Critter Lit

Write. Draw. Read. Repeat.

Interview with Author Amy Baron

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have our second post of the week, an interview with author Amy Baron, whose debut picture book, THE GENTLE BULLDOZER, illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published with Yeehoo Press in August. This story features a gentle giant with a fantastic art and story. I’m thrilled to have Amy with us today to talk about her road to publication, process, and debut book.

So without further ado, please welcome Amy Baron!

Where do you live?

I live in Cambridge, Massachusetts. I’m originally from Florida, but have lived in the Boston area for the past fifteen years.

How did you first get published?

After submitting my manuscript to publishers and literary agents, I was thrilled to hear back from Zhiqiao Wang, an editor at Yeehoo Press, saying he liked the manuscript! Zhiqiao asked me to revise a few parts, which I did. We emailed back and forth a few times, and the manuscript kept growing stronger. I could tell he believed in the story, and it meant so much to me.

Prior to this manuscript, I had pitched several young adult novels and picture books to literary agents and publishers without success. In hindsight, the novels weren’t quite query-ready anyway.

Do you write full-time?

I’m an optometrist, but I’m currently home with my two kiddos. I write full-time when I’m not busy with them.

What inspires you to create picture books?

I think there’s something magical about a picture book that has layers of depth. It might mean one thing to a four-year-old, and something different to a five or six-year-old, and something different to an adult. If a picture book can do all that while staying short and fun, I’m hooked.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

How much I learned by going through the process of development editing, line editing, and copy editing with the team at Yeehoo Press. It made me a better writer, and I’m able to bring those skills to future projects.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

At my book launch event, the kids in the audience were eager to participate and answer questions. It was so rewarding. The wonderful illustrator, Rogerio Coelho, definitely hooked the readers on his book with his amazing artwork, too. I wish he could have been there!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

I’m prone to self-doubt, like “who am I to write a book?” I remind myself that if you love doing something, your enthusiasm will shine through and others might just love it, too ;)

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Spend time with my kids. They have such creative minds. When I hear the specific things they remember—what actually stood out to them about an activity or a day—I realize their view of the world is different than mine.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Prior to getting a book deal, I wasn’t on social media at all. In some ways I think that was cool—I wrote THE GENTLE BULLDOZER for fun, without worrying too much about it.

I joined the Kid Lit community after receiving an offer of publication. I found it really supportive and I learned a lot from other writers. I’m lucky to have a few writer friends in real life, too, and it’s nice to talk to them about the whole process of writing and marketing a book. I really enjoy those friendships.

Recommended reading?

I love reading middle grade. My favorite book is There’s a Boy in the Girl’s Bathroom by Louis Sachar. I’ve had the same copy for over thirty years. I can still remember the parts of the book that stuck with my as a child—even some of the character descriptions. Some of my newer favorite middle grade authors are Tae Keller and Sarah Allen. I definitely go for books with heart.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

When I opened my email, and saw Rogerio’s first illustration for the book. It was beautiful! I loved how expressive Bulldozer was.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Your writing skills will improve naturally over time, with practice. Writing is never wasted because it’s all practice.  

Can you tell us about your book?

THE GENTLE BULLDOZER is about an unfulfilled bulldozer living at a construction site with his family. He’s capable of destroying, but he doesn’t enjoy it. He sets off on a journey, and by the end…drum roll…he finds his true calling. He shares this new passion with his family, and together, they create something amazing!

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE GENTLE BULLDOZER written by Amy Baron, Illustrated by Rogério Coelho, published by Yeehoo Press

What’s up next for you?

I’m writing a middle grade novel for children eight through twelve. The working title is FEROCIOUS. It’s pretty messy right now, and will likely take a bunch of drafts, but I’m excited about it.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small. Finishing a rough draft, or even a chapter, or finding that missing piece of your character’s arc…that’s all good stuff.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

When Harry Met Sally because I love the dialogue. Or Ferris Bueller’s Day Off! You can’t make me pick just one.

Huge thank you to Amy for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

AMY BARON fell back in love with her childhood hobby of writing while reading stories to her kids. Now she's excited to introduce her debut book to the world. Amy is an optometrist, but she promises not to recite children's stories during your eye exam. Born and raised in Florida, she now lives in Cambridge, MA with her husband and their children.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Amy, visit her online: or follow her on social media: Twitter: @amygbaron

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of THE GENTLE BULLDOZER, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a giveaway copy of THE GENTLE BULLDOZER?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, November 3rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Susanna Leonard Hill and Illustrator Betsy Snyder

Authors, book release, Interviews, Illustrators, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward15 Comments

Happy TUESDAY Critters! This week we have TWO awesome interviews with THREE amazing creators. Today, we are celebrating the release of ALPHABEDTIME, written by Susanna Leonard Hill, illustrated by my friend and critique partner Betsy Snyder, and published by Nancy Paulsen Books! I’m thrilled to have both of these fabulous ladies with me today on their book birthday!

I was lucky enough to see the art for this book come together so it’s an honor to be featuring this book and interview as a bonus post this week.

So without further ado, please welcome Susanna Leonard Hill and Betsy Snyder!

Author Susanna Leonard Hill

Illustrator Betsy Snyder

It’s lovely to have you both here on Critter Lit!

Susanna: Thank you so much for having me on your blog today, Lindsay!

 Betsy: It’s great to be here!

Where do you live?

Susanna: I live on Blueberry Hill in Unionvale, NY, a map dot so small it is like a well-kept secret

Betsy: Independence, Ohio

How many years have you been in publishing?

Susanna: My first book was published in November, 2002, so almost exactly twenty years.

Betsy: About 17 years.

How did you first get published?

Susanna: My daughter was starting kindergarten, and we had just moved to the area so she didn’t know anyone.  I asked the school for a couple names of nearby classmates so we could arrange a playdate.  The first person I called wasn’t home.  The second was Liza Voges and she brought her son over to play a few days later.  We talked while the kids played and I asked her if she was a SAHM or if she did something else.  She said she was a children’s literary agent.  I said, I write children’s books!  She asked to see my work, but it took me 6 months to get up the nerve to show her.  I was afraid she wouldn’t like it, and then things would be awkward at school get-togethers.  I could just imagine myself trying to use my power of invisibility to avoid the embarrassment of facing her at the kindergarten Halloween party. But when I finally did show her a handful of manuscripts, she was enthusiastic.  She became my agent, and she sold my first book to Simon & Schuster within the year. She has been my agent and friend for twenty years, and I wouldn’t be where I am today without her!

Betsy: Publishing a children’s book was on my career bucket list since studying Illustration in college (Go Flyers!), but I knew I needed to get more illustration experience (and benefits!) first. Following graduation with a degree in Visual Communication Design, I worked as a staff designer at a small publisher and later as both a designer and illustrator at American Greetings. Around 2005, just when I decided it was time to get serious about getting published, serendipity struck. Brian Cleary, a coworker, who also happened to be an accomplished children’s book author, approached me about the possibility of illustrating his new manuscript Peanut Butter and Jellyfishes: A Very Silly Alphabet Book. He connected me with his publisher Lerner Books, I sent them my portfolio, and they offered me my first book contract! That opportunity and a referral from a friend led me to my agent Lori Nowicki at Painted Words, and that soon led me to a 3-book (and later 5-book) contract with Random House writing my own books.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

Susanna: I write as full-time as I can manage, between teaching writing, school and library visits, and a lot of time spent on family commitments.

Betsy: The hours I dedicate to work vary depending on my project load and my family’s needs (I have a 5yo, 8yo and crazy 5mo puppy-monster). Right now, I’m more part-time, but I fit work in whenever I can (during school days, puppy naps and in the wee hours after everyone else is asleep). But my mind never stops thinking about book ideas (ask my family!).

What inspires you to create picture books?

Susanna: When you get right down to it, are there any books better than picture books?  I love the interplay of words and art. I love the age group for whom they are written, for whom all the world is new.  I have 5 children and 3 grandchildren (plus, technically, I was a child myself once upon a time in the last millennium) and that is a constant source of inspiration – the funny things they say and do, their wishes and fears, their wonder and curiosity, the milestones they pass, the things they sometimes misunderstand because they’re young and everything is new, the challenges they face, the feelings that seem bigger than they are sometimes – it all inspires ideas for picture books. And there is something wonderful about reading picture books with little ones who are just learning about the world.

Betsy: I love creating characters and stories that spark imaginations. Some of my favorite memories as a young child are of my family reading to me, and getting lost in the pictures (like Make Way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey). It’s such a gift to be able to make books that families can snuggle up with and read together.

What surprised you the most working as an author or illustrator?

Susanna: I was most surprised by how many people are involved in the creation of a book.  When I was little, we didn’t have authors come visit our school.  I thought of them as wise old hermit men (or women) – picture Merlin – who lived in isolated places like mountaintops, or hobbit holes in the woods, and wrote amazing books that were perfect straight out of the starting gate.  I had no idea that they might have agents, or how much editors might help them improve their books before publication, or that there were separate art directors, or all the people involved with marketing and publicity.  A traditionally published book isn’t something you do completely on your own.  It really takes a village.

Betsy: When I entered publishing, I didn’t anticipate that I’d need to hone my public speaking skills for author events. I’m not a natural at being in the spotlight, so the idea of putting myself out there was intimidating at first, but I’ve grown to genuinely enjoy and embrace the more social side of being an author and connecting face to face with my audience.

What is your favorite thing about being an author, illustrator, or author/illustrator?

Susanna: If I can have a part in helping to entertain, educate, delight, inspire, comfort, reassure, or engage young readers in a way that brightens their day and invites them to love books and reading, I feel like that is the most fulfilling work I can do.  And although it’s hard and requires effort, it doesn’t feel like work the way some things do because it is also such a pleasure. Is there a better job than getting to make up stories all day long?

Betsy: Definitely meeting my readers and sharing my books with others. Holding my published book in my hands for the first time is pretty special too.

What do you find difficult working as an author, or illustrator?

Susanna: For me, the difficult part of working as an author are all the extras.  If I could only write, that would be great! But there are so many other things to do! Social media and maintaining an online presence. Arranging and doing school, library, festival, conference, and bookstore events.  Doing what you can to publicize your books.  Don’t get me wrong – it’s all important and I’m happy to do it.  But those are not things I’m particularly comfortable with.  I would rather talk up someone else’s books than my own.  Twenty years in, I still get nervous any time I have to speak in public.  And anything I know about marketing/publicity I’ve learned as I go, and I know I could be a lot better at it. 

Betsy: Imposter Syndrome is no joke and self doubt can be paralyzing. When I find myself feeling stuck in a rut with a project and negativity creeps in, it has helped me to have a network of creative friends to reach out to, and in turn, to offer my support when they need it. This creative collaborating always fills my cup and gives me the confidence boost I need to get back at it.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Susanna: One of my favorite things to do is write or type out someone else’s book – a book I love.  There’s something about writing or typing it that helps get my creative wheels turning and gets me in the right mindset.  If I haven’t written for a few days, or if ideas are slow to come, this can often be a way to get things rolling.

Betsy: I take a walk, play with words, think up catchy titles, get goofy with my kids, browse at the library or bookstore, start with a fun format, or dig up nuggets of ideas that I’ve set aside.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Susanna: I always write my first drafts longhand – pen on paper. I just think better that way.

Betsy: I’m pretty prolific at collecting my ideas. I’m always typing notes into my phone—during showers, road trips, etc.—and emailing them to myself to tuck away into folders for revisiting later.

Also, at the beginning of every project, I do a brain dump to empty the clutter in my head and get to the good stuff. My problem is always TOO many ideas vs. a lack of ideas.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Susanna: I’m not sure I can point to one single instance, but I find the Kid Lit community in general to be wonderfully friendly and supportive – a group of genuinely lovely people I’m deeply glad to be a part of.

Betsy: Having my artwork from Tons of Trucks (by Sue Fliess) accepted into the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show and attending the opening in NYC was an experience I’ll always remember. It was such an honor to be in the company of so much talent in one room.

Recommended reading?

Susanna: Writing Picture Books by Ann Whitford Paul, The Nuts & Bolts Guide to Writing Picture Books, by Linda Ashman, The Writer’s Guide to Crafting Stories for Children, by Nancy Lamb, picture books, picture books, and more picture books.

Betsy: Some of our family favorites are Swashby and the Sea (Beth Ferry and Juana Martinez-Neal), Bob, Not Bob! (Liz Garton Scanlon, Audrey Vernick, Matthew Cordell), The Wolf, the Duck, and the Mouse (by Mac Barnett and Jon Klassen), We Don’t Eat Our Classmates (by Ryan T. Higgins), and Sophie’s Squash (by Pat Zietlow Miller and Anne Wilsdorf)…and there are SO many more.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Susanna: The highlight of my career thus far has been when kids light up when they recognize one of my books and tell me they have it, or they’ve read it, and they love it.  A close second is when I get emails, sometimes including photos or videos, from parents or grandparents telling me one of my books is their little one’s favorite and gets read every night, or drawings or thank you notes from kids.  Also, becoming a New York Times Bestseller was pretty amazing and not something I ever thought would be on my resume! That was an honor I never expected.

Betsy: It’s a 3-way tie between landing my first contract to both write and illustrate my own books with Random House (beginning with Haiku Baby), having my work accepted into the Society of Illustrators Original Art Show, and publishing a 4-book novelty series with Chronicle Books (I Can Dance, I Can Play, I Can Dream, I Can Explore).

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

Susanna: Writing can be isolating, even for introverts who are pretty happy on their own, and it was hard in the beginning not having anyone to talk to who understood the writing life. So, I wish someone had told me when I first started that the internet was coming, and that communication, critique partners, support, the opportunity to further my writing education through webinars and online classes, and most importantly friendship with other writers was about to become so much more possible.  The internet is a double-edged sword, but it’s worth it for the connection to other writers. I have met so many wonderful people online, and it is a joy when I get to meet them in person at conferences.

