illustrator whose book, ESCAPE TO PLAY, released with Bookling Media in 2021. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her books, creative process, and upcoming projects.

So without further ado, please welcome Becky Gehrisch!

Where do you live?

I live in Delaware, Ohio. It is a picturesque Midwestern small town where I have found an abundance of inspiration for my art!

When did you know you wanted to write/illustrate picture books?

The interest has been stronger at some points in my life than others. When I was thirteen, I participated in a written and illustrated program, creating a picture book for competition. In my book jacket flap about the author, I wrote that I was considering writing and illustrating picture books as a career! It is funny now how it has come full circle!

In high school I focused on marching band and playing the clarinet, but art came back into my life at The Ohio State University. There, I fell in love with fine art and especially illustration and art history. I graduated with an art degree but didn’t quite know what I would do with it. After graduation, and moving to Delaware, Ohio, I began to paint for myself instead of for an assignment. I gave myself permission to create a silly, whimsical illustration of my dogs in the bathtub. That was the beginning of my debut picture book, Escape to Play

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

After completing that silly painting of my dogs, I made another, then another. I felt this could be a great idea for a picture book. However, I needed to learn how the publishing industry worked to make that dream come true. 

I spent years learning from industry experts, authors, and illustrators in the Central and Southern Ohio chapter of The Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators ( In addition, I frequented Twitter writing communities, submitting to critiques, and creating multiple picture book manuscripts. All the while, I continued to prune and polish what would become Escape to Play.

Can you share a bit about your process?

Escape to Play was unique, in that, as my first picture book, I learned a great deal in the process. Ideally, my process is to create a manuscript and then add the illustrations. With my first book, I created some illustrations and then put to words, in poetry, the perspective of three rowdy dogs and their adventure on the farm. 

My acrylic paintings began as an idea. From scratch I would lay out a perspective drawing, adding in elements for the scene- a tractor, a truck, a piano, and a lake. I then built the rest of the world. Adding layer upon layer of acrylic, each painting took roughly 40 hours to create. It was a very long project, but I loved almost every minute!

When I was studying Renaissance art history, I found it fascinating how artists used the triangle in their compositions. With three dogs as my subjects, I placed them on the page to mirror this design dynamic. Other objects in the same illustration are used similarly to pattern the triangle shape.

Interior art from ESCAPE TO PLAY written and illustrated by Becky Gehrisch, published by Bookling Media

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I can always rely on nature to bring inspiration! A breath of fresh air, a walk in the woods, or even relaxing on the front porch will rejuvenate my creativity. In addition, music is my immediate go-to for a pick-me-up. I am not sure how I would get through an artwork and the frustration it brings, without music to carry me along.

I love to be nonsensical. I may have watched Disney’s Alice in Wonderland one too many times, but I thrive on the absurd. Most of my story and illustration ideas either come from dreams or silly sessions with my family. I will say whatever comes to mind and play with those ideas. I often don’t feel like the idea is wholly mine, but rather something that just came to me.

Anything you can’t live without while you write/draw?

I require focus, music, and quiet space to create. Recently, I started posting “trust the process” on my worktable or easel. I tend to forget going into a new piece that it will be a mess for a while before it looks good! An upbeat music playlist is a must. Sometimes a podcast or a movie playing in the background are good enough. A good chunk of time is important, too! If the kids or daytime is too chaotic, I will work late into the night for the best focus. Once I’m in the groove with these things, I am lost in my work and time does not exist.

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

There are too many to mention, but some of the earliest inspirational author/illustrators are both Chris Van Allsburg and David Wiesner for their realistic and detailed style. Currently, Dan Santat has been a great inspiration in how I plan a picture book layout. 

Dream project to work on?

I am excited to work on a picture book draft that I began in 2017. I won’t say too much about it, but I even took myself to Paris, France, to research the Eiffel Tower. The idea has not let me rest and I will stop in the oddest of places, to write down a new scene for it. The characters swim in my mind and it would be good for me to finally work on it!

Tell us about your debut book.

Escape to Play is a tale of three rambunctious dogs who escape to play while the farmer is away for the day. They explore each farmhouse room and exterior space, making a mess everywhere they go. The reader is left to imagine how the farmer will have to clean their disastrous mischief. 

I included a little mouse, Norman, for kids to find on each page. In addition, there are twelve real-life, classic artworks on the farmhouse walls.

The back pages of the book share the artworks, questions, and art tidbits for kids to learn about! This has been a great element to have added for parents, teachers, and librarians to use for educational purposes.

What’s up next for you?

My publishing company, Bookling Media, will be choosing an author-illustrator to work with to publish their own work this year. In addition, I will work on my own book ideas and continue to teach and present to young and older audiences!

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

My favorite children’s book character as a child were the Berenstain Bears and the little critters. Amelia Bedelia is also amazing. I completely relate to her misinterpretations of things! More current characters that I love are the Pout-Pout Fish and Llama from the Llama, Llama series. I love a relatable character who isn’t perfect.

Huge thank you to Becky for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

Becky Gehrisch is an author, illustrator, and entrepreneur. Her debut picture book, Escape to Play, launched in 2021. Between picture book projects, she works as a portrait artist and manages her new publishing company, Bookling Media LLC. When she is not creating art, she speaks at schools, bookstores, and other venues. She is living her childhood dream by creating art and picture books that bring joy to the world.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Becky and her work, visit her online:

@GehrischArts (all platforms)

@booklingmedia (all platforms)

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of Becky’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of ESCAPE TO PLAY?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 16th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Emma Pearl

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward1 Comment

Happy Friday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Emma Pearl who is with us today all the way from New Zealand! I’m thrilled to have Emma with us today to talk about her writing process, start in publishing, and new book, MENDING THE MOON, illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, which came out with Page Street Kids this past November.

