Critter Lit

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Interview with Author + Illustrator David Catrow

Authors + Illustrators, Interviews, Vet InterviewsLindsay Ward3 Comments

Happy Thursday Critters! Today we have an interview with the incredible author and illustrator, David Catrow, whose books I’ve adored since wanting to become an author/illustrator myself. I remember the first time I discovered STAND TALL MOLLY LOU MELON and poured over the illustrations— so much to look at! One of my favorite details in his books are the dogs— they are fantastic and such accurately, hilarious portraits of canine behavior. I’ve always loved David’s books and I’m thrilled to have him with us today to talk about his experience in the industry and his new book, I WANT AN APPLE: HOW MY BODY WORKS, by