Betsy: Just because it feels hard doesn’t mean you aren’t good at it or that you aren’t meant to do it. Making a book is hard work every time, even for experienced authors and illustrators. Every book presents a new challenge to solve that is difficult in its own way and needs its own unique solution. There is no road map, and sometimes you have to go down many paths, and even backtrack, to find the right one. This process is not easy for anyone, but when you see it through to the other side, it’s so worth it.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Susanna: My newest book is ALPHABEDTIME, illustrated by the amazingly talented Betsy Snyder, and published by Nancy Paulsen Books, an imprint of Penguin Random House.  In case you couldn’t tell from the title, it’s a book about putting the alphabet to bed ☺ It is written in rhyme, and is (I hope!) lively and fun, while also being an opportunity for young readers to practice the alphabet and feel the safety and security of being part of a large, rambunctious, and happy family. I am proud of the text, but Betsy’s art really takes it to the next level.  She put so much thought and care into creating it.  It is clever, bright, and energetic, and filled with details that make looking at the pictures so much fun! Every single character has multiple things associated with it which begin with his or her letter.  B alone has at least 8!  The dog and the cat appear on every page and are fun to look for.  And after M appears, there are bunnies to find, too. I feel so lucky that Betsy was the one to illustrate this book.  She really brought it to life in the best possible way!

Betsy: Here’s a sneak peek…

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: The book begins with all the letters plus Mom and Dad at the dinner table (but none of the letters are revealed yet). 

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: From here, Alpha Mom announces “TIME FOR BED!” and we meet each of the letters in order and follow them through the book as they scramble and ready for bed.

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: But even once the alphababies are rounded up and put to bed, there are surprises. Can you guess what happens next?!

Interior Art from ALPHABEDTIME by Susanna Leonard Hill, Illustrated by Betsy Snyder, Published by Nancy Paulsen Books

Betsy: Fi-nally, the alpha babies are all tucked in again—almost. (This is the part where you have to read the book to find out how it ends!)

What inspired this story/art?

Susanna: This book wasn’t exactly inspired.  I was having a hard time thinking up something to write about one cold winter morning – you know the feeling, where you stare at the wall and consider that doing your taxes would be more fun than facing that blank page – and I just decided to write an alphabet book.  Of course, there are many very good ones out there already, so I had to think of something that hadn’t been done yet.  It took me a fair amount of playing around, experimenting with bad (some very bad ☺) ideas before, in an effort to just feel like I was writing something, anything,  I wrote alphabet alphabet alphabet across my page.  When I read it out loud to myself, it started to sound like “alphabed”, and that made me think of bedtime, and suddenly, EUREKA! I thought, ALPHABEDTIME!  I’ll write a book about putting the alphabet to bed.

Betsy: I’m lucky that I had an already-amazing manuscript to inspire my art (since all Susanna had was a blank page!). It was love at first read for me. My inspiration was part what Susanna put into her writing—the skillful rhyme, bouncy cadence and playful pacing—and part what she left out. The manuscript had an openness that allowed me the freedom to explore a strong visual narrative and weave in fun alphabet references along the way. 

In terms of the characters (26 kids, 2 parents, and 11 pets—PHEW!), I wanted the entire alpha family to be colorful, diverse and quirky with lots of personality and alphabet details. My own kids loved playing “art director” and offering up their ideas and opinions along the way, and my real art director Marikka Tamura with designer Cindy De La Cruz helped me wrangle all those kiddos onto the pages in the very best way.

What’s up next for you?

Susanna: I have a couple other books coming out in December – WHAT LITTLE GIRLS ARE MADE OF and WHAT LITTLE BOYS ARE MADE OF – and one coming out next summer – YOU’RE THE STAR IN MY SKY – all for Sourcebooks. And I’m in the middle of contest season on my blog, where I run the Halloweensie, Holiday, and Valentiny Contests for Children’s Writers.

Betsy: More books! I’m about to jump back to working on some new ideas that I am pretty excited about.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Susanna: Try to love what you do.  Try not to get caught up in what’s trendy, or what you think will sell.  Write for yourself.  Write what you love.  If you feel passionate about what you’re writing, that will come through in your work and make it shine. And whether you sell it or not, you will have written something that’s meaningful to you.  It might be something that really doesn’t turn out well but that you learn a lot from writing. Whether it’s good or not so good, every manuscript you write makes you a better writer.

Betsy: There is no one roadmap to get published—every artist’s journey is unique. Seek opportunities, like stepping stones, that get you closer to your goals. Looking forward, you cannot always see how one thing will lead to another, but it inevitably will.

And last, but not least, who is your favorite children’s book character?

Susanna: That’s like asking who your favorite child is!  It’s impossible to pick just one!  But, if I had to pick just one, (er, per age group) I guess I’d say, for picture books, Frances, from Russell Hoban’s series, for middle grade Anne of Green Gables, and for YA, Karou from The Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy.  (That was practically only one!)

Betsy: Lola from the Charlie and Lola book series by Lauren Child.

Huge thank you to you both for stopping by Critter Lit today! Happy Book Birthday to ALPHABEDTIME!

Susanna L. Hill ( is the author of three New York Times bestsellers, including Moon's First Friends: One Giant Leap for Friendship, and the award-winning author of over twenty-five more books for children, including Punxsutawney Phyllis, Can't Sleep Without Sheep, and the popular When Your Lion Needs a Bath series. Her books have been translated into French, Dutch, German, Japanese, Chinese, and Thai. She does frequent school and library visits, teaches picture book writing, and has a popular picture book blog. Susanna lives in New York's Mid-Hudson Valley where she practices the alphabet with her children and two rescue dogs.

Author-illustrator Betsy Snyder's smile-inducing art can be found on everything from social expressions products, board games, plush, decor, fabric, wallpaper, and of course—books! Since making her publishing debut, Betsy has illustrated and/or authored over twenty books. Betsy lives in northeast Ohio, where she enjoys cozying up to doodle with her art-loving family of four (plus one furball puppy), and venturing out to schools and libraries to encourage kids (and even grown-ups) to share their stories and chase their dreams. Learn more about Betsy and her books at

BUY THIS BOOK To purchase a copy of ALPHABEDTIME, click here.

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Interview with Glenys Nellist Part 2

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward7 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we are chatting with author Glenys Nellist for a second interview here on Critter Lit. I’m so happy to have Glenys back with us today to talk about her latest book in the Little Mole Series, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL, illustrated by Sally Garland, and published by Beaming Books in July.

For those of you who missed Glenys first interview with us, you can find it here.

So without further ado, please welcome back Glenys Nellist to Critter Lit!

It’s great to have you back!

Tell us about your latest book, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL.

Thanks Lindsay! In this third installment in the popular Little Mole series, illustrated by Sally Garland, it’s Little Mole’s first day of school, and he’s nervous. What if he's the last to know his alphabet? What if he’s not good at anything? With a good bit of anxiety, Little Mole heads to class and begins to compare himself to his peers. How will he ever measure up? But soon a crisis on the playground reveals that he has everything he needs in his own two paws to save the day. Little Mole Goes to School is really a simple story about finding your unique gifts and using them for the common good.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

I love that you address the anxiety of going to school for the first time in this book, as this is something so relevant for young children today. What inspired this story?

When we first met our little protagonist in the pages of Little Mole Finds Hope and Little Mole's Christmas Gift, he was living at home with his mama in their cozy underground burrow. If you're familiar with his character, you'll know that he's a little reticent, and I found myself wondering one day about how he would cope when the day came for him to venture out of his warm surroundings and begin kindergarten. There's so much anxiety in the real world for little ones who are starting school, and so I thought it would be good to address some of those issues in this next installment. I'm also thrilled that the book contains useful tips for helping a child who is anxious about starting school. These were written by a Child and Family Therapist.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

Last we spoke, you had released LITTLE MOLE FINDS HOPE, the first book in the Little Mole series. Now you are back with your third, LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL. How does it feel to be back with these characters again?

Well, it's so fun, because they feel like family! Sally Garland, the illustrator, has done a marvelous job of bringing these characters to life, and once you've met Little Mole and his friends, you feel like you know them and want to follow their adventures.

Interior art from LITTLE MOLE GOES TO SCHOOL by Glenys Nellist, Illustrated by Sally Garland, published by Beaming Books

Will there be more Little Mole books in the future?

Yes! Everyone's favorite furry friend returns next year in a Thanksgiving-themed book called Little Mole Gives Thanks. Little Mole is excited because he's throwing a huge fancy forest feast, and he's invited three very important guests. However, what will happen when those special people can't attend? This title is another simple story that explores the importance of friendship and family.

You’ve worked on a few different series. Can you share a little bit about the process of working on a book series. What do you love about it? What do you find challenging?

There are two exciting things about developing a series. Firstly, you can show how a character grows and develops. Secondly, you also begin to accrue a whole 'fan family' of readers who follows your character from book to book and who is anxious to read about their next adventure. The challenging part in writing a series is finding fun new stories to tell!

Many of your books have a Christian theme to them. For those writers who are interested in breaking into that market, what advice would you offer?

Three things: firstly, read as many titles as you can that correlate with your genre or area of interest. Secondly, find support groups or critique groups to join. (There are many such groups on Facebook.) Thirdly, attend a Christian writers conference. (I'm a huge advocate for those, because that's how I became published.)

What do you find inspiring right now?

In the book world, I'm inspired by the plethora of wonderful children's titles being published by Beaming Books, the publisher of Little Mole Goes to School. Their purpose statement is 'helping kids thrive' and they really do achieve this, with both faith-based and general titles that are so timely and relevant to the world our children are growing up in. In the natural world, I'm inspired by the gorgeous fall colors that are all around right now! I think we all need to look up more!

Anything you are reading right now that you love and want to share with us?

If you're interested in writing, I am really enjoying Anne Lamott's book, Bird by Bird. She is funny, smart and very relevant.

What’s up next for you?

I'm SUPER excited about my next picture book releasing in February with Beaming Books, called Wherever You Are. It's based on the true story of an ordinary little moment I shared with my grandson several years ago. Anyone interested in that story can learn more here.

And last, but not least, favorite book character?

That's easy! It's a jolly little postman who rides his bike delivering letters to Nursery Rhyme characters (such as an apology note from Goldilocks to the three bears.) This ancient but innovative little book was published the year my first son was born, in 1984, and is still selling today. The Jolly Postman was the inspiration behind my first children's book, Love Letters from God.

Huge thank you to Glenys for stopping by to chat with us again! Congrats on your latest book, we can’t wait to read what comes next!

Glenys Nellist was born and raised in a little village in northern England. The author of multiple award-winning children's books, including the bestselling 'Twas the Evening of Christmas, The Wonder That is You, and five popular series: Love Letters from God, Snuggle Time, 'Twas, Good News and Little Mole, her writing reflects a deep passion for helping children discover joy and hope in the world. Glenys lives in Michigan with her husband, David. Connect with her at

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Interview with Author Susan Hughes

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward9 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Susan Hughes. Her newest book, HOORAY FOR TRUCKS, illustrated by Suharu Ogawa, just came out with Owlkids this month. I’m thrilled to have Susan with us today to tell us about her new book, road to publication, and experience as a writer, editor, and story coach. She also has fantastic taste in movies!

So without further ado, please welcome Susan Hughes!

Where do you live?

I love in Toronto, Canada.

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first book, a juvenile novel, was traditionally published in 1990, and I’ve been writing children’s books (and editing them too) ever since. I’ve been fortunate to have over 35 books traditionally published, including fiction, informational fiction, and non-fiction, and including board books, picture books, chapter books, MG novels, and a YA novel.

Do you write full-time?

I'm a full-time editor, writer, and story coach. I'm so fortunate to work with words and ideas--either my own or those of my amazing clients--all day long!

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Every time I have a new children’s book published, it’s the highlight of my career. It’s such an exhilarating feeling, one I really treasure. 

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Sure! Hooray for Trucks! is my newest picture book—and my very first rhyming story to be  published. The story is for kids 2 to 6. It’s playful and fun and … beep! beep! yes, the pages are loaded with names of trucks from bulldozers to forklifts and sparkling with lively illustrations by Suharu Ogawa.

Here’s a quick intro …

Splash and spray, slather and slosh.

dunk and swish—wash, wash, WASH!

It’s time for all hardworking trucks at the construction site to get clean—but when the narrator tries to round up the muddy machines, they dig in their wheels and refuse to move. They don’t want to waste time taking a bath! Trucks want to be USEFUL.

They want to flatten that soil and haul that dirt.

Trucks like one thing: trucks like WORK!

Interior Art from HOORAY FOR TRUCKS, Written by Susan Hughes, Illustrated by Suharu Ogawa, published by Owlkids

Then the narrator reveals they’re cleaning up for an extra special purpose — a truck parade! Soon, the machines are sparkling and shiny and rolling down the street to the cheers of a diverse group of truck fans.

Interior Art from HOORAY FOR TRUCKS, Written by Susan Hughes, Illustrated by Suharu Ogawa, published by Owlkids

Interior Art from HOORAY FOR TRUCKS, Written by Susan Hughes, Illustrated by Suharu Ogawa, published by Owlkids

What was your favorite part of writing this book?

I loved researching all the many names of trucks that could work on a construction site. I came up with quite a list: not only bulldozer and forklift but bucket truck, pickup truck, bobcat, cement mixer, grader … and more. It was super fun to try to work as many as I could into the text while keeping to a strict rhythm.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

This isn’t new advice. Far from it. We all know how important it is. 

And so that’s why it bears repeating:

Read, read, read

If you write picture books, read picture books. If you write MG or YA, read MG or YA. And then read beyond … Read for fun, of course, but also read to learn. Ask yourself, what did I like most about this book and why? What did I like least, and why? How did the author create this effect? 

And then, (again, of course) write. Sit down and do the work. Get the words on the page, for better or worse. Once they’re right there in front of you, you’ve begun—and now the magic can begin.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Ha! I’m going to take over this question—and revise it (like a true editor/writer) and tell you my favorite 1950s movie, which, yes, is before I was born but oh, what a movie! It’s Roman Holiday, the classic romantic comedy starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. It was filmed in black and white, and entirely shot in Rome, Italy. It’s so wonderful! 

Thank you to Susan for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your new book!

Susan Hughes is a Canadian award-winning writer of many traditionally published children's books, including fiction and non-fiction—from board books, picture books, and chapter books to MG novels and YA novels, including titles such as Hooray for Trucks! (Owl Kids, 2022), Walking for Water: How One Boy Stood Up for Gender Equality (Kids Can, 2021), and the Puppy Collection chapter book series (Scholastic). Susan is an experienced freelance story coach and editor who works with writers, both novice and experienced, providing critiques and developmental edits, and guiding them in their writing practice. She frequently serves as a juror for book awards and has volunteered her expertise with organizations such as CODE and the CNIB.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Susan at visit her online:

Or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @childbkauthor

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of HOORAY FOR TRUCKS!, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of HOORAY FOR TRUCKS?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, October 20th! US and Canadian addresses only please.