So without further ado, please welcome Emma Pearl!

Where do you live?

New Zealand – in a tiny rural community in Taranaki (in the west of the North Island), but I grew up in England and have spent most of my adult life either traveling or ping-ponging between the UK and NZ.

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I’ve always written stories. Roald Dahl was my great uncle (and dedicated The Twits to me when I was 7 years old!), so I had plenty of inspiration to become an author! I worked in children’s publishing for a while in my twenties and that reinforced my love of children’s literature, but it wasn’t until I had my own kids that I really began to focus on writing it. I also write middle grade and young adult novels – it just happened that a picture book text was the first one to be picked up by a publisher.

 Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

I began writing seriously in 2017, learning the craft and connecting with a wonderful online writing community. I started out writing a YA novel and then an MG, with a smattering of picture book manuscripts in between. I was selected as a WriteMentor mentee in 2020 for my MG novel and that was a huge confidence boost as well as a great learning experience. In October 2020, I entered #PBPitch and got a like for one of my picture books from Kayla Tostevin at Page Street Kids. We did a few rounds of revisions before I received an official book deal. It was all very exciting and unexpected, and I was so humbled and grateful. But it also felt a bit back-to-front – a book deal before I found an agent? I wasn’t sure how to deal with that and imposter syndrome was very real! But I kept plugging away – I focused on picture books in 2021, wrote many more texts and got a second book deal with the same publisher. I was also a WriteMentor mentor in 2021 and 2022 – a joyous experience where I learnt just as much being on the other end of the process. I wrote another YA novel towards the end of 2021 and signed with my agent in June 22. The novel is about to go out on submission!

 Can you share a bit about your process?

I write as often as I can, and I manage to squeeze in at least a couple of hours most days, although it’s not always writing per se – there’s so much peripheral stuff to do and never enough time! I have many different projects on the go at any one time, but when I’m in novel-writing mode I try to focus on that one thing until the first draft is completed.

 What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I already have far too many ideas to turn into stories in one lifetime, thanks to many years of collecting them. I also have many projects that I’ve started but not finished, so if ever I feel rusty or lacking in inspiration I just read through my files until something shouts WRITE ME! If you’re struggling to generate new ideas, I recommend Tara Lazar’s Storystorm – it really helps to tune your mind into seeing story ideas everywhere.

 Anything you can’t live without while you write?

A keyboard. I often write notes by hand but the actual drafting has to be done on a computer of some kind. When I’m ‘in the zone’, the words flow from my fingers almost automatically, but that doesn’t happen when I’m writing by hand.

 Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Pat Zietlow Miller is a masterclass of picture book writing – I’ve learnt so much just by reading her texts. I also love Joanna Ho’s writing, Tom Percival’s books, Deborah Marcero and the O’Hara sisters.

 Tell us about your debut book.

Mending the Moon is the story of a little girl called Luna who sees the moon fall out of the sky one night. She drags her grandfather Poppa out of bed and they go out into the mountain forest where shattered pieces of the moon are glowing in the dark. They try to fix it together, but they need help from the animals before they can repair the moon and get it back into the sky. It’s beautifully illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, who has given it a truly magical setting and atmosphere.

Interior art from MENDING THE MOON by Emma Pearl, Illustrated by Sara Ugolotti published by Page Street Kids

Interior art from MENDING THE MOON by Emma Pearl, Illustrated by Sara Ugolotti published by Page Street Kids

Interior art from MENDING THE MOON by Emma Pearl, Illustrated by Sara Ugolotti published by Page Street Kids

 What’s up next for you?

Another story with the same characters will be published in September. In Saving the Sun, Luna, Poppa and the animals on the tropical island where they’re on vacation have to rescue the sun after it gets too hot and decides to go for a dip in the ocean. Sara’s illustrations are stunning again, with the warm summery vibes perfectly complementing the cold wintery mood of Mending the Moon. I’m so thrilled with how it’s turned out and can’t wait to share it!

 I also have a YA novel about to go out on submission, so will be tightly crossing my fingers and toes for that.

 And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

I think it has to be Matilda. I’ve always felt a great affinity with her for many reasons (not least that I think my great uncle may have based Miss Trunchbull loosely on one of my teachers!). Matilda is such an inspirational, strong female character – she’s clever, kind and brave. And of course, she’s a bookworm, which may be the reason for her extraordinariness and also makes her very relatable (to me anyway!).

Huge thank you to Emma for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut! We can’t wait to see SAVING THE SUN!

EMMA PEARL has written stories for as long as she can remember. She grew up in the UK, traveled the world and now lives with her family in New Zealand. Mending the Moon (illustrated by Sara Ugolotti, published by Page Street Kids) is her debut picture book. The sequel Saving the Sun will be published in September 2023. Emma also writes middle grade and young adult, is a WriteMentor picture book mentor, freelance editorial consultant, and is represented by Sera Rivers at Speilburg Literary. 

 FOR MORE INFORMATION follow Emma online:


Twitter: @emmspearl

Instagram: emmspearl


BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of Emma’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of MENDING THE MOON?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 9th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Carole Gerber

Authors, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward11 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! This week we are catching up with author Carole Gerber, who last stopped by CritterLit in December 2019. You can read Carole’s first interview with CritterLit here. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to chat about her writing process, inspiration, and newest picture book, P IS FOR PURR, illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius this past November.

So without further ado, please welcome back Carole Gerber!

It's great to have you back!

Thanks for interviewing me, Lindsay.

Can you tell us about your latest book, P IS FOR PURR?

I’ve been a writer for decades—I won’t reveal how many! Over the years, I’ve started and set aside many manuscripts. While doing an end-of-year review and clean out of my files, I came across a previous version of a manuscript that became P is for Purr. I can’t remember exactly why I filed this away. Most likely it was because alphabet manuscripts fall in and out of favor and it had not been accepted. I reread it, reworked some verses, and added brief back matter to “extend” the facts in each verse. I then sent it to Familius, which had published two of my previous manuscripts. The editors liked it and accepted it.