Interview with Author + Illustrator Berrie Torgan-Randall

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today I’m interviewing a fellow Syracuse alum, and I’m so thrilled to have her with us today! Berrie Torgan-Randall’s debut BELLA & BLUE: BELLA MEETS BLUE is the first in a new graphic early reader series with Blue Bronco Books, Jr., which just released this month. I love the art and limited palette for this series, it’s incredibly sweet and charming.

So without further ado, please welcome Berrie Torgan-Randall to Critter Lit!

Where do you live?

I live in a small town, Media, southwest of Philadelphia, PA. It’s a lovely Philly suburb with a thriving downtown with shops and restaurants. Water is pronounced “Wooder” and you can order a cheesesteak “Wit or Witout (cheez whiz).”

When did you know you wanted to write and illustrate picture books?

I loved everything about art class – the burlap and glue collages, the linoleum prints, and the smell of the Tempera paint. In pursuit of this passion, I went to art school where I took all sorts of fine arts classes. I loved being in the art room, and there was one other special place where I loved to be—the school library. After working odd jobs after art school that weren’t very gratifying, I reconsidered my career options and remembered the joy of my time spent in the school library. I went to grad school to become an elementary school librarian.   

Being a librarian is my bread and butter, a profession that I love. However, my true passion is illustrating and writing children’s books.  It wasn’t until later after my kids went to school did I really pursue my dream of writing and illustrating for children.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

Every Monday (sometimes it’s a Tuesday), I participate in a self ritual of “Marketing Monday” where I send out a portfolio query. Most often I hear crickets from my queries but one day I got a, “yes, we are interested in having you write and illustrate an early reader graphic novel.”

Can you share a bit about your process?

I set a timer for six minutes and write down as many ideas as I can in my sketchbook. I choose one or two of the ideas and then sketch very loose thumbnails on a storyboard. I write a script to go along with the thumbnails so that my editor can figure out the sketchy thumbnails. Once the script and thumbnails are approved, I start working on the character sketches and tighten up my thumbnail sketches. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I don’t allow my mind to stew and obsess about a story. Allowing only six minutes for an initial idea helps my ideas stay fresh. That being said,  I have several manuscripts that I have stewed over which are now shelved and waiting for me to see them with fresh eyes.

Anything you can’t live without while you write/draw?

Podcasts. My favorites are mysteries, docudramas, swindlers, and sci-fi. 

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Melissa Iwai, Dan Santant, Judy Byron Schachner, Patrice Barton, Jennifer Hansen Rolli, Monica Carnesi, Michael Rex, Jennifer E Morris, Zachariah Ohora, Maurice Sendak, Steph Fizer Coleman, to name a few!

Dream project to work on?

I would love to illustrate and write an early chapter book - much like the Owl Diary series and to write and illustrate a book for babies and toddlers. I would also love to license my illustrations and my surface pattern designs so that I can see my illustrations on cards, fabrics, and gifts. I would love to illustrate for Highlights Magazine and continue receiving assignments for Ladybug Magazine. Oh and I like to garden so I would like to have a flower garden with flowers that are showie and beautiful and give away bouquets to everyone - currently my garden is a deer smorgasbord.

Tell us about your debut book.

Bella & Blue: Bella meets Blue  is a graphic early reader series that celebrates life's everyday struggles, silliness, and surprises. Eight year old Bella has anxiety. Small things aren't so small for Bella. But with the help of her colorful dog, Blue, and her grandma, Gigi, who has a flair for all things French and over-the-top hats, Bella can handle every day's twists and turns. Blue is the companion children dream of having. He's the therapy dog that plays paddy-cake to calm Bella's nerves & take away her blues. Celebrate the beauty of being blue, in this first of the graphic early reader series, Bella & Blue. Book 1 contains 3 short stories, perfect for the stamina of emerging readers ages K-3rd grade.

Sample art from BELLA & BLUE: BELLA MEETS BLUE written and illustrated by Berrie Torgan-Randall, published by Blue Bronco Books, Jr.

What’s up next for you?

I  have a six-panel illustration in the Nov/Dec issue of Ladybug Magazine. I will continue to query my art and stories and put myself out there on “Marketing Monday - sometimes Tuesday.” Also, I will plan and dream about next year’s garden.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

The Breakfast Club - I was (and still am) the Ally Sheedy character - weird by lovable.

Huge thank you to Berrie for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

BERRIE TORGAN-RANDALL has been passionate about children’s literature since she was a little girl and has fed her desire by becoming a children’s librarian and by pursuing a career as an illustrator and writer of children’s books. Berrie studied at Syracuse University earning a BFA in Media Arts and Surface Pattern Design. Pursuing her desire to work with children, she returned to school and earned a Masters Degree in Information Studies at Drexel University. As a teacher/librarian and mother of three, Berrie has created and developed her stories drawn from real-life experiences and her imagination. Berrie is the Illustrator Coordinator for Eastern Pennsylvania Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) where she coordinates events and classes for illustrators. Bella & Blue is Berrie’s debut early reader graphic novel.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Berrie, visit her online at or follow her on social media:

Twitter | Instagram

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of BELLA & BLUE: BELLA MEETS BLUE, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of BELLA & BLUE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, October 13th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Karen Henry Clark

Authors, Vet Interviews, InterviewsLindsay Ward4 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Karen Henry Clark, whose sophomore release, LIBRARY GIRL: How Nancy Pearl Became America's Most Celebrated Librarian, illustrated by Sheryl Murray, released this week with Little Bigfoot. I’m thrilled to have her with us today to share her newest book, writing process, and road to publication.

So without further ado, please welcome Karen Henry Clark to Critter Lit!

Where do you live?

In rural NE Ohio. I call our village a civic island surrounded by cornfield seas.

How many years have you been in publishing?

12 years, give or take.

How did you first get published?

My highly unlikely story resulted from teaching in Tulsa. 

A brilliant boy, Tim (Blake Nelson), landed in my 9th grade English class. He was all quick-energy, so I suggested he audition for the fall play I was directing. He took off like lightning, eventually becoming a successful actor, director, writer.

One day he called to admit something he’d done in high school without getting caught. In the spirit of confession, I admitted to wanting to be an author, not a teacher. He wanted to help and insisted I send something. 

Tim discovered children’s publishing is as tough as show business. But we succeeded. My first picture book, Sweet Moon Baby: An Adoption Tale, resulted. 

Do you write full-time? 

I procrastinate full-time. I write in my head constantly, but sitting down to write happens in fits and starts. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

My parents read to me from big fairy tale books. When I started school, I thought even bigger books would happen. Imagine my disappointment over Dick and Jane Readers—just kids shouting verbs. 

My mother recognized an educational crisis and took me to the public library. A kind librarian suggested Curious George, an adventurous book I could read myself. A library card changed everything.

I write to inspire another child in search of the world. 

What surprised you the most working as an author?

Writing never gets any easier. In the beginning, I thought there was secret. Nope. It is, as Anne Lamott, wrote: “bird by bird.” 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

Seeing the illustrations for the first time. They’re always 100 times better than anything I imagined. Suddenly I know what my words mean.

What do you find difficult working as an author?

The loneliness of writing. It feels more pronounced now because I no longer have our sweet dog under my chair. We lost Maria in May because of a terrible diagnosis with no good options.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas as an author?

I wander the aisles of a local fabric outlet because color distracts me. I pretend I’m decorating a room, imagining throw pillows and drapes and trims. The staff understands I’m there for inspiration, so they just wave. Clearing my mind of words lets my imagination loose. Every time.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I stash scrap paper and pens around the house and in the car to capture ideas, dialogue, metaphors, whatever. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Although I was nervous, I attended Jane Yolen’s Picture Book Boot Camp in 2015. She overheard me bemoaning my flimsy Nancy Pearl story and interrupted to say, “Karen, that story will sell.” I reeled from her confidence and tried again. No one wants to disappoint Jane. 

Recommended reading?

Ann Whitford Paul’s Writing Picture Books explains all the plates a writer has to spin.

What has been the highlight of your career so far?

Meeting my Knopf editor for lunch. The Random House lobby is straight out of Oz: massive lighted cases with famous books and a mile-long carpet runner to an imposing man at a counter. I thought to myself, You’re a long way from Oklahoma now, Karen

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Picture book standards will change, and there is no crystal ball. When I started, 1000-word stories were the norm. Now it’s 500ish words, a completely different style.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Library Girl: How Nancy Pearl Became America’s Most Celebrated Librarian, illustrated by Sheryl Murray, is the true story of a child who loved reading more than recess, even though kids teased her about this book obsession. Fortunately, encouragement from both real and imaginary characters helped her gain confidence and make a discovery that changed her life.

Interior art from LIBRARY GIRL: HOW NANCY PEARL BECAME AMERICA’S MOST CELEBRATED LIBRARIAN by Karen Henry Clark, illustrated by Sheryl Murray, published by Little Bigfoot.

Nancy Pearl is an acclaimed advocate for books and libraries. She has received numerous awards for her valuable contributions and is a popular speaker, author, literary critic, television host of Seattle channel’s Book Lust, and the inspiration for three “Librarian Action Figures.”

Interior art from LIBRARY GIRL: HOW NANCY PEARL BECAME AMERICA’S MOST CELEBRATED LIBRARIAN by Karen Henry Clark, illustrated by Sheryl Murray, published by Little Bigfoot.

Interior art from LIBRARY GIRL: HOW NANCY PEARL BECAME AMERICA’S MOST CELEBRATED LIBRARIAN by Karen Henry Clark, illustrated by Sheryl Murray, published by Little Bigfoot.

What’s up next for you?

I’m taking a new look at old manuscripts. Once upon a time, editors labeled them “almost but not quite.” Those characters call to me still. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors?

Don’t be hard on yourself. Your path is unlike anyone else’s. Watch for your own helpers, arrows, landmarks. I promise they exist.  

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

The Breakfast Club because I was teaching high school English, speech, and drama at the time and saw the promise in imperfectly perfect teenagers. I had all of those characters in my classes and adored each one.

Huge thank you to Karen for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your fantastic new book!

Karen Henry Clark decided to become an author when she was four years old. While figuring out how to do that, she worked as a bookstore clerk, teacher, college administrator, copywriter, and book reviewer. Her first picture book was Sweet Moon Baby, a tale based on adopting her daughter from China. Library Girl is her second book. In "Margin Notes," Karen blogs about the magic in everyday life's small moments at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Karen or her books, visit her online at

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of LIBRARY GIRL, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of LIBRARY GIRL?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, October 6th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Shachi Kaushik

Authors, book release, debut interviewLindsay Ward4 Comments

Where do you live?

I’ve lived in Austin Texas for almost 10 years and currently I live in Vancouver, British Colombia. I love living in both parts of the world. 

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I volunteered at the Round Rock Public Library, where I hosted a bilingual Hindi-English Storytime.  I found very few books, with South Asian characters. Seeing that gap i wanted to fill that void with my work and wanted to bring stories with universal themes yet holding elements of my South Asian culture.

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

I had no idea of publishing, and I was convinced to self-publish.  But then I joined the Writing Barn class in 2019 and after my first class, the world of publishing just opened. I joined the writing communities like SCBWI and 12x12. Took classes, attended events, and continued to write.

I found my agent in 2020 and sold my book in 2021. 

Can you share a bit about your process?

I start off by answering a few questions –

Character and settings- What they want and why- The conflict- The solution. 

Ones I have clarity I start off with my first draft, get it critiqued and improvise (this is on repeat). I also do storyboard as it gives me a better picture of structure, page turns and flow.  

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

To get the rust off I go for walks, visit the library, bookstores, and the museums. I feel we are always surrounded by ideas; we just have to catch them. I’ve been more observant to the nature and my surroundings.

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

My notebook and my special magic pencil. 

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

I have so many authors and illustrators that I inspire, but if I had to pick one it would be Author Mitali Perkins and illustrator Kadir Nelson.

Dream project to work on?

Write a book series and develop a show. 

Tell us about your debut book.

Diwali In My New Home, illustrated by Aishwarya Tandon, is a story about Priya, who loves to celebrate Diwali, (an Indian holiday) with family and friends. But this year Priya and her parents are living in North America, and no one seems to know about the holiday. Priya misses the traditions in India. But as she strings lights outside and creates rangoli art, Priya introduces the festival of lights to her neighbors. And even though the celebration is different this year, it's still Diwali.

Interior art from DIWALI IN MY NEW HOME by Shachi Kaushik, illustrated by Aishwarya Tandon

What’s up next for you?

More books to write, more shows to work on.  I just finished working on the YouTube original animated series ‘The Guava Juice Show’.  

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Growing up in India, we had very limited access to Hollywood movies. The ones that were available became my favorite.  

Hollywood: Honey, I Shrunk the Kids. 

Bollywood: Mr. India

Huge thank you to Shachi for stopping by Critter Lit!

Shachi Kaushik is a bilingual Hindi-English children’s media enthusiast who is passionate about sharing stories. Part of the Children's Media Industry, she creates content for children that is entertaining, enlightening, and educational. Raised in India, Shachi currently lives in Vancouver with her husband. Shachi loves taking walks on the beach and eating gelato.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Shachi or her book, visit her online or follow her on social media:


Twitter: @KaushikShachi

Instagram: @storiesbyshachi


ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of DIWALI IN MY NEW HOME, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of DIWALI IN MY NEW HOME Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, September 29th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Kimberly Wilson

Authors, Interviews, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward6 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I’ve been in the blackhole of deadlines for the past few weeks— but I’m thrilled to be back this week with an interview with author Kimberly Wilson. I was lucky enough to read Kimberly’s manuscript a couple years ago as a Critter Lit critique submission— and now it’s a published book! (Congrats Kimberly, we are so excited for you!). A PENNY’S WORTH, illustrated by Mark Hoffmann, published by Page Street Kids just released in April. Don’t you just love when things come full circle like that?!

So without further ado, please welcome Kimberly Wilson!

Where do you live?

I’ve lived in Charlotte, NC, for almost 22 years, but I grew up in Upstate NY.

When did you know you wanted to write picture books?

I knew I wanted to write from the time I was in third grade. Inspired by reading L.M. Montgomery’s Anne of Green Gables, I spent many days outdoors, pouring my imagination onto the paper. My favorite subject in high school was English and I continued studying creative writing through college. Though it wasn’t until my girls were born that I experienced a spark of interest in picture books. 

Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

A decade after that initial spark, I finally decided to dive into following my dream. That’s when I joined the SCBWI, took every picture book craft class I could, found my amazing critique groups, and began attending conferences. In fact, a critique for A Penny’s Worth at the SCBWI NJ Conference in June 2019 turned into an R&R with Page Street Kids. And a few rounds of revision later, it became an offer! After four years of working full time on writing, revising, critiquing, and querying, my debut picture book hit the shelves!

Can you share a bit about your process?

I like to start with a pitch. This way, I have all the elements of the story formulated before I begin writing––character, setting, problem, stakes, solution, and the hooks. Sometimes this can evolve over the course of months, and other times it comes quickly. Once I have it fleshed out, I paste it at the top of the page and refer to it while I write my first draft and all the way through revision.

I’m also a list maker, so I write down every pun and idiom I can find about my topic so I can puzzle piece them into the manuscript as I write. Many times, I add too many and end up cutting some later––but at least I’m never short on this type of word play!

The first draft is my biggest challenge! I do a lot of legwork before I’m able to get my story on the page (75% preparation, 25% procrastination). It also really helps to have a critique meeting on the calendar to give me a deadline.

Revision is my favorite part of the process. I love layering in the emotional arc, sneaking in educational tidbits, and infusing characters with their own unique personalities. Writing and revising dialogue is so much fun!

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I have several go-to moves to get my brainstorming juices flowing. I either head outside for a walk, dive into an online pun and idiom search, or take a shower (this one is the clear winner!).

Anything you can’t live without while you write?

The biggest must-have, without a doubt, is coffee. My most-used tools are a Thesaurus, the Idioms by Free Dictionary site, the Charlotte Mecklenburg Library app, my bookshelf, and my TUL colored gel pens. 

Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

I could go on all day answering this question! 

I’m so lucky to be in a community with super-talented critique partners and an incredible debut group who inspire me daily.

I’ve always been captivated by Ame Dyckman’s humor. Reading books like Misunderstood Shark, Dandy, and You Don’t Want a Unicorn made me realize one of my goals is to make kids giggle through my writing. 

I also connect with books like Ben Clanton’s Rot, The Cutest in the World! and Jory John and Pete Oswald’s The Good Egg. I really love reading and writing about anthropomorphized inanimate objects! 

Some mentor texts I admired while writing A Penny’s Worth were Linus the Little Yellow Pencil, by Scott Magoon, Eraser, by Anna Kang and Christopher Weyant, Brick: Who Found Herself in Architecture, by Joshua David Stein and Julia Rothman, and Oliver: The Second Largest Living Thing on Earth, by Josh Crute and John Taesoo Kim. The last two have an informational spin, another thing I enjoy including in many of my manuscripts.

Dream project to work on?

Gosh, every project is a dream to me! I have an informational manuscript with a twist that is very close to my heart, and another one in the works. I find it’s these connections with stories that make them dream projects for me. It’s also a goal of mine to collaborate on a humorous early graphic novel series. It’s such a fun genre––and I get a kick out of writing the dialogue!

Tell us about your debut book.

A PENNY’S WORTH (Page Street Kids), illustrated by Mark Hoffmann, is a pun-filled story of a shiny new cent who feels like a million bucks. But when she’s told she’s not enough to slot-surf like Quarter or even pay for penny candy like Dime, she begins to doubt her value. Refusing to be short-changed, Penny sets out to find her purpose at any cost and ends up learning an important lesson about self-worth in the process. 

The story also incorporates beginner money-math as well as back matter filled with penny fun facts and history, money equivalents, and resources to learn more.

What’s up next for you?

A DOLLAR’S GRAND DREAM (Page Street Kids), also illustrated by Mark Hoffmann, hits shelves spring 2023. In this punny sequel to A Penny’s Worth, Big Bill is a wranglin’ change makin’ dollar. Until he learns about the glitz and glamour of the grand life and wishes he were bigger. But when he gets his wish, he realizes livin’ large might not be as one-derful as he thought. Sprinkled with humor and money math (and more puns!), readers will learn about place values and the age-old lesson that the grass is not always greener on the other side.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

As you wish (haha!)––The Princess Bride––hands down!

Huge Thank you to Kimberly for stopping by Critter Lit today!

Kimberly Wilson’s prized childhood possessions included a butterfly Trapper Keeper full of her stories, an overflowing bookshelf, and a pocket thesaurus. But it took many years (and a couple careers) before she pursued her dream of writing for children. A lover of puns and wordplay, Kimberly enjoys mixing humor, heart, and educational details into her writing. A PENNY’S WORTH (Page Street Kids), illustrated by Mark Hoffmann, is her debut picture book. The sequel, A DOLLAR’S GRAND DREAM, releases in 2023. Kimberly lives in North Carolina with her husband, two daughters, and their puppy.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Kimberly, visit her online or follow her on social media:


Twitter: @authorkimwilson

Instagram: @kimberlywilsonwrites

Goodreads: @kimberlywilsonwrites

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of A PENNY’S WORTH, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of A PENNY’S WORTH?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, June 23rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Amani Uduman

Authors, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a fantastic interview with an author all the way from Australia! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her newest book, CEDRIC’S TAIL, illustrated by Agnès Ernoult, published by Yeehoo Press, which came out this past March.

So without further ado, please welcome Amani Uduman!

Where do you live?

I live in Melbourne, Australia. I’m originally from Sri Lanka, but my family migrated to Melbourne at the age of six.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I have been writing for over twelve years. During that time, I have published numerous titles in the non-profit sector and been included in several anthologies. 

How did you first get published?

My first publication was in an online children’s magazine where I wrote short stories for specific age groups. 

I also self-published an Ebook called, ‘Snakes in Class,’ which is a fun story about a school incursion featuring snakes.

Do you write full-time?

I would love to write full-time. However, with life being extremely busy as it is, I endevour to write whenever I get a chance. 

Sometimes, I’ll scribble notes on a piece of paper if inspiration suddenly comes to me and use it later as springboard for a new manuscript. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

I loved reading picture books as a child. Particularly, if they were humorous and quirky. 

Some of my favourite authors include Jon Klassen, Enid Blyton and Aaron Blabey. 

It’s a joy to reread stories that bring a smile to my face.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

The biggest surprise for me being an author was the fact that learning never ceases to exist. There is always room to refine my craft, and it’s exciting to venture into different genres of writing. 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

My favourite thing about being an author is being able to contribute to the world of children’s literature. To have children and adults alike, enjoy my work and discuss their favourite stories with one another. 

It’s also exciting to see my story with the accompanying illustrations for the first time. The illustrations add a whole new dimension to my manuscript, and the illustrator does an amazing job of bringing the story to life. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

The most difficult aspect of being an author is finding the time to write. And to write without distractions. However, I find that little tasks can be put aside to focus on my passion in life- which is to write!

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I find walking helps me with new ideas. Generally, inspiration comes suddenly and from now nowhere in particular. So, when a new idea does come into my mind, it’s often a pleasant surprise. 

I have even woken up in the middle of the night to record a new story idea.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

A nice cup of green tea is always a must!

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

The Kit Lit community is one of encouragement and support. I found that joining organisations such as SCBWI, attending festivals and writing workshops helps build a supportive network of people, with whom I could share my love of writing.

Recommended reading?

There are so many books which I could recommend. However, if I had to pick my top five children’s books/series. they would include the following:

  1. This is not my hat by Jon Klassen.

  2. The Bad Guy Series by Aaron Blabey.

  3. The Faraway Tree Series by Enid Blyton.

  4. I’m Coming to Get You! by Tony Ross.

  5. Stephanie’s Ponytail by Robert Munsch.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

My career highlight is collaborating with talented illustrators, editors and publishers who have been encouraging and supportive of my work and provided valuable feedback on how to make to make my story shine.

I’ve also met diverse authors at writing conferences and festivals who share a love of writing and children’s books.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish that someone had told me that writing is a continuous growth journey and not to feel too dejected by the dreaded rejection letter. There are various reasons as to why work can be rejected, and it’s simply a case of dust yourself off and move forward. There was one particular manuscript of mine which made it to an acquisition meeting, and although the editors loved my work, there was simply no room on their list for another picture book.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Cedric’s Tail, illustrated by Agnès Ernoult, published by Yeehoo Press, is a light-hearted story about a little boy who wishes for a tail on his birthday after examining his pets. When his wish finally comes true, Cedric must deal with the advantages and limitations of having his tail.

What’s up next for you?

I will continue to write stories as I visualise new ideas. I’m also editing and revising several manuscripts which I have previously completed. I usually take a long break from my work, so I can get back to my stories with a fresh pair of eyes.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I think it’s important to follow your heart and write what inspires you and what you believe in. Even if a story isn’t published, relish the experience of immersing yourself in the creative process.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Pretty in Pink is my favourite 80’s movie of all time.  Jon Cryer is absolutely hilarious!

Huge THANK YOU to Amani for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on CEDRIC’S TAIL!

Amani Uduman is a children’s author and poet. She studied at Deakin University where she graduated with a bachelor’s degree in Applied Science (Health Promotion) and a postgraduate degree in Teaching (Primary and Secondary).

Having worked as primary school teacher, her favourite lessons involved reading and writing stories with her students. Over the years, Amani’s interest in children’s fiction continued to strengthen and she found herself immersed in the world of writing children’s literature.

Amani has published many titles within the non-profit sector. Her books include levelled readers, picture books, and non-fiction texts. Her books are translated into different languages including Lao and Tetun. 

Amani enjoys writing stories which are both humorous and quirky. Her favourite children’s authors include Jon Klassen, Aaron Blabey and Enid Blyton.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Amani, visit her online or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @TarsheemAmani1



ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of CEDRIC’S TAIL, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of CEDRIC’S TAIL?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, May 19th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author, Illustrator, and Publisher Helen H. Wu

Authors, debut interviewLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author, illustrator and publisher Helen Wu of Yeehoo Press. I’ve been lucky enough to interview a few of the authors and illustrators that Helen has worked with at Yeehoo Press, and now we are lucky enough to have her too! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to share her journey into publishing, her process, and share her new book, TOFU TAKES TIME, illustrated by Julie Jarema, with Beaming Books, which just received a starred review from School Library Journal!

So without further ado, please welcome Helen Wu!

Where do you live?

I was born and raised in Hefei, China. Currently I live in San Diego, California.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I illustrated for a self-published picture book in 2012 and that was how I got started in children’s book publishing. So far I’ve been in the publishing industry for over 10 years.

Do you write full-time?

I have a day job as the associate publisher at Yeehoo Press. I write part-time.

What inspires you to create picture books?

I’ve been passionate about writing and drawing since I was a kid; however, I never thought it would be a career option when I grew up in China. My parents were very supportive, but we didn’t have typical picture books when I grew up. We had black-and-white comic books and only in the last two decades, picture books were introduced into China. The Chinese children’s book market started much later than other markets around the world.

Picture books have the potential to pass on the joy from generation to generation, and it’s one of the channels that children can learn about the world when they snuggle on the laps of parents and grandparents. It’s a magical format that I feel can perfectly encapsulate a feeling, a moment, a subject, a place and time. As an art lover, I also find it’s very entertaining and soothing to simply enjoy the artwork of picture books. Currently I’m most into writing stories grounded in my personal immigrant experiences with Chinese cultural background. 

What inspired your newest book, TOFU TAKES TIME?

The inspiration for this story was born of my tofu-making experience with my own grandma. When I was a kid, I often sat by my grandma and watched her cooking, including making tofu. She washed vegetables, chopped meat, stirred porridge, and cooked all the meals for the whole family. While cooking, my grandma always told me stories, which brought me to faraway places and times. After I moved to the US and had my own family, once I made tofu with my kids, they asked me a lot about the process and all the tools we used. This reminded me of the sweet time I spent with my grandma in the small kitchen across the ocean. A story began to take shape. But I knew to be a story in the true sense, it had to be about something bigger and more relevant to kids. When I cooked with my own kids, they would start their imaginative play and occasionally complain about how long it takes to cook a meal. This inspired me to include the topic of patience. When I took a closer look at the tofu-making process in an imaginative way, I discovered an assortment of elements it contained to connect nature and even the universe. I’m pleased to have found a sweet spot to include food, culture, patience, nature, and intergenerational love in one book.

Interior art from TOFU TAKES TIME by Helen H. Wu, illustrated by Julie Jarema, published by Beaming Books

Interior art from TOFU TAKES TIME by Helen H. Wu, illustrated by Julie Jarema, published by Beaming Books

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

To see how the illustrator interprets the story in her perspective. The text and the illustrations are equally important to making a picture book. For this book, Julie and I mainly collaborated through our editor Naomi Krueger. During the phase of character design, Naomi asked me to share some photos of my grandma with Julie for inspiration. My parents in China helped me. They went through stacks of family albums and dug out some old photos of me at about 5 years old, which drew me back to sweet memories with my grandma and grandpa. I almost cried tears of joy to see the little girl that Julie drew, with my name on a children’s book representing Chinese culture! I am so incredibly grateful that I got to work with Julie on this book. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

The most challenging part of writing is definitely revising. In considering so many different ways to revise my work, I always want to ensure revisions set out to strengthen the story and make it more appealing to a broad audience while staying true to my heart. Sometimes it’s best to shelve the manuscript for a little while to gain a fresh perspective and new ideas before reworking the story. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Read books, watch movies, go to museums, and keep eyes open for daily delights. I believe creativity is the ability of one’s brain to connect common things in an uncommon way. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I’ve had so many positive experiences in the Kid Lit community. It’s a safe place to share your good or or not so good news, ask for advice or help, seek critique and feedback. Kid Lit authors and friends are always there to offer their knowledge and help and lift each other up. 

Recommended reading?

Here are some of my favorite new books, So Not Ghoul by Karen Yin, illustrated by Bonnie Lui, The School of Failure by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, Anzu the Great Kaiju by Benson Shum, Hana Hsu and the Ghost Crab Nation by Sylvia Liu, and Abuelita and I Make Flan by Adriana Hernández Bergstrom.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

I have achieved some milestones along the way. I got nominated by Publishers Weekly as one of the honorees of Publishers Weekly Star Watch as the associate publisher of Yeehoo Press. Recently TOFU TAKES TIME got a starred review from School Library Journal. I’ll keep it up!