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

What inspired this story?

For 15+ years, my family had an amazing cat named Winston that we adopted from an animal shelter in Ohio. He was a scrawny little guy who grew into a large, fluffy and beautiful orange striped cat who was known throughout our old neighborhood. Winston was part Maine Coon and was a stealthy and amazing hunter. He didn’t eat his prey – just bit them and brought them home as a gift for our family. After he died, I kept his ashes on my desk for years. When we moved to South Carolina, I buried his ashes in my garden under the catmint plant that he loved. I found Simon through an organization here in South Carolina that finds and cares for strays, then puts them up for adoption. Simon was named by his “foster mother” who fed and housed him until I brought him home. Like Winston, he was scrawny. Now he is big and fluffy. I guess that means I’m a good “cat mom!”

Interior art from P IS FOR PURR by Carole Gerber, Illustrated by Susanna Covelli, published by Familius

Can you share a bit about your research process for this book?

I wanted to present factual information about cats in an interesting way that would appeal to three groups of readers: children, parents and teachers. Writing a two-line rhyming verse for each letter of the alphabet was a lot of fun. It was also challenging, especially for the letters X, Y and Z. (I did it, but you’ll have to read the book to see how! 😊)

You write about a wide range of topics. How do you decide what you want to write about?

I study the markets! Knowing what various publishers are looking for helps me target which manuscripts to send to various publishers. Also, as with P is for Purr, I rarely throw anything away. When I am out of new ideas, I go through my “oldies” folders and try to find something I’ve written about a topic that is currently in demand. 

Then I read it as critically as I believe an editor would, and rework it with fresh eyes. 

Do you write daily?

No, but I do check out what is being published and at least think about what I have on hand or might write that could be of interest. It generally takes two years after a manuscript is accepted before it’s published. That means editorial needs may have changed, so I try to keep up on this by reading what various publishers are seeking or currently publishing.

What does your writing process look like?

I’ve had years of experience writing for ad agencies, private companies, universities, and directly for publishers through work for hire contracts. Based on this, I try to psych out the market. Also, I look on Amazon to see what has already been published on a topic that interests me and that I think might interest a publisher.

Do you prefer fiction or nonfiction? What do you feel are the challenges of both?

I’ve written a lot of both, but find nonfiction more interesting and challenging than fiction. Because it’s based on facts, nonfiction provides a structure on which to base a picture book. Potentially, fiction provides more freedom for “flights of fancy” than nonfiction. But it must still make sense and appeal to readers.

What do you find inspiring right now?

It’s gratifying to see so many first-time picture book writers being published! I make a point of checking their books out of my local library if they are available. 

What do you find challenging with writing right now?

I’m no longer naïve and hopeful about the likelihood of my manuscripts being quickly accepted. Publishing has always been a notoriously slow business and the pandemic slowed it even further. 

Are you currently offering school visits?

No, the pandemic shut down school visits for so long that I am out of practice. However, although I haven’t sought school visits, I don’t rule out visiting the nearby school my kindergarten-age granddaughter attends or other local elementary schools in Mt. Pleasant, SC where I live. 

Any reading recommendations?

I always read CritterLit, of course! It introduces me to the work of many new and talented writers. I also never miss Kathy Carroll’s “Celebrate Picture Books” blog. Like CritterLit, she gets to the heart of each picture book she reviews, which motivates me to buy or check out the books she recommends. l also love Vivian Kirkfield's "Will Write for Cookies" column which features interviews with authors of  some lovely, new children's books.

What's up next for you?

I will have a new picture book out in 2024 from Familius titled A Tree for Me. It’s about a little boy who takes a walk in the woods with his father. The art is gorgeous!  It’s told in first person verse from the point of view of the child. 

Huge thank you to Carole for stopping by CritterLit today! Congrats on your new book! We can’t wait to see A Tree for Me in 2024!

Carole Gerber has written 18 picture books, three chapter books, and more than one hundred elementary science and reading texts for major publishers. Her picture book, A Band of Babies , was named a Best Book for Children by Amazon editors. She holds a BS in English education and an MA in journalism from Ohio State, and has taught middle school and high school English as well as college news writing and factual writing at OSU. She lives in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. Learn more at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Carole, visit her online at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of Carole’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of P IS FOR PURR?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, January 26th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Monica Acker

Authors, Interviews, debut interviewLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy New Year Critters! Can you believe it’s 2023?! I’m so excited about this year’s line up of amazing authors and illustrators that we have scheduled for interviews to celebrate so many amazing books in the upcoming year.

To kick off 2023, I’m thrilled to introduce you to author Monica Acker, whose debut book, BRAVE LIKE MOM, illustrated by Paran Kim, was published by Beaming Books this past November. I was lucky enough to meet Monica during a virtual retreat with SCBWI a while back. She’s a wonderful writer and I’m excited to have her as Critter Lit’s first interview to start the new year!

So without further ado, please welcome Monica Acker!

Where do you live?

I currently live North of Boston. I love that our home is a short drive to the ocean, a short drive to the mountains, a short drive to the city, and a lovely place to be snowed in and not drive at all. 

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I’ve always loved art and books and storytelling and working with children, but it took me some time to realize that I could be the storyteller. 