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

It takes years of hard work to make your book to be seen, and make yourself to be seen.

What’s up next for you?

My next picture book, LONG GOES TO DRAGON SCHOOL, illustrated by Mae Besom, will be published by Yeehoo Press in February 2023. Inspired by my experience as a minority immigrant student, this picture book follows a Chinese dragon who struggles to breathe fire in his new Western dragon school, only to discover he must carve his own path to finding a sense of belonging. Wrapped in Eastern and Western dragon lore, this fantasy tale celebrates perseverance, self-acceptance, and cultural differences.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Read other picture books and learn about what’s out in the market. Take picture book writing classes. Find a critique group and get feedback on your stories. Revise, revise, revise. Most importantly, keep writing and keep going. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

My Neighbor Totoro. I’m a huge fan of Studio Ghibli.

Huge thank you to Helen for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your starred review and wonderful book!

Helen H. Wu is a children’s book author and illustrator, as well as a translator and publisher. She is the author of Tofu Takes Time, illustrated by Julie Jarema (Beaming Books, 2022) and Long Goes To Dragon School, illustrated by Mae Besom (Yeehoo Press, 2023). Helen is the Associate Publisher of Yeehoo Press, a San Diego based children’s book publisher. Being fascinated by the differences and similarities between cultures, Helen loves to share stories that can empower children to understand the world and our connections. Born and raised in Hefei, China, Helen moved to the US in her 20s. Currently, she resides in sunny Southern California, with her family and two kids. Learn more about Helen at and follow her on Twitter at @HelenHWu and on Instagram at @HelenHWu.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Helen, visit her online at or follow her on social media:

Twitter at @HelenHWu

Instagram at @HelenHWu.

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of TOFU TAKES TIME, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of TOFU TAKES TIME?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, May 4th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Annette Whipple

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward7 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a wonderful nonfiction picture book author with us today! I’m such a fan of nonfiction books and my boys are currently consuming lots and lots of them. I’m thrilled to have this author with us today to talk about her fabulous books, road to publication, and process.

So without further ado, please welcome Annette Whipple!

Where do you live?

I live outside of a small town in southeastern Pennsylvania near Maryland and Delaware.

How many years have you been in publishing?

My first book was published in 2016. But I began writing for some magazines in 2012.

How did you first get published?

I met an editor at my first writing conference who focuses on work-for-hire educational books. I sent her a writing sample, and later she asked if I wanted to write a book about insects. For those curious about the educational market, I wrote about the educational market here.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

My writing-related work is full-time for the most part. My days begin early but typically end when my kids arrive home from school. I spend a lot of time preparing presentations, teaching (children and adults), and marketing outside of the writing process. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

I think this world is amazing, and I want to share what I learn with curious kids—or make them curious to know more. I also love that picture books are for ALL readers! Here’s how a middle school teacher uses picture books in her class.

What surprised you the most working as an author?

The biggest surprises for me are how much work I do that isn’t writing for kids and how hard it is to make a living at it.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I love connecting with kids! So often I’m also told by adults that they didn’t know they liked nonfiction until they read my books. I love that I can turn readers (of any age) on to nonfiction!

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Finding focus and not allowing myself to get distracted. Also finding the write structure for a book can take years!

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Sometimes I return to my writing notebook. Other times it’s getting outside, reading a book, or watching a documentary. 

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I’ve learned to dedicate one day a week to writing projects. On those days I don’t email (much) or marketing or prepare presentations.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I’ve learned so much from others’ generosity over the year. I’ve made incredible friendships that I’m thankful for with people so much more published than me as well as new writers. 

Recommended reading?

Oh my…there are so many. Here are a few authors to check out for some great nonfiction books. Candace Fleming, Debra Kempf Shumaker, Melissa Stewart, Steve Sheinkin, Tina M. Cho, Amy Ludwig, VanDerwater, Christina Soontronvat, Laura Purdie Salas.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Holding an owl during my research for Whooo Knew? The Truth About Owls. He’s a Eurasian Eagle Owl named Quincy. [Add photo]

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

That even nonfiction writers benefit a lot from having an agent. (I sold my first 12 books without an agent.) 

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Ribbit! The Truth About Frogs is the fourth book in The Truth About series. Like the others, it’s a question-and-answer book. Each page spread asks and answers a question related to frogs. Bold photographs capture the reader’s attention. Additional illustrations add some humor and more facts about frogs. The hardcover editions of all of The Truth About series even include a full-size poster!

Interior art from RIBBIT! The Truth About Frogs by Annette Whipple published by Reycraft Books

Interior art from RIBBIT! The Truth About Frogs by Annette Whipple published by Reycraft Books

Interior art from RIBBIT! The Truth About Frogs by Annette Whipple published by Reycraft Books

What’s up next for you?

Later this year Meow! The Truth About Cats will release with Reycraft Books. I have an offer from a publisher (though no final contract) for a book but can’t share details yet. It’s definitely something different for me.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

If you’re reading this, you’re taking time to learn and connect with other writers. That’s fabulous! Be sure to also join some writing groups specific to your genre and audience. Keep learning through workshops and conferences. In-person is best for connecting with others, but you’ll still learn a ton from webinars!

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

I had to check the date. But The Princess Bride came out in 1987 though I didn’t see it until the ‘90s. Who can’t love a movie that has ROUS?

Huge thank you to Annette for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on all your fantastic books!

Annette Whipple celebrates curiosity and inspires a sense of wonder while exciting readers about science and history. She’s the author of many fact-filled children’s books including The Laura Ingalls Wilder Companion: A Chapter-by-Chapter Guide (Chicago Review Press), The Story of the Wright Brothers (Rockridge Press), and Whooo Knew? The Truth About Owls (Reycraft Books) in The Truth About series. When Annette’s not reading or writing, you might find her baking for her family in Pennsylvania. Get to know her and explore her resources for teachers and writers at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Annette, visit her online or follow her on social media:

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of RIBBIT! THE TRUTH ABOUT FROGS, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of RIBBIT! THE TRUTH ABOUT FROGS?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, April 28th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Cindy Williams Schrauben

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Cindy Williams Schrauben! Her debut picture book, THIS COULD BE YOU, illustrated by Julia Seal, publishes this month by Cardinal Rule Press. I’m thrilled to have Cindy with us today to chat about her new book, road to publication, and process.

So without further ado, please welcome Cindy Williams Schrauben!

Where do you live?  

I have always lived in Michigan – I love it from May through October, but the rest of the year, I question my sanity. Winter is not my friend.

 When did you know you wanted to write picture books? 

I have ‘wanted’ to write books for kids since college, but I didn’t take serious steps to make it happen until about 8 years ago. 

 Tell us about your road to publication, what did that involve for you?

The journey involved a great deal of patience and perseverance – not my biggest strengths. When I became an empty nester, I decided it was time to strive for my own dreams and seriously work toward publication. I attended conferences, took online classes, and lots of workshops. I read, listened to podcasts and above all else, connected with other authors. I can honestly say that without the kidlit community and their generosity I would not have stuck with it. Like many of us, I started submitting my work way too early (before it was ready), continued to hone my stories, and swallow the rejections. I submitted This Could Be You to Cardinal Rule Press in 2021 and secured my second agent shortly after.

 Can you share a bit about your process?

My writing process is a bit chaotic – completely driven by the passion to write. I tend to get excited about an idea and run with it. I have way too many ideas and the next shiny thing that pops into my head often takes precedence. I will say, though, that I think this is why writing is so therapeutic for me; when I’m writing, the rest of the world disappears – that can be a good thing and a bad thing. As far as specifics go, I write on a laptop, in my quiet office surrounded by books (and way too much clutter). 

 What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Ideas are never a problem for me – I have lists coming out my ears. Sticking with a manuscript when I get stuck is the hard part. My biggest struggle is plotting. I want to just write without planning and that often gets me in trouble. When I am really struggling I read other picture books, do critiques for others, read blogs and listen to podcasts to get inspired. But, more often than not, I drop a manuscript for a while and move on to another story until inspiration strikes and I can revisit it.

 Anything you can’t live without while you write?

Coffee and quiet.

 Any authors and/or illustrators who inspire you?

Oooh, so many. I have so many friends who are published authors and are my true inspirations. I would never have achieved this dream without them, but I wouldn’t dare list them for fear of forgetting someone. This community is amazing and I can’t wait to start giving back. Historically, I have always loved Jack Prelutsky. His humor and rhyme delight me. Maybe that’s why my favorite stories to write are funny, punny, and rhyming. 

 Dream project to work on?

I would love to write a PB biography of an inspiring kid – I’m hunting for ideas. 

 Tell us about your debut book.

My debut picture book, This Could Be You, illustrated by Julia Seal will be released on April 1, 2022. Words for believing in yourself are the stars of this picture book that empowers children of all abilities and backgrounds to not only believe in themselves but to be strong and resilient in the pursuit of their dreams. A teacher, a scientist or an activist - could this be you? Through lyrical rhymes and vibrant illustrations, This Could Be You says yes, it very well could be. 

Interior Art from THIS COULD BE YOU by Cindy Williams Schrauben, Illustrated by Julia Seal, published by Cardinal Rule Press

 This Could Be You will sit comfortably on your shelf alongside other empowering books such as I Promise (by LeBron James) and I Can Do Hard Things (by Gabi Garcia). The full-color jacket is a reversible, 22 x 36 poster perfect for inspiring kids in the classroom and home with positive messages!

A free Reader’s Guide which contains interactive lesson plans that encourage children to adopt a growth mindset over a fixed one is available for free download from the publisher website.

 What’s up next for you?

I have always wanted to illustrate my own picture book. Even if it never happens, I am enjoying the journey. I am also in the process of developing a program I call Partners in Literacy in which local businesses can sponsor school visits by purchasing a book for each child. I’m really excited to kick this off after my release.

 And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Footloose – music, dance, and a rebel!

Huge thank you to Cindy for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

Cindy Williams Schrauben lives in Michigan where she writes books for kids that range from the truly serious to the seriously silly. Before embarking on this path, she held positions as a preschool administrator, teacher, and assistant director of a children’s museum -- always striving to empower kids. When not writing, Cindy might be found dissecting her grandsons’ shenanigans for story ideas, reading on the floor in the bookstore, or eating ice cream… ideally all at once. 

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Cindy or her work, visit her online.

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of THIS COULD BE YOU, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of THIS COULD BE YOU?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, April 21st! US addresses only please.

Interview 2 with Author Brooke Hartman

Authors, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a follow-up interview with picture book author Brooke Hartman! I love getting the opportunity to check in with authors and illustrators after their debut has come out to hear all about their experiences in publishing. Brooke stopped by Critter Lit in December 2020. You can read her first interview with us here.

So without further ado, please welcome back Brooke Hartman!

It’s great to have you back on Critter Lit! We can’t wait to hear all about what you’ve been up to since your last visit!

Tell us about your latest book:

The Littlest Airplane, illustrated by John Joseph, is a nonfiction STEM title wrapped in a fun, fictional story about a bush plane who doesn’t feel his own self worth—he isn’t brawny like the cargo plane, fast like the jet plane, or nimble like the turbo prop plane—until he realizes his unique features enable him to complete a very special task. 

Interior art from THE LITTLEST AIRPLANE by Brooke Hartman, Illustrated by John Joseph, published by Alaska Northwest Books

Interior art from THE LITTLEST AIRPLANE by Brooke Hartman, Illustrated by John Joseph, published by Alaska Northwest Books

Interior art from THE LITTLEST AIRPLANE by Brooke Hartman, Illustrated by John Joseph, published by Alaska Northwest Books

Last we spoke you had released your debut book. Can you share some of your experiences since your first book came out? How are things different? How are they the same?

The Littlest Airplane is now my third title, with five more books launching over the next year, and can I just say that I never (ever, ever) thought I would get to this point in my writing career! Landing that first publication contract was a dream come true, but since then I’ve learned a LOT, not only about the writing process, but the publishing and marketing aspect too. There’s so much more to a “book making gig” than you can ever imagine until you’re up to your elbows in it!

What do you find inspiring right now?

The vast amounts of fun, educational, and uplifting KidLit releasing into the world. The pandemic brought this industry to a slow crawl, and books launched during the height of COVID, including one of my own books, suffered due to lack of in-person events and promotional opportunities, but I feel like everyone—authors, readers, and publishers alike—are truly making up for that now. Books are flying off the shelves, including The Littlest Airplane (haha)!

What has surprised you the most about working as an author?

How much marketing and publicity an author has to do on their own to enable their book to thrive. In the ‘olden golden days’ of publishing, authors went on extended paid book tours involving stretch limos and champagne receptions (that’s how I imagine it… don’t burst my bubble!), but now even bestselling authors have to rely on themselves to do much of their own promotion, from social media and web design, to arranging blogs and scheduling events. You have to wear a dozen hats and balance them all on your head at once.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

The kids who love my books. Finding out a reader enjoyed your story is simply the best feeling in the world. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Rejection. You’d think at some point a published author wouldn’t feel the sting of rejection anymore (whether from a publisher, a reader, or sometimes your own agent!), but it still hurts all the same. I’ve combated this with trying to stay focused on books I have out or my next project, but it’s still hard to get past those ever-present “No’s.”

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I do love me a good coffee shop to write in. Something about being away from my own house (and the pile of laundry, and kids asking for snacks, and closet that needs organized) helps me focus on the creative process. My neighborhood Starbucks jokes that they’re going to have my name engraved into “my” table one day!

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

There are too many to count! The KidLit community is so supportive of one another. I’m currently in a 2022 picture book marketing group called the PB RockITeers (get it?), and we’re constantly sharing Tweets and Instagram posts or reviewing one another’s books in an effort to lift up each other and our forthcoming projects. But I feel this support extends far beyond KidLit to the writing community, in general. 

Recommended reading?

My girls and I love just about anything from Josh Funk, Brian T. Higgins, Deborah Underwood, and Aaron Blabey, but occasionally we’ll pick up a fun nonfiction or nonfiction crossover, like Jocelyn Rish’s Battle of the Butts.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Join SCBWI, get a critique group, and go to writing conferences and workshops TODAY! Do not finish your manuscript first or wait until you think it’s perfect, because there are so many facets of your story you won’t even consider until someone else (or lots of someone elses) lay eyes on it. 

What’s up next for you?