After my youngest daughter was born, I had some health things that needed sorting. It was unfun to say the least, but because of that, I was reminded that I needed to care for me. Self-care can look like many different things for many different people but most importantly it includes feeding the soul. So, when I saw a posting for an event at my local bookstore, Whitelam Books, titled “So You Want to Write a Children’s Book?” and my brain answered back I think I do, I made sure to listen. I attended the panel discussion, and that was it. It was as though a piece of me fell into place that I didn’t know was missing. I’ve been writing for children ever since.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

BRAVE LIKE MOM was not written with the intention of publication. I wrote it when I heard my sister-in-law was not well enough to go for a chemo treatment. I just opened up the notes app on my phone and started writing. She improved and I didn’t look at it again for over a year. Then the story became something to tool around with while I grieved a really strong woman. Eventually the purpose of working on the story became something bigger than working through my emotions. I started to believe that maybe it could help others as well. 

Luckily, Kaitlyn, my now agent felt the same way when she read it. It is the story that got her attention and the first story we sold together. There were some changes along the way. At first the story was specifically about cancer and it was reworked to be broader. The other big change was the title, with 100% credit going to Andrea, the brilliant editor. 

Can you share a bit about your process?

I like to juggle a few projects so I can move onto to something else when I get stuck. I dedicate my one day a week when I do not work but the kids are in school to writing and writing related activities. This is not enough time, lol, so I also work in what I call writing in the nooks and crannies of life. I might outline a new idea in the waiting room at gymnastics or run to the library to read mentor texts in between soccer drop off and pick-up. 

When I write, I like to do quite a bit of pre-writing time where I let the idea grow into a story in my mind before I set pen to paper. And once I have something that resembles a story, I have a wonderful support group of critique partners that help me as I mold it into what it can be.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I am a huge fan of Tara Lazar’s Storystorm which gets me to start off the year with at least 30 possible ideas. Some are winners, some, like “an ode to cheese,” are not. But anytime the well is dry, I can visit that page in my notes app and pull on an idea. I also add to the list throughout the year. It is quite helpful that I am raising children and work with young children as well. They keep me fresh. 

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

Tea. Currently I’m obsessed with vanilla chai tea.

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

So many. Rajani LaRocca is such a power house. Tara Lazar is a gem in the picture book world. Pat Zietlow Miller has taught me so much in her books and through her webinars. Ame Dykeman cracks me up and makes storytelling seem effortless. Jane Yolen for her tenacity. Just to name a few.

Dream project to work on?

I’m living the dream. I think my dream project will always be the next one.

Tell us about your debut book.

BRAVE LIKE MOM, illustrated by Paran Kim, is about a daughter, her mother, and understanding that being brave doesn’t mean you aren’t scared. When the daughter watches her mother be strong, brave, and fierce in everyday life as well as in the ways she battles a chronic illness, the daughter wants to be just as brave, strong. and fierce as mom. In the end, she discovers, she already is.

Interior Art from BRAVE LIKE MOM by Monica Acker, illustrated by Paran Kim, published by Beaming Books

What’s up next for you?

Like Dory from Nemo says “just keep swimming,” I just keep writing.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

I’ll go with Girls Just Want to Have Fun. It was my go-to at the video rental store back in the day and I still love pretty much anything that involves dance. 

Huge thank you to Monica for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your fantastic debut!

Monica Acker is a writer and educator. She holds a BA in creative arts and a MAT degree in childhood education. Monica is a member of SCBWI, 12x12, and Children's Book Insider. She lives in Reading, Massachusetts, with her family.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Monica or her work, visit her online or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @MonicaAcker1

Instagram: @MonicaAcker1

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of BRAVE LIKE MOM, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of BRAVE LIKE MOM?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, January 12th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author Megan Litwin

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward8 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Can you believe it’s December 1st?! Where did the year go? We are in the final stretch of interviews for 2022, with just three left! Today we are starting off December with author Megan Litwin, whose debut picture book, TWINKLE TWINKLE WINTER NIGHT, illustrated by Nneka Myers just released in September with Clarion Books. I’m thrilled to have Megan with us today to kick off the last month of the year with a perfectly cozy and seasonal title.

So without further ado, please welcome Megan Litwin!

Where do you live?

I live in a lovely New England town about 45 minutes west of Boston. 

How many years have you been in publishing?

That depends on how you look at it! I joined SCBWI and started attending conference and critique groups in 2016. So, on one hand, it has been about 6 years of being “all-in” on my goal of publishing picture books. But before that, way back in the year 2000, I went to Simmons University for graduate school because of their amazing and unique program in Children’s Literature. After graduation, I went directly into teaching, but also published a dozen work-for-hire books in the educational market and continued to keep an interested eye on the children’s book world. I guess you could say I have danced in and out of publishing for 20 years now!

How did you first get published?

My publishing story is a happy slush pile one. After deciding it was time to find an agent, and after all the necessary research, I got ready to send out round one queries. I sent my very first, pie-in-the-sky query to Steve Malk at Writers’ House – someone I respect and who, I think, holds a lot of respect for picture books specifically. So obviously I was over-the-moon thrilled when he responded with a kind and personal email. He ended up connecting me with his colleague Lindsay Auld, who also shared a number of important values with me, and we went out on submission that same season. However, that manuscript, despite quite a few close calls, never sold. It wasn’t until our second submission that I landed my first book deal – this book we’re talking about today. 

Do you write full-time?

I do write full-time. But I also spend time visiting schools, both to celebrate reading and to offer classroom-based workshops on writing and revision and all sorts of things. I’m an author, but I’m very much a teacher-at-heart.

What inspired you to create picture books?