I have one more title releasing this year, and four more releasing in 2023: Watch Out for the Lion (Page Street Kids), All Aboard the Alaska Train (West Margin Press), Klyde the Kraken Wants a Friend (Hazy Dell Press), and Little Narwhal Lost (West Margin Press). I’m a little nervous about launching so many books in one year, but I keep reminding myself this is my dream! Aside from that, I have a few projects out with submission through my agent right now, so fingers crossed that dream will continue in 2024 and beyond.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Don’t spend too much time on one project. It’s okay to bounce around a little and let projects simmer for on the backburner. When you pull them out again, you’ll be able to look at them with fresh eyes and maybe even fresh ideas!

And last, but not least, favorite book character?

Seriously you want me to pick ONE? You are cruel. If I was forced to choose just one, it’d result in an epic battle between Gaudior the winged unicorn from A Swiftly Tilting Planet and Penelope the T-Rex from We Don’t Eat Our Classmates. I’m not sure who would win, but I’d pay serious cash for tickets to that fight.

Huge thank you to Brooke for stopping by to visit with us again! Congrats on all your upcoming books!

BROOKE HARTMAN is an Alaskan mom and award winning author of silly, serious, and sometimes strange stories for children and young adults. Forthcoming titles include Klyde the Kraken Wants a Friend (2020, Innovation Press), Pega Sisters! (2022, Page Street Kids), and The Littlest Airplane (2022, WestMargin Press). When she isn’t writing, you can find her fishing, flying, and having fun with her family, enjoying all the magic Alaska life has to offer.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Brooke or her work, visit her online, or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @BrookesBooksAK

ORDER THIS BOOK To order a copy of THE LITTLEST AIRPLANE, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of THE LITTLEST AIRPLANE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, April 7th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Debut Author Sarah Bagley Steele

Authors, Interviews, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Sarah Bagley Steele, whose debut picture book, THE HAPPIEST KID, illustrated by Elsa Pui Si Lo and Clarice Yunyi Cai, releases with Yeehoo Press this month. I’m thrilled to have Sarah with us today to talk about her new book, writing process, and start in kidlit.

So without further ado, please welcome Sarah Bagley Steele!

Where do you live?

Brooklyn, NY.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I started writing picture books in 2017 and sent out my first query almost exactly four years ago. 

How did you first get published?

The Happiest Kid is my debut book and I sold it directly to the publisher, Yeehoo Press. I submitted it in February 2020 after reading they had an interest in children’s books about emotions. In June 2020, I received a revise and resubmit request from my future editor, along with the most helpful, insightful feedback that led me to an “aha!” moment with the manuscript. I tore through a revision, sent it back, and received an offer the following month. 

Do you write full-time?

I do. I produced theater for many years and pivoted to writing for children when my company shuttered. It was always a dream of mine, and I was fortunate to have a window of time where I could pursue it. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

I love the shared experience of a picture book, both for the creators and the readers. Picture books are usually read together – parents reading to children in bed, teachers to classrooms. There’s a ritual to picture book reading that I find very moving. As a writer, I’m inspired by the way the illustrations and the text dance together to tell a complete story. 

What surprised you the most working as an author?

The timeline surprised me. There was a busy period with a lot of activity and back and forth with my editor, then long stretches of quiet once the text was set. It made me appreciate even more just how much work and time goes into creating a picture book. 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

I love the moment when I first think of a new story idea and my mind starts racing with possibilities. It never gets old.

What do you find difficult working as an author?

Finishing a first draft. I enjoy rewriting, but the initial process of getting something new down on paper, however messy and imperfect – and with an ending – is always hard. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I love a good, long walk in the park, quietly thinking and looking at the world. I like to work stories out in my head before I ever start typing. I walk, and I mutter to myself. 

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I like to write in silence, which often means I work at late at night once everyone has gone to bed. My husband and children love to listen to music while they work, but I can’t do it. I have difficulty writing in cafés or crowded library reading rooms. I think I just get easily distracted!

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Being on Critter Lit is a positive experience! Thank you so much for having me. The willingness of Kid Lit creators to support and lift each other up has been so inspiring and I hope to carry that forward. 

Recommended reading?

I love a good bedtime story, and Goodnight Ganesha by Nadia Salomon and illustrated by Poonam Mistry has such beautiful language and rich cultural details, and the artwork is stunning. My whole family was fascinated by the nonfiction picture book Battle of the Butts by Jocelyn Rish, illustrated by David Creighton-Pester, about how animals use their behinds for evolutionary advantages. And in middle grade, a recent favorite was The Wolf’s Curse by Jessica Vitalis, which was magical and mythic and dreamy and had me feeling all the feels. 

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Last week the preorders of The Happiest Kid began arriving and my friends and family kept texting me photos – my father proudly holding the book, my best friends’ children sitting together on the floor reading it. My daughter asked me to sign her book. Sharing something from your heart with the people you love is hard to beat. 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Do your research. Join Julie Hedlund’s 12x12 Picture Book Challenge, join SCWBI, join the KidLit411 Facebook Group, follow writers you like on Twitter, read the deal announcements in Publishers Weekly. There are so many wise and generous creators out there willing to offer advice and answer your questions, but first you have to ask them.  

Can you tell us about your newest book?

The Happiest Kid, illustrated by Elsa Pui Si Lo and Clarice Yunyi Cai, is about a happy kid who wakes up one morning not feeling happy. Where she normally sees a bright sun, there is now a cloud. She doesn’t know why it’s there, but she doesn’t want anyone to see it—not her parents, not her teacher, and not her friends—so she hides it away. She stuffs it in her pocket, and zips it in her backpack. But as the day goes on, the cloud grows too big and heavy for her to carry, and she must find the courage to let it out. It’s a reassuring book about big feelings and understanding that everyone feels sad sometimes, and that’s okay. 

Interior art from THE HAPPIEST KID by Sarah Bagley Steele, illustrated by Elsa Pui Si Lo and Clarice Yunyi Cai

What’s up next for you?

I’m getting ready to submit a new picture book and am also determined to return to the unfinished middle grade manuscript that keeps haunting my dreams. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Something that I still struggle with is knowing when to keep working on a manuscript that isn’t getting any bites, and when to move on to something new. It’s important to believe in your work, but also to keep growing and moving forward.  

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Adventures in Babysitting. Please tell me I’m not the only one who used to lip sync along to the opening scene with a hairbrush microphone!

Huge thank you to Sarah for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your debut!

Sarah Bagley Steele is a children’s author who loves stories of all kinds that not only make you feel, but help you see the world differently than when you began. 

Before turning her attention to her own writing, Sarah worked in the theater industry, developing new plays and musicals off Broadway. She founded a summer theater company in Pennsylvania and produced ten seasons of free Shakespeare in the Park. 

Sarah lives in Brooklyn, NY with her husband, two children and rascal puppy. When not writing, she loves reading, cooking, and crafting of all sorts. On her Instagram feed she shares book recommendations, and activity and craft ideas. You can also find her at

BUY THIS BOOK To order THE HAPPIEST KID, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of THE HAPPIEST KID?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 17th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author + Illustrator Amalia Hoffman

Authors + Illustrators, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have a wonderful interview with an author and illustrator with fifteen years of experience in kidlit! I’m thrilled to have her with us today to talk about her newest book, MASHA MUNCHING (Yeehoo Press), her road to publication, and experiences in kidlit.

So without further ado, please welcome Amalia Hoffman!

Where do you live?

Larchmont, NY.

How many years have you been in publishing?

15 years.

How did you first get published?

I wrote a story and created a book dummy with a color cover and three finished interior pages. I really didn’t know what to do with it and how or where to send it. Then I met someone who told me about the Society of Children’s Books Writers & Illustrators (SCBWI). I joined the society and went to a mini local conference. There I met people who told me about the SCBWI conference in LA. I flew there and took a couple of classes.

I started sending my dummy to agents. I didn’t get an agent but I sent it to those publishers who accepted non-solicited submissions.

It was a lot of work, but I learned how to write a query letter and eventually I got a “Yes!” from a publisher, located in Israel that published children’s books in English. I have a lot of family in Israel so while I was there; I visited the publisher (Gefen Publishing) and signed my first contact.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

At this point, it’s almost full time. I do other things related to publishing, such as promotions, presentations etc. so that takes some time of my day as well.

What inspires you to create picture books?

For me, creating children’s books is almost like going back to my own childhood, remembering what I did and thinking about when I was a child.

Also, for many years I worked as a visual merchandiser. I created fantasy store windows for big stores in NYC. Kids used to stare at the window and I felt like, in a way, I was creating stories for them so I was inspired to write books.

What surprised you the most working as an author/illustrator?

I was most surprised when I started presenting my books to kids. I realized how perceptive they are. Kids notice the tiniest details in a book  illustration.  

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

Spending time with kids and feeling like I’m enriching their lives.

I also love sitting on a rock by the sound in my neighborhood and letting my imagination loose. I feel like a kid and that’s a most wonderful feeling.

What do you find difficult working as an author/illustrator?

Like most authors and illustrators, I often have to wait months before hearing back from a publisher.

Editors are very busy and they can’t look at every submission right away. But I’m aware of the fact that this is part of the business.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I walk a lot and always end up in that wonderful park by the water. Sometimes I actually fall asleep. The Wi-Fi doesn’t work well in that area and that’s a blessing because I am completely detached and my mind opens up to new ideas. 

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Every time I start a new project I clean up my studio and wipe up my work surface. This habit helps me to charge my creative battery and move on to something new and, hopefully, exciting! 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I have had many wonderful experiences in the Kid Lit community. I met incredible talented, amazing and caring folks. I had a great time at the SCBWI conferences where, before the pandemic, everyone showed up one night, dressed up in costumes. Some costumes were so creative and memorable. Everyone at the hotel was dressed in business attire and the SCBWI members showed up in feathers, sequins, beads, you name it. 

Recommended reading?

Stories by Sholem Aliechem.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

I can’t think of one highlight. When I receive a box of any of my new books and smell the fresh ink and see my illustrations in a new book, I feel elevated. After working on a book or so long, it’s always a highlight when I see them for the first time.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

I wish someone had told me to be tough and not to fall apart at every rejection.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Masha the goat is tired of eating the same boring farm food every day. She says goodby to her beloved friends and sets off on her search to find something else to eat.

Along the way, Masha discovers a wonderful restaurant where the waiter welcomes her in.

But Masha’s choices of “delicious foods” and her  behavior doesn’t seem to be appropriate for restaurant dining. Masha realizes that everything is tastier when shared with good friends and the freedom to behave like a goat. She returns to the farm and delights her friends by using her experience at the restaurant to make new dishes for them.

The theme of the book is that sometimes, we need to explore outside of our own limited horizon, only to discover that home is where we feel the most comfortable and safe.

Masha is curious. She needs to leave her beloved friends in order to find out what’s out there. Her journey is one of discoveries and struggles along the way.

At the end, she chooses to go back home but the story makes it clear that the journey was well worth it.

Masha has gained knowledge that she can put to good use. Now, she can enrich her friends’ life by using her experiences at the restaurant and making new dishes from that wonderful basic ingredient—hay!

MASHA MUNCHING, by Amalia Hoffman, Chinese Edition, Yeehoo Press

What’s up next for you?

Besides Masha Munching, I have two other books launching in 2022 and I’m working on another story that was just acquired.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Stay true to yourself! Don’t write what you think will sell, because truth is, no one really knows what will sell. If you’re an illustrator, don’t try to mimic someone else’s style. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?


Thank you to Amalia for stopping by Critter Lit! Congrats on Masha!

AMALIA HOFFMAN is an author, illustrator and storyteller. She grew up in Jerusalem, Israel. She now resides in Larchmont, NY.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, visit Amalia’s website or follow her on social media:

Facebook: @Amalia.Hoffman.5

Twitter: @AmaliaHoffman


BUY THIS BOOK To order MASHA MUNCHING, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of MASHA MUNCHING and MY MONSTERPIECE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 10th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Susan Lendroth

Authors, InterviewsLindsay Ward11 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with author Susan Lendroth, whose newest book, PIPER AND PURPA FOREVER, illustrated by Olivia Feng, just released this month with Yeehoo Press! I adore the cover of this book— it makes me want to snuggle up and read. I’m thrilled to have Susan with us today to share her road to publication, process, and Piper!

So without further ado, please welcome Susan Lendroth!

Where do you live? 

Southern California.

How many years have you been in publishing? 

My first picture book came out in 2005, so 16 years from that date or 19 years if you count from when I began writing PB in 2002.

How did you first get published?

I sold a book on my own to Tricycle Press, which was an imprint of Tenspeed. It no longer exists because Tenspeed was acquired by Random House, but there are other smaller presses out there who give unagented authors a chance.

Do you write full-time? 

No, with a book released every couple of years, I also work full time for the Los Angeles Public Library.

What inspires you to create picture books? 

I love the final product! I love trying to find the essence of a story and editing away the extraneous bits. Even if it's not in verse (which I have a terrible tendency to write), a PB is very much like a poem, sparing of words, but often rich in feelings. Plus, an artist draws picture for it, which is the icing on the cake for me.

What surprised you the most working as an author? 

Until you try writing story arcs that conclude in a few hundred words, you do not realize how tough a challenge it can be.

What is your favorite thing about being an author? 

From my standpoint as an author, one of my favorite aspects is seeing for the first time how the illustrator envisions the story.

What do you find difficult working as an author? 

That only a few stories I have written will enter the publishing chrysalis and emerge as that winged wonder we call a book. Many manuscripts never find the right publishing home.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas? 

Every time I think of an idea -- even if it is only the smallest wisp of one -- I whip out my phone and email it to myself. Those ideas now comprise a very long potential story list. And if I look at that list, and none of those ideas feel ready to germinate, I sometimes just let my mind dance all over the place to see if there is some other idea ready to surface that feels like the right match for the moment.

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity? 

Editing. And editing again. And again. And again. That may sound counterintuitive, since we associate creativity with the juices flowing and editing as snipping and paring. But editing, really strong editing, burnishes the story so that the imagination and creativity shine through.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community? 

I have spent half my career submitting on my own and half with an agent. When submitting on my own, some kind editors still read my unagented work even when their publishing house policy stated no unsolicited manuscripts.

Recommended reading? 

Rain Before Rainbows by Smriti Prasadam-Halls. Beautiful PB with amazing illustrations by David Litchfield. When I read what they created, I feel more creative myself.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

I'm glad you added the words "thus far" as I like to think there are highlights (plural) still to come. But I did find it exciting when my book HEY HO, TO MARS WE'LL GO was read by an astronaut on the International Space Station for Story Time from Space. 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

Enjoy your moments, whatever they are, such as seeing your book in a bookstore for the first time or having someone ask you to sign a copy. Don't compare your success to the greater fanfare you think someone else is receiving. Enjoy YOUR moments!!

Can you tell us about your newest book?

PIPER AND PURPA FOREVER, illustrated by Olivia Feng, is about a little girl named Piper whose constant companion for years is her favorite purple sweater. Piper finds it in a box of hand-me-downs at age 2, and simply falls in love, saying "purpa" because she can't yet pronounce the word "purple." Knowing how attached my own kid was to her lovey, I found the humor in Piper's determination to hold fast to a sweater that has become far more than a piece of clothing. But inevitably the day comes when Purpa no longer fits, and Piper must find a way to let go while still holding on to an old friend.

What’s up next for you?

I hope that I will have news to share in the near future about a new project. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Study the craft and you will be far ahead of the curve with your submissions. Join the Society for Children's Book Writers and Illustrators (SCBWI) to read what they have to offer and attend some of their events. Subscribe to Publishers Weekly's free children's newsletter to see what titles editors are buying RIGHT NOW (not 20 years ago) and to read articles about the industry. Study interviews with editors and agents and authors -- like this one! And, of course, read recent picture books. Read them at the library, and buy a few you find inspiring. Not only will you be supporting the children's writing community -- and your local bookstore -- but you will also always have on hand books you admire to spark your own creativity. And, finally, learn what to say and what NOT to say in a cover letter.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie? 

"Star Trek IV" when Kirk and crew go back in time (coincidentally to the 1980s) to save humpback whales and Earth's future. It is a funny, funny movie, so even if you are not a Star Trek fan -- though how could you not be?! -- it's an enjoyable romp. 

Huge thank you to Susan for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your new book!

Susan Lendroth’s picture books range from science to history to children finding their place in the world because she loves science and history and is still finding her own place in the world! She has nine published PB with her most recent, PIPER AND PURPA FOREVER!, inspired by her kid's childhood love of purple. Susan works for the Los Angeles Public Library and devotes her spare time to a needy cat named Kitten.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, follow Susan on social media:


Instagram: @susanlendroth


WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of PIPER AND PURPA FOREVER?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, March 3rd! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author and Illustrator Carolina Farías

Authors + Illustrators, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with an author and illustrator, whose newest book, CHAMELEON CAN BE, came out this past fall with Yeehoo Press. I love Chameleon and all his friends and the message of the book is wonderful! The art is brilliant, bright, and charming and I can’t wait to share this fantastic book with you all!

So without further ado, please welcome Carolina Farías!

Where do you live?

I live in La Plata, Argentina, home of the beautiful National University of La Plata, 40 minutes away from Buenos Aires. 

How many years have you been in publishing?
I have been working in children's illustration and editing books for nearly twenty years. 

How did you first get published?

My First book was “En el Principio”, an adaptation of the Bible for kids. The main difference is that the story takes place in the room of Paco, a little kid whose mother is in charge of the Creation of the world that surrounds him. The book took two years of hard work and I had the privilege to work with the amazing art editor Daniel Goldín and be published by the “Fondo de Cultura económica”. 

Do you write and illustrate full-time?

Yes, I do! And I also find the time to give classes both at the faculty and the high school of art in La Plata. I find teaching very inspiring and motivating for my daily illustration work.

What inspires you to create picture books?

Inspiration can strike at any time and anywhere, any moment in everyday life. Perhaps something that is visually interesting lights a spark, so I take a photo to reference later. My love and constant research on illustrated books also drives my work. There is a part of me that still enjoys going into those worlds contained within the pages of those beautiful books I used to read when I was a little girl.

What surprised you the most working as an author/illustrator?

The mere notion of working as an illustrator was a novelty to me!

I was fortunate enough to attend one of the best universities in the country and get a degree in fine arts, but I never thought as time went by that children's illustration was going to be the perfect place for me.

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

I love telling good stories, and one way of achieving that is finding interesting characters. I take my time to give my characters some distinctive personality. It is funny because I try to get in their shoes and imagine what they are thinking or feeling, even if they turn out to be a dog or a lion!

As a teacher in illustration it’s great to interact with the kids and explore their imaginations. It’s amazing how unusual and interesting some of their ideas can be. I try to encourage them, especially the ones who think that they can’t draw. They are usually the ones who don’t come up with the obvious stuff.

What do you find difficult working as an author/illustrator?

Finding focus! There are so many options and so much work to do that sometimes you just have to force yourself to stop and take things slowly.

I’m very passionate about my work. Sometimes I get so many ideas floating around that I have to take a thousand notes, and filtering them to get the best ones is sometimes a really tedious task.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

Most ideas start small so the most important thing is to know that we shouldn't rely on an ideal ´eureka´ moment or a rush of sudden inspiration. Instead,  ideas are to be found in our everyday activities and in the most random things we stumble upon in life.

When working on a book I always reflect on my own childhood memories, how I was feeling and reacting to the world around me. As a child, the only place where I felt safe and useful was in front of a blank sheet of paper. 

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

Although inspiration can strike anytime and anywhere, I play my part to create my ideal setting: random local coffee shops where to sip some cappuccino and enjoy chocolate cake. I usually make some notes and tuck them away. Then one day in the future a new story may begin to emerge. All the best ideas need time to brew by themselves.

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I love being able to share different experiences with colleagues. It’s always great to have another perspective and a different look regarding the same issues we encounter in our everyday work on an illustration. It’s wonderful to get so much help and support! 

Recommended reading?

I have all of my favourite books here on the shelf of my studio. I love Argentinian Cartoonist and Illustrator Carlos Nine and I collect everything published by Quino. His humor and illustrations are amazing. I’m completely obsessed by his work!

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

I think interacting with young students is always a joy. Apart from that, I would say that I loved working for the movie Where the Wild Things Are based on the books by Maurice Sendak and collaborating with Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo (Abuelas de Plaza de Mayo), an Argentine human rights organization with the goal of finding the children stolen and illegally adopted during the military dictatorship of the late seventies.

And of course my last book Chameleon can be has also been one of the most fulfilling experiences I’ve had. 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

Such a big question. I think it’s important sometimes to broaden your influences. It is fine sometimes to put aside picture books and start looking for inspiration in the work of writers, artists and directors who may not have much to do with illustration! 

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Chameleon Can Be came to life in a very small room while having a session with my therapist. I was opening up to her and expressing some concerns I had about one of my kids, when she suddenly said something that has stuck in my head ever since: "Well, she will have to find out who she wants to be"

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

I carried that phrase with me for the next few days. I started working on a short word list. English is not my native language, but some words sounded perfect for what I had in mind: CAN BE… CHAMELEON…BEAUTIFUL …FLOWER… FRIENDS… and with those concepts in mind I started doodling on my iPad. 

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

At some point I sketched this very messy drawing of a Chameleon as a beautiful flower. I really liked it, so I drew it over and over. Then some other characters came up: a ladybug, a bee and a frog. Chameleon and his friends were born!

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from CHAMELEON CAN BE by Carolina Farías, published by Yeehoo Press

I hope that kids and adults reading this book will fully enjoy the journey and take the trip to find out who they want to become.

What’s up next for you?

I have always been intrigued by writing about those romantic concepts that bring us together, such as love, kindness and connection. Currently I’m working on a book about the things that make us different, unique and special.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

I think the best piece of advice I can give to someone starting out is to work really hard and follow your heart.  And always trust your gut!

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

I can’t pick just one. I love Forrest Gump, E.T. and Back to the future!

If I stumble upon them on TV I can’t resist watching them until the very end.

Huge thank you to Carolina for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your beautiful book!

Carolina Farías is an award-winning author and illustrator of over 40 books. After receiving her bachelor’s degree in art, she began teaching at the University of Graphic Design and Visual Communication in La Plata. Her artwork is created using a variety of mediums with traditional and digital techniques. Carolina is part of the White Ravens 2008 list for the Bologna Book Fair, where she has also been selected to represent Argentina. She currently lives in La Plata, Argentina.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit Carolina online:


BUY THIS BOOK To order CHAMELEON CAN BE, click here.

WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of CHAMELEON CAN BE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 24th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Rosie J. Pova and Illustrator Monika Filipina

Authors, Illustrators, InterviewsLindsay Ward5 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have DOUBLE the fun with a DOUBLE interview featuring both the author and illustrator of the same book! I’m so excited to introduce to you both creators of THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY OF SUCCESS, a brand new picture book from Yeehoo Press, releasing May 10, 2022.

As you all know, making a picture book is a unique process when the writing and illustrating is done by two separate people. It’s amazing when it all comes together as one cohesive book, even though, in most cases, the author and illustrator never communicate with one another during the process. Everything is typically handled through the publisher— and yet a beautiful book is created! Like magic! Well, that and a ton of creative energy and hard work. I’m so excited to share two halves of the same book with you today.

So without further ado, please welcome author Rosie J. Pova and illustrator Monika Filipina!

Photos: Left: Rosie J. Pova, Right: Monika Filipina

Where do you live?

ROSIE: I live in Dallas, TX, but I'm originally from Bulgaria.

MONIKA: I live in Torun, Poland.

How many years have you been in publishing?

ROSIE: I've been writing for publication for over 17 years now.

MONIKA: About 10 years.

How did you first get published?

ROSIE: It only took me 12 years to get a yes from a small traditional publisher, but it was actually a triple yes as they offered me contracts on three standalone books--two picture books and one middle grade novel--and that's how I got started with traditional publishing.

MONIKA: I was starting while I was still studying at university. I first worked did small jobs designing books, then I illustrated my first book of good-night poems for a Polish publisher. After finishing my BA degree I found an agent and did small illustrating jobs. During my MA I started working as a junior designer at one of top educational publishers based in London. It was a great experience that gave me insight to the publishing work. I got to see how a book comes to life from scratch. However after a couple of month I got my first big illustration job and had to quit.

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

ROSIE: I do, yes--I write full time. But I also coach and mentor emerging and pre-published authors, helping them advance their writing careers and move closer to their publishing goals.

MONIKA: Yes! I am lucky to be working as a full time illustrator.

What inspires you to create picture books?

ROSIE: Anything and everything! I love that kidlit format, and I'm definitely partial to picture books in particular, even though I write for children of all age groups--from board books to young adult. I call picture books "little geniuses" because they are such simple yet profound multi-taskers that accomplish so much, as an art form, in such little time and space.

MONIKA: I guess that my biggest inspiration at the moment are my children. I spend vast amount of time with them and it is natural that I observe how they play, move, talk and get lots of inspiration from them. Having said that, I find inspiration from many other things - I love running in the forest and spending any free time in the outside. It is just when I am lucky to see something interesting that stories and ideas come to me on its own.

What surprised you the most working as an author, illustrator, or author/illustrator?

ROSIE: How much my stories transform when a professional illustrator comes on board, the art is added to the words, and my story becomes a real book. It's such a thrill to see! Also, the amazing questions kids ask me when I visit schools!

MONIKA: Working as an illustrator has been a learning curve all the way. There is many things that nobody tells you before you got ‘out there’. What surprises me at the moment are emails with requests to illustrate an entire book within a month. It makes me wonder who are the people that can illustrate this and I must say, I would love to chat with them! It takes me 3, sometimes 4 days to finish ONE illustration so I would really love to know the trick to work faster!

What is your favorite thing about being an author, illustrator, or author/illustrator?

ROSIE: My favorite thing is visiting schools, interacting with kids, and sharing my stories and my journey as a way to inspire them to pursue their own dreams.

MONIKA: I get to do what I always wanted to do! I remember that as a child I dreamt about being a children’s book illustrator. I am an individual and do not feel good working with other people so being independent freelance illustrator is absolutely great. I also manage my own timetable which means I can work when I want (though I have been working days, nights and weekends lately as I have been finishing new books!)

What do you find difficult working as an author, illustrator, or author/illustrator?

ROSIE: Definitely the long waiting at every step of the process--from finding and agent, to waiting for replies while on submission, to anxiously awaiting for the book release--it takes years! This business can be so slow and unpredictable. As a prolific writer, I'm eager to have multiple books releasing each year, so a lot of patience is required.

MONIKA: One of the most difficult things for me is pricing my work! I lack self-confidence to value my work and at times I forget how much work it took to do what I do :) I also find very difficult to manage my schedule. I tend to take on far too much work and end up working crazy hours.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

ROSIE: I read, brainstorm, write down things my kids say, read kid lit blog posts or simply wait and trust that an idea is coming, knowing that I need to stay open to receiving it.

MONIKA: I love jogging, exercising and yoga. These are great ways to freshen up my mind. Also, taking a break and going to the woods or to the seaside work magic!

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

ROSIE: No, not really. I like being flexible with creativity and open to the unexpected.

MONIKA: I need a good breakfast in the morning before I can start to think. When I work I like to have a movie playing in the background. It is funny because when I look at the illustrations I did I can remember what movie or tv series I watched while working on that particular artwork :) at the moment I have been watching Harry Potter movies, again!

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

ROSIE: I've gotten so much help and support from the kidlit community over the years, in many forms--from critiques, advice and resources to peers helping me spread the word about my books and purchasing them... it's such a great and generous community, and I can't imagine anyone doing this alone. The support has been invaluable and so much appreciated!

MONIKA: Every bit of support, warm comment and advice is positive and helpful during the times we have now.

Recommended reading?

ROSIE: Oh, so many new books that I can recommend, but let me mentions just a few titles:

Home for a While by by Lauren Kerstein, Illustrated by Natalia Moore

Clovis Keeps His Cool by Katelyn Aronson, Illustrated by Eve Farb

A Flood of Kindness by Ellen Leventhal, Illustrated by Blythe Russo

Dancing with Daddy by Anitra Rowe Schulte, Illustrated by Ziyue Chen

... and so many more!

MONIKA: Always Harry Potter! I grew up with the series and have been in love with this magical world ever since I read the first book. I also love Jo Nesbo’s books - Harry Hole series is fantastic. I have also read his other work and he is just a brilliant writer I guess. (How can it be that two of my favourite book series are about Harry?)