I LOVE picture books. Picture books are truly unique – a mix of story and art and theater and music. I love ALL those things! They also often hold some sort of emotional truth at their core, and as an emotional person with big feelings, picture books have always appealed to me. 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Being on the inside of the book-making process is just the most fascinating thing. I loved every step of the two-year journey making this book once the contract was signed. Seeing early sketches, watching details change, moving text around for perfect page turns, thinking about cover art and jacket copy and the DEDICATION (oh my goodness, was there ever a harder writing assignment?) – each step was thrilling. It is a truly collaborative process with the illustrator, editor, designer (and many more hands), and I just found the whole thing magical. I’ve always thought of myself as a team player, and making books is a very cool kind of teamwork!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Controlling my book-buying urges! I spend a lot of time in libraries and bookstores, surrounded by beautiful books, and also reading book reviews and blogs and articles about all the best new books. I want ALL THE BOOKS! And I certainly buy plenty. But I do have to draw the line somewhere, and so I also look for other ways to support good books like writing reviews or telling others or taking it out of the library. Managing my book love is like a part-time job! ☺ 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Getting outside is my go-to. I might take my dog for a walk or bring my notebook out to my porch. There is something about letting my mind wander out in nature, with all the sounds and smells, that opens things up for me creatively.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I’m a morning writer, and it starts with coffee, a candle, and turning on the jar of twinkly lights that sit on my desk. I call them my “thinking lights” and I originally started using them during the remote-school phase so that my kids had a visual of when I was in “deep work” mode and was hoping not to be disturbed. But then I liked them so much (and the visual actually helped remind ME to stay focused), so I kept them around! 

Recommended reading?

My three favorite craft books that sit near my writing desk are Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott, On Writing by Stephen King, and Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. I reread parts of them all the time whenever I need a little inspiration on the journey.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

The launch party for Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night at nearby bookstore An Unlikely Story was something I’ll never forget. That bookstore is such a special place to me – over the years I’ve spent time browsing the shelves (with magical brooms and books dangling from the ceiling overhead), writing and dreaming and meeting with other writers in the café, and attending events on their second-floor event room with authors and illustrators I admire. So then standing on the same stage where I saw kidlit greats like Matt de la Pena and Christian Robinson, Chris Van Dusen, Megan McDonald, and store owner Jeff Kinney himself…it was literally a dream coming true. 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Well, someone DID tell me (way back in 2007 when I took a local writing class called “So You Want to be a Children’s Book Writer”), but I wasn’t ready to listen. The instructor told us about SCBWI and though it sounded interesting, I felt too busy with teaching and life and thought I would just continue writing on my own. I didn’t realize how important a writing community would be. I ended up joining SCBWI and a local writer’s group and attending events many years later in 2016, and made immediate strides forward. More importantly, I remember feeling like I had found my people – and that goes a long way toward sustaining creativity and resilience in this field. 

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night is a celebration of wintertime magic. A slight twist on a familiar song, the refrain says it all: “Twinkle, twinkle, winter night. Everywhere you look’s there light.” It was inspired by a cold, dark nighttime drive one December with my own children, when they were suddenly mesmerized by all the magic around them. No matter what you celebrate or how you do so, the world shines bright for all to see. I’m hoping this inclusive and poetic ode to the season of lights, with luminous and festive artwork from Nneka Myers, is one children will want to read again and again.

Interior art from TWINKLE TWINKLE WINTER NIGHT by Megan Litwin, illustrated by Nneka Myers, published by Clarion Books, September 2022

Interior art from TWINKLE TWINKLE WINTER NIGHT by Megan Litwin, illustrated by Nneka Myers, published by Clarion Books, September 2022

What’s up next for you?

Right now, I’m reading and celebrating Twinkle, Twinkle, Winter Night all around Massachusetts – ‘tis the season! Then in February, I have the first of two early readers coming out. Dirt & Bugsy: Bug Catchers, illustrated by Shauna Lynn Panczyszyn and published by Penguin Young Readers, is about two best buds who catch all kinds of bugs together. It is based on some real-life bug-tastic adventures in my household, but more importantly, I got to combine my teacher and writer hearts to create a story that would be just-right for budding readers. I also recently signed a second picture book contract, and we’ve got another on submission, so stay tuned!

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

MUDGE! I love so many literary dogs, but Mudge from Cynthia Rylant and Suçie Stevenson’s beloved Henry and Mudge series is my all-time favorite. Big, sloppy, sweet, lovable, and the most loyal best friend you could ever ask for.

Huge thank you to Megan for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your wonderful debut!

MEGAN LITWIN is a children’s book author, a former classroom teacher, and a forever believer in book magic. She holds a Master of Arts in Children’s Literature from Simmons University and lives in Massachusetts with her family.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Megan or her books, visit her online or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @Meg_Litwin

IG: @meganlitwinbooks

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Megan’s book, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of TWINKLE TWINKLE WINTER NIGHT?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, December 8th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Jocelyn Rish

Authors, InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Jocelyn Rish to celebrate the release of her newest book, BATTLE OF THE BRAINS: THE SCIENCE BEHIND ANIMAL MINDS, illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, published by Running Press Kids, which just came out this week! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to chat about her road to publication, writing process, and new book.

So without further ado, please welcome Jocelyn Rish!

Where do you live?

I’m a southern gal, living outside of Charleston, SC.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I started writing seriously about fifteen years ago, but I didn’t get an agent and book deal until four years ago. 

How did you first get published?

My first time getting published was actually a short story called Saying Goodbye that won the South Carolina Fiction Project in 2008 and was published in Charleston’s newspaper. I later won a grant to turn it into a short film (

My first published book was BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, and it was a pretty typical publishing path. Once I wrote and revised it, I queried a bunch of agents and then refreshed my email every thirty seconds while I inhaled chocolate. I happy danced around the house when I got several offers. After signing with Tracy Marchini, we went on sub, and then I legit cried with joy when Running Press Kids acquired it. Even though the journey for BUTTS specifically was pretty short, I’d been trying to get a book published for a long time, so I was thrilled my dream was finally coming true.

Do you write full-time?

Yes, if hours of procrastination counts as writing full time!

What inspires you to create picture books?

I always thought of myself as a YA writer, and it’s what I wrote for years. But then I started tutoring with Reading Partners, which helps elementary students who struggle with reading. I loved seeing how spellbound the kids were by the picture books we read together, and it made me want to be part of creating that magic. Now my conversations with them spark story ideas and topics to investigate. 

What surprised you the most working as an author?

You always hear that publishing is slow, but I was still surprised by just how slow it is. It took two and a half years after BUTTS was bought for it to be published. I wasn’t even allowed to make a public announcement about it until almost a year after it was acquired! Having to hold in the fact that my publishing dream had finally come true for that long almost made me explode!

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I get a goofy grin on my face every time I hear kids giggling as they read or listen to BUTTS. And it’s so gratifying when they quote fanny facts because not only did I entertain them, I taught them something, too!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

As a life-long control freak, I really struggle with how much of publishing my books is out of my control. It’s a very subjective industry, so even if I write a book that’s strong on craft, that doesn’t mean any editors will want to buy it. If they do buy it, most decisions about it are out of my hands. Then publicity and marketing are a crap shoot in today’s market, and there is very little an author can do herself to move the needle on sales. So I can write the best book I’m able to write, but then after that it’s pretty much out of my control, and that’s hard and scary for me.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I’ve subscribed to several science newsletters, like National Geographic and The Scientist. Reading studies and discoveries about animals gives me so many ideas for books, both nonfiction and fiction.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Does scrolling Twitter count? That may seem like a flip answer, but BUTTS was inspired by a meme about farting manatees I saw on Twitter late one night. And another project I’m working on was inspired by something I saw on science Twitter. Plus, reading tweets from fellow writers motivates me and encourages me to put my booty in my writing chair. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I’ve had so many wonderful experiences in the Kid Lit community – it’s a generous and supportive network. But my favorite experience was creating a FB group called Transmedia Mutts ( I started it to help people with their Twitter pitching, and I worried no one would join, but the pack has grown and grown over the years. And while we still help each other with pitching, it’s a lovely community that gives advice and encourages each other.

Recommended reading?

I’m in two different picture book groups, and all the books written by the members are wonderful. I’d highly recommend any of the books from The Picture Book Scribblers ( and 21 for the Books (

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

The day two big boxes from Hachette showed up on my porch last year was amazing. I seriously started shrieking and tearing up and could barely calm down enough to bring them inside. Then cutting the box open and seeing my books in the flesh? Pulling one out and feeling the weight of its reality? Flipping through the delightful pages of animal butts? Literally holding years worth of dreams and effort in my hands? It was so incredible! 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish someone had told me that I could approach nonfiction with the wonder of kids learning facts rather than a dry academic voice. I heard early on that publishers were hungry for nonfiction, so I took a few tentative stabs at it. But the NF I read as a kid was dry and teachy, so that’s how I wrote it, and of course failed spectacularly, Therefore, I didn’t NF was an option for me and didn’t try again for years. But once I realized I could write it with a “wow, isn’t this cool?” voice and humor, I finally found my niche. Took me long enough!   

Can you tell us about your newest book?

BATTLE OF THE BRAINS is about ten animals that do some pretty incredible things with their minds. It follows the same rating and judging format as BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, but this time it’s focused on the front end rather than the back end. I selected animals that each exhibit a different type of cognitive skill (from the talking of African Gray Parrots, to the memories of elephants, to the total weirdness of octopus brains) in order to show that intelligence comes in many different forms. I learned so much as I researched and wrote, and I hope kids enjoy learning about these clever critters, too. 

Interior art from BATTLE OF THE BRAINS written by Jocelyn Rish, Illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, published by Running Press Kids

What’s up next for you?

I have a secret NF project I’ve been dabbling with on and off, but I’d also like to try getting a fiction PB published. My first love is scary stories, so I’ve been sketching out a PB about something creepy in the attic. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I always tell writers to experiment! Try different genres and formats and age groups. I really wanted to be a YA novelist, but all my successes have come from branching out and trying new things (short stories, screenwriting, NF PBs). So go play around with your words! 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

This is too hard! There are so many totally tubular movies from the 80s! But the one I’ve watched the most and can quote for almost any occasion is The Princess Bride.

Thanks for having me on Critter Lit!

Huge thank you to Jocelyn for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your new book!

JOCELYN RISH is a writer and filmmaker who loves researching weird and wonderful animals and sharing what she learns. Her first book was BATTLE OF THE BUTTS, about ten animals that do weird things with their butts. Her second book, BATTLE OF THE BRAINS, is about ten animals with mind-blowing brain abilities. When she’s not writing, she tutors kids to help them discover the magic of reading. Jocelyn has won numerous awards for her short stories, screenplays, films, and novels and lives in South Carolina with her dog.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Jocelyn Rish, visit her online or follow her on social media:




BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Jocelyn Rish’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of BATTLE OF THE BRAINS?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, November 17th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Deb Adamson

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward5 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Deb Adamson to talk about her road to publication, writing process, and TWO new books: THANKFUL THANKSGIVING, illustrated by Benedetta Caprotti, and GOD SENT YOU WITH LOVE, illustrated by Allessia Trunfio, published by Cottage Door Press. I’m thrilled to have Deb with us today!

So without further ado, please welcome Deb Adamson!

Where do you live?

I live on the shoreline of Connecticut.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I’ve been in publishing for nearly 30 years but took a long  break from submitting, to homeschool my son. Just stepped back into querying five years ago.

How did you first get published?

I was published by Millbrook Press. My first book, is titled Monkey See Monkey Do and Animal Exercise Book for You! It is a rhyming book that encourages mimicking animal movement. It teaches a little natural history along with getting kids up and active.

Do you write full-time?

I do write full time. I also teach a weekly memoir writing class for adults. I’ve been doing that for ten years and absolutely love it!

What inspires you to create picture books?