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

ROSIE: Definitely seeing my book, Sunday Rain, featured in The New York Times and Parents magazine, as well as having an incredible, interactive read-aloud video created by Bri Reads on her YouTube channel that now has over 73K views in just nine months! Oh, and one more to mention... when a school in San Diego told me they want to turn my upcoming book, The School of Failure: A Story about Success, into a play!! I cannot wait to see that!

MONIKA: I am proud that the first picture book I illustrated, OH WHAT A TANGLE, won Best World Picture Book at China Shanghai International Bookfair. It also always brightens my day when I receive complimentary copies of my books.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

ROSIE: I wish someone would've told me to join a critique group right away.

MONIKA: I wish that I actually believed some things that I was told. For example I wish that I focused on developing and improving my own visual language instead of taking on commercial jobs and working the way I was told to working. I wish that I believed more in my talent instead of taking on far too many jobs in the past. I also wish that someone told me not to take on jobs that terms I am not totally happy with.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

ROSIE: Yes, I'm quite excited about it and cannot wait to share it with readers! It's a fractured fairy tale about how the road to success is paved with mistakes.

MONIKA: THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE is a truly wonderful story about success. I did my best to bring the characters to life and to make each of them unique. I really think that children need this story to believe in themselves and never give up :)

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

Interior art from THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE, A STORY ABOUT SUCCESS by Rosie J. Pova, illustrated by Monika Filipina, published by Yeehoo Press

What’s up next for you?

ROSIE: Next for me is launching a new writing course for emerging picture book writers.

My agent and I are also on submission with a few different stories, so hopefully more new books will be in the pipeline for me soon.

MONIKA: I have been extremely busy and there is a few more books with my illustrations coming up soon. I plan to slow down over the summer months, rest in our caravan by the sea and learn to surf.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

ROSIE: Read newly published books in the genre you write, find a critique group, but also invest in your craft and get professional feedback, write a lot--don't get stuck on one story--and finally, be open to feedback and don't be afraid to experiment with your work. Sometimes, you can be pleasantly surprised with the outcome.

MONIKA: I don’t think I can stress this enough because this is the thing I have the most difficulties with: BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Believe in your work and your talent because you have a very unique gift! Even if it does not work out, as in the SCHOOL OF FAILURE, sooner or later, you will find a way to make it work.

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

ROSIE: Dirty Dancing.


Huge thank you to both Rosie and Monika for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your fantastic new book!

ROSIE J. POVA is a multi-published, award-winning children's author and kid lit Writing Coach. Her latest picture book, Sunday Rain, was featured in The New York Times and recommended by Parents magazine. Her upcoming picture book, The School of Failure: A Story About Success will be released in spring 2022 in both China and the USA.

Rosie loves to visit schools and her interactive workshops empower students to unleash their creativity and grow in confidence through reading, writing, and creating. 

She has been featured on TV, radio, podcasts, and print media, and also speaks on women's and moms topics.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Rosie visit her website: or follow her on social media:

Twitter: @RosiePOV []




As a daughter of two karate masters, MONIKA FILIPINA’s life was very active. From the youngest age she trained sports and was competing all over Europe and in 2000 Monika even won a gold medal at the World Karate Championships in Lisbon, Portugal! Despite such adventurous childhood, drawing was the thing that she was most passionate about. So one day, Monika simply decided to pack her bags and move to the UK to study. In 2011 she completed BA with Hons in Illustration at the University of Wolverhampton and was honored Dean’s Prize for Excellence in Visual Communications and was chosen one of Highly Commended Students at the D&AD New Blood Show. Soon after that, she moved to Cambridge and in 2014 have successfully completed Master’s degree in Children’s Book Illustration at Cambridge School of Arts.

In 2013 the book that Monika illustrated, “Oh! What a Tangle”, published by Digital Leaf, was awarded the Golden Pinwheel award for best International children’s book and Shanghai Children’s Book Fair! So far she was very lucky to be working with lovely clients all over the world and keeps making her dream come true every day.

She has recently founded her own baby clothes brand for which she designed all illustrated all the outfits. Monika lives with her two little kids, two not so little cats and one totally grown up husband in her hometown - Toruń, Poland. In her free time she enjoys running, yoga and fitness.

FOR MORE INFORMATION about Monika, visit her online:

Or follow her on social media:


WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of THE SCHOOL OF FAILURE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 17th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Serena Gingold Allen

Authors, debut interviewLindsay Ward9 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! I hope all of you in the Midwest and on the East Coast are staying warm this morning! We are covered in snow here in Ohio! Today we have a fabulous interview with a debut author Serena Gingold Allen, who has TWO new books out with Chronicle Books this April, SUNRISE DANCE and MOONRISE PRANCE, illustrated by the amazingly talented Teagan White! I personally can’t wait to get my copies, as my youngest son is all about novelty books about nature right now— and these books are stunning! I’m thrilled to have Serena with us today to talk about her beautiful books, road to publication, and experiences in kidlit.

So without further ado, please welcome Serena Gingold Allen!

Where do you live?

I live in El Cerrito, in the San Francisco Bay Area.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I started writing picture books and board books in 2013 (Although I did have two articles published in Cobblestone Magazine when I was a teenager in the ‘90s, so if you count that it’s been a lot longer).

How did you first get published?

I submitted Moonlight Prance on my own to a small handful of publishers in early 2017. I got a few rejections almost immediately and then after six months, Chronicle Books emailed to see if the manuscript was still available. My editor and the acquisitions team liked it so much that I was asked to write a companion title (Sunrise Dance). They acquired both of them!

Do you write full-time?

I consider writing to be my full-time job, but my two young kiddos would disagree with me. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

I adore reading and the joy it brings me and I want to write books that will spark these feelings in children. My inspiration comes from my kids, things I read, conversations with friends and family, and the inspiration fairy who visits me on sleepless nights (OK, there’s no fairy, but I really do have ideas just pop into my head out of nowhere in the middle of the night).

What surprised you the most working as an author?

Two things surprised me: how long it sometimes takes between acquisition and release, and how difficult it can be to deal with constant rejection.

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

For me, one of the best things is when I’m writing in rhyme and struggling to get my idea across and I finally find the perfect sequence of words that fit the meter and rhyme perfectly. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

The biggest struggle is writing something that I believe in and think is great and then having other people not get it.

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

If I’m really out of ideas, I’ll turn to my favorite picture books and try to get an idea from them (I’ll look at things like the structure and topic and try to come up with my own story to go with that).

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I have an idea notebook and any time I have a new idea (even if it’s just a title or a character name) I’ll jot it down to come back to later. Each idea gets its own page so I have some space for brainstorming or to record everything I’ve thought of so far. If I think of an idea in the middle of the night, I’ll write it in the notes app on my phone. Then I transfer it to my notebook in the morning (or the next time I open the app).

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

I wound up starting a low-key book promo group with a few other debut authors and what I love is that even though most of us didn’t really know each other to begin with, we immediately became really supportive of each other. It’s nice to not be alone!

Recommended reading?

My favorite picture book right now is Bodies Are Cool by Tyler Feder. It’s hopeful, uplifting, and makes me smile every time I read it.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

So far it’s tied between opening the first email from my editor where she asked if Moonlight Prance was still available and opening the second email from my editor where she wrote with the news that Chronicle wanted to acquire Moonlight Prance and a companion title (I printed this email out, framed it, and put it on my desk). 

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish someone had told me how hard it is to let a story go when there’s no interest in it.

Can you tell us about your newest books?

Moonlight Prance and Sunrise Dance are my twin debut books, illustrated by Teagan White. They should be in bookstores and for purchase online on April 5, 2022. Moonlight Dance: At the end of the day, nocturnal animals aren’t getting ready for bed—they’re getting ready to play! Push and pull the sturdy tabs to make foxes frolic and hedgehogs hustle through a fun-filled night. Sunrise Dance: As the sun rises, playful animals are already waking up. Push and pull the sturdy tabs to make dragonflies dance and bear cubs bustle as they prepare for a sun-filled day. 

Interior art from SUNRISE DANCE by Serena Gingold Allen, illustrated by Teagan White published by Chronicle Books, April 2022

Interior art from SUNRISE DANCE by Serena Gingold Allen, illustrated by Teagan White published by Chronicle Books, April 2022

Interior art from MOONLIGHT PRANCE by Serena Gingold Allen, illustrated by Teagan White published by Chronicle Books, April 2022

Interior art from MOONLIGHT PRANCE by Serena Gingold Allen, illustrated by Teagan White published by Chronicle Books, April 2022

What’s up next for you?

I am deep into revising several picture books and getting ready to submit.

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Follow your dreams—they’re within your grasp. And don’t give up—the publishing world is so subjective, you just have to keep trying until you find someone who gets you. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Finally, an easy question! Spaceballs.

Huge thanks to Serena for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your books!

Serena Gingold Allen is the author of Moonlight Prance and Sunrise Dance  (Chronicle Books, April 5, 2022), both novelty board books about wild animals. Growing up outside of Yosemite, Serena had many close encounters with wildlife. Most notably, she chased a 300-pound black bear out of a campsite–alone! She now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area, but she still spends a lot of time hiking and climbing in the great outdoors with her husband and their two young children.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit Serena online at

or follow her on social media:


WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of MOONLIGHT PRANCE and SUNRISE DANCE?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, February 10th! US addresses only please.

Interview with Author Ray A. Price

Authors, Debut InterviewsLindsay Ward2 Comments

Happy New Year Critters! We are officially back for 2022! We have a ton of fantastic interviews scheduled this year that I’m so excited to share with you all! I actually just filled our last interview slot for 2022 last week so anyone looking to schedule an interview with us for 2023 please feel free to reach out to me at

To kick off the new year we have an interview with self-published author Ray A. Price! I’m thrilled to have him with us today to talk about his new book, MY BROTHER IS A WEREWOLF, illustrated by Sam Aston, his road to publication, and his creative process.

So without further ado, please welcome Ray A. Price to Critter Lit!

Where do you live?

I live in Washington Pennsylvania. It’s about 25 minutes away from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania.

How many years have you been in publishing?

I have been in publishing for a year. 

How did you first get published?

I published my first story independently in 2020.

Do you write full-time?


What inspires you to create picture books?

At first, my inspiration came from my daughter. When she was younger, I would guest read for her classroom. I would buy a picture book and cookies for the class. After I did this a few times my daughter looked at me and said, “Dad I know you used to write plays for stage in college, can you write a story for me?” It was a challenge I accepted. I wanted to tell stories that she would be proud of but also relatable. 

What is your favorite thing about being an author?

My favorite thing is how my stories resonate with others. The feedback from reviews or the pictures from kids holding my book is just amazing. The hard work is definitely worth it. 

What do you find difficult working as an author?

What can be difficult is finding unique voices for the characters I write. It’s challenging for sure but it’s fun creating characters that have different personalities, quirks, abilities, etc. As a writer I enjoy creating fresh characters and my goal is to tell stories that are believable with solid beginnings, middles, and ends. 

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I’m definitely not immune to writer’s block. To keep things fresh and creative I will often times read or watch children’s literature or television. It helps me find out what they are interested in. I also have a young niece and she’s like a sponge. She absorbs so much and I like being around her. I think it’s important to be around children and to engage with what they are watching and what they are playing. It helps my writing. Children are a lot smarter than we think. 

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I always outline. For me, it’s my map of the story. The story can definitely change after my outline but I always start with an outline before writing my first draft. 

Can you share a positive experience you’ve had in the Kid Lit community?

Yes, I had an interaction with a member who read an early copy of My Brother is a Werewolf for her blog. She gave it a really great review. She mentioned that the story was very great and that the overall presentation was amazing. That meant a lot coming from another kid lit author. 

Recommended reading?

If You Give a Mouse a Cookie has always been one of my favorite picture books. I still really enjoy classic stories like Jack and the Beanstalk, Cinderella, and The Three Little Pigs

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

One of the highlights has been seeing how my book makes families smile and laugh. Recently a guy on social media shared an image of his kids holding my book. He posted a review about it and that was just really amazing. Anytime kids are enjoying my stories I love it. That pushes me forward to write more and to keep more people to enjoy my books.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing?

I wish someone would had told me how fun this is. I’m having a blast doing this. It’s hard work but it never feels like work. I have been fortunate enough to find people on my team that feel the same. We are all so dedicated and devoted to the projects. It’s fun collaborating with individuals from around the world and creating a picture book.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

My newest book is My Brother is a Werewolf.  The story is about a young girl named Brie. Brie wanted a puppy. But got a younger brother. Accidentally turning her five year old brother into a werewolf is the biggest mistake of her life. She’ll do anything to fix him because cleaning up werewolf poop is as bad as you think it is. Brie thinks she had caused her parents to divorce because of her mistake. As the reader, we see how divorce looks through the eyes of a child and how Brie will do anything to fix her family.

What’s up next for you?

We just released My Brother is a Werewolf so we are going to continue to promote it. We have a planned audio book version releasing later this year. 

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Yes, it is important to find a team. Find people who are not just there for a paycheck but want to see your goal and dream come true. Interview people until you’re comfortable and do not settle. 

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Star Wars Return of the Jedi

Huge thank you to Ray for stopping by Critter Lit today! Congrats on your wonderful new book!

RAY A. PRICE is the author of My Brother is a Werewolf. He is an author for children’s books, short stories, and comics. Ray started his interest with children’s stories when he used to read to his daughter’s elementary classes as a guest parent speaker. After many visits to her classes and dozens of cookies donated in each visit, his little girl gave him the idea to write his own children’s book. With that in mind, Ray sat down and began writing with his heart to create a story dedicated to her. Build with Bricks was Ray’s first self published children story in 2020.

Ray has many other achievements that he is very proud of. He has a bachelors degree in political science and a master degree in fraud and forensic. He is a full-time fraud investigator. During his studies, he did plenty of playwriting. Ray found his passion for writing when he wrote short stories in middle school.

When Ray is not thinking of new ideas for his next story, he likes to be family oriented. Ray likes to travel and sample new restaurants with his family. He loves playing video games and discovering new television shows. When the weather is nice, he loves taking his English Bulldog on walks. Ray listens to various podcast daily and loves reading comics.

FOR MORE INFORMATION visit Ray online here or follow him on Twitter: @RaymondAPrice


WIN A COPY! Want to win a copy of MY BROTHER IS A WEREWOLF?! Leave a COMMENT below or RETWEET this post on Twitter. One lucky winner will be announced on Thursday, January 27th! US addresses only please.