Everything! Inspiration is really everywhere. Sometimes I can’t keep up with the ideas that spark a picture book. Of course developing an idea into a picture book is always the biggest challenge—making the idea make sense and come to life.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

How challenging the writing is. I tell my adult writing students that writing for children is even more challenging. Every word counts.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Seeing children enjoy my books. School visits that allow me to see several kids all at once having fun and being inspired. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Continuous rejection. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I sometimes take a respite from writing to paint in watercolor, garden or practice guitar. The switch in creativity seems to reboot my writing. Breaks are necessary.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I do write most days. I feel like if I don’t, then I step out of the mindset or story and it becomes more challenging to see it through to completion.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Other kidlit authors! The moral support from others who understand the business is invaluable. We write alone so much of the time that having a support system is crucial. I’ve mostly found it on Twitter and Instagram but also have a small dependable local community too.

Recommended reading?

I just read, the picture book Every Dog In The Neighborhood by Philip C. Stead and illustrated by Mathew Cordell. It is an intergenerational/dog story. Two subjects near and dear.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Staying with it long-term feels like a highlight. With so much rejection I feel proud of myself for not throwing in the towel. I enjoy the process, so most days when I can immerse in a story feel like a highlight of my career.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

That even if an editor buys one book from you or your agent, they are not guaranteed to ever like anything else you write! Getting published doesn’t really make it any easier to get a book deal. It continues to be a competitive endeavor.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

I have TWO new board books out!

Thankful Thanksgiving, illustrated by  Benedetta Caprotti is a book that encourages young children to be thankful not only on Thanksgiving day, but all year. It follows a young mouse family as they festively celebrate the holiday with family and friends.

Interior art from THANKFUL THANKSGIVING by Deb Adamson, Illustrated by Benedetta Capriotti, published by Cottage Door Press

Interior art from THANKFUL THANKSGIVING by Deb Adamson, Illustrated by Benedetta Capriotti, published by Cottage Door Press

God Sent You With Love is a poem of praise from a mother to her child. It’s a keepsake book meant to gift at baby showers, baptisms and births. It is beautifully illustrated by Allessia Trunfio with warm light throughout. I wrote it as someone who suffered through the challenges of infertility and when I finally got my son, felt immensely blessed.

Interior art from GOD SENT YOU WITH LOVE by Deb Adamson, Illustrated by Alessia Trunfio, published by Cottage Door Press

What’s up next for you?

I’ve got several school visits and bookstore signings scheduled this fall to promote these two new books! Stay tuned for new titles on the horizon.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Find a writing community. You cannot stay with this if you don’t have support. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

The Breakfast Club! A creative cast of characters.

Huge thank you to Deb for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your two new books!

Deb Adamson’s books can be silly sweet and often a combination of both.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Deb Adamson or her books visit her online or follow her on social media: Twitter and Instagram @DebAdamsonBooks

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase Deb Adamson’s books, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of THANKFUL THANKSGIVING?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, November 10th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Amy Baron

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have our second post of the week, an interview with author Amy Baron, whose debut picture book, THE GENTLE BULLDOZER, illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published with Yeehoo Press in August. This story features a gentle giant with a fantastic art and story. I’m thrilled to have Amy with us today to talk about her road to publication, process, and debut book.

So without further ado, please welcome Amy Baron!

Where do you live?

I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I’m originally from Florida, but have lived in the Boston area for the past fifteen years.

How did you first get published?

After submitting my manuscript to publishers and literary agents, I was thrilled to hear back from Zhiqiao Wang, an editor at Yeehoo Press, saying he liked the manuscript! Zhiqiao asked me to revise a few parts, which I did. We emailed back and forth a few times, and the manuscript kept growing stronger. I could tell he believed in the story, and it meant so much to me.

Prior to this manuscript, I had pitched several young adult novels and picture books to literary agents and publishers without success. In hindsight, the novels weren’t quite query-ready anyway.

Do you write full-time?

I’m an optometrist, but I’m currently home with my two kiddos. I write full-time when I’m not busy with them.

What inspires you to create picture books?

I think there’s something magical about a picture book that has layers of depth. It might mean one thing to a four-year-old, and something different to a five or six-year-old, and something different to an adult. If a picture book can do all that while staying short and fun, I’m hooked.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

How much I learned by going through the process of development editing, line editing, and copy editing with the team at Yeehoo Press. It made me a better writer, and I’m able to bring those skills to future projects.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

At my book launch event, the kids in the audience were eager to participate and answer questions. It was so rewarding. The wonderful illustrator, Rogerio Coelho, definitely hooked the readers on his book with his amazing artwork, too. I wish he could have been there!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

I’m prone to self-doubt, like “who am I to write a book?” I remind myself that if you love doing something, your enthusiasm will shine through and others might just love it, too ;)

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Spend time with my kids. They have such creative minds. When I hear the specific things they remember—what actually stood out to them about an activity or a day—I realize their view of the world is different than mine.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Prior to getting a book deal, I wasn’t on social media at all. In some ways I think that was cool—I wrote THE GENTLE BULLDOZER for fun, without worrying too much about it.

I joined the Kid Lit community after receiving an offer of publication. I found it really supportive and I learned a lot from other writers. I’m lucky to have a few writer friends in real life, too, and it’s nice to talk to them about the whole process of writing and marketing a book. I really enjoy those friendships.

Recommended reading?

I love reading middle grade. My favorite book is There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar. I’ve had the same copy for over thirty years. I can still remember the parts of the book that stuck with my as a child—even some of the character descriptions. Some of my newer favorite middle grade authors are Tae Keller and Sarah Allen. I definitely go for books with heart.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

When I opened my email, and saw Rogerio’s first illustration for the book. It was beautiful! I loved how expressive Bulldozer was.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Your writing skills will improve naturally over time, with practice. Writing is never wasted because it’s all practice.  

Can you tell us about your book?

THE GENTLE BULLDOZER is about an unfulfilled bulldozer living at a construction site with his family. He’s capable of destroying, but he doesn’t enjoy it. He sets off on a journey, and by the end…drum roll…he finds his true calling. He shares this new passion with his family, and together, they create something amazing!

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

What’s up next for you?

I’m writing a middle grade novel for children eight through twelve. The working title is FEROCIOUS. It’s pretty messy right now, and will likely take a bunch of drafts, but I’m excited about it.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Finishing a rough draft, or even a chapter, or finding that missing piece of your character’s arc…that’s all good stuff.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

When Harry Met Sally because I love the dialogue. Or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off! You can’t make me pick just one.

Huge thank you to Amy for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

AMY BARON fell back in love with her childhood hobby of writing while reading stories to her kids. Now she's excited to introduce her debut book to the world. Amy is an optometrist, but she promises not to recite children's stories during your eye exam. Born and raised in Florida, she now lives in Cambridge, MA with her husband and their children.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Amy, visit her online: or follow her on social media: Twitter: @amygbaron

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of THE GENTLE BULLDOZER, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of THE GENTLE BULLDOZER?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, November 3rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Glenys Nellist Part 2

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward7 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we are chatting with author Glenys Nellist for a second interview here on Critter Lit. I’m so happy to have Glenys back with us today to talk about her latest book in the Little Mole Series, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL, illustrated by Sally Garland, and published by Beaming Books in July.

For those of you who missed Glenys first interview with us, you can find it here.

So without further ado, please welcome back Glenys Nellist to Critter Lit!

It’s great to have you back!

Tell us about your latest book, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL.

Thanks Lindsay! In this third installment in the popular Little Mole series, illustrated by Sally Garland, it’s Little Mole’s first day of school, and he’s nervous. What if he's the last to know his alphabet? What if he’s not good at anything? With a good bit of anxiety, Little Mole heads to class and begins to compare himself to his peers. How will he ever measure up? But soon a crisis on the playground reveals that he has everything he needs in his own two paws to save the day. Little Mole Goes to School is really a simple story about finding your unique gifts and using them for the common good.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

I love that you address the anxiety of going to school for the first time in this book, as this is something so relevant for young children today. What inspired this story?

When we first met our little protagonist in the pages of Little Mole Finds Hope and Little Mole's Christmas Gift, he was living at home with his mama in their cozy underground burrow. If you're familiar with his character, you'll know that he's a little reticent, and I found myself wondering one day about how he would cope when the day came for him to venture out of his warm surroundings and begin kindergarten. There's so much anxiety in the real world for little ones who are starting school, and so I thought it would be good to address some of those issues in this next installment. I'm also thrilled that the book contains useful tips for helping a child who is anxious about starting school. These were written by a Child and Family Therapist.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

Last we spoke, you had released LITTLE MOLE FINDS HOPE, the first book in the Little Mole series. Now you are back with your third, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL. How does it feel to be back with these characters again?

Well, it's so fun, because they feel like family! Sally Garland, the illustrator, has done a marvelous job of bringing these characters to life, and once you've met Little Mole and his friends, you feel like you know them and want to follow their adventures.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

Will there be more Little Mole books in the future?

Yes! Everyone's favorite furry friend returns next year in a Thanksgiving-themed book called Little Mole Gives Thanks. Little Mole is excited because he's throwing a huge fancy forest feast, and he's invited three very important guests. However, what will happen when those special people can't attend? This title is another simple story that explores the importance of friendship and family.

You’ve worked on a few different series. Can you share a little bit about the process of working on a book series. What do you love about it? What do you find challenging?

There are two exciting things about developing a series. Firstly, you can show how a character grows and develops. Secondly, you also begin to accrue a whole 'fan family' of readers who follows your character from book to book and who is anxious to read about their next adventure. The challenging part in writing a series is finding fun new stories to tell!

Many of your books have a Christian theme to them. For those writers who are interested in breaking into that market, what advice would you offer?

Three things: firstly, read as many titles as you can that correlate with your genre or area of interest. Secondly, find support groups or critique groups to join. (There are many such groups on Facebook.) Thirdly, attend a Christian writers conference. (I'm a huge advocate for those, because that's how I became published.)

What do you find inspiring right now?

In the book world, I'm inspired by the plethora of wonderful children's titles being published by Beaming Books, the publisher of Little Mole Goes to School. Their purpose statement is 'helping kids thrive' and they really do achieve this, with both faith-based and general titles that are so timely and relevant to the world our children are growing up in. In the natural world, I'm inspired by the gorgeous fall colors that are all around right now! I think we all need to look up more!

Anything you are reading right now that you love and want to share with us?

If you're interested in writing, I am really enjoying Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird. She is funny, smart and very relevant.

What’s up next for you?

I'm SUPER excited about my next picture book releasing in February with Beaming Books, called Wherever You Are. It's based on the true story of an ordinary little moment I shared with my grandson several years ago. Anyone interested in that story can learn more here.

And last, but not least, favorite book character?

That's easy! It's a jolly little postman who rides his bike delivering letters to Nursery Rhyme characters (such as an apology note from Goldilocks to the three bears.) This ancient but innovative little book was published the year my first son was born, in 1984, and is still selling today. The Jolly Postman was the inspiration behind my first children's book, Love Letters from God.

Huge thank you to Glenys for stopping by to chat with us again! Congrats on your latest book, we can’t wait to read what comes next!

Glenys Nellist was born and raised in a little village in northern England. The author of multiple award-winning children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas, The Wonder That is You, and five popular series: Love Letters from God, Snuggle Time, 'Twas, Good News and Little Mole, her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy and hope in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David. Connect with her at

DOWNLOAD a free Activity Pack to accompany LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL here.

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL, click here.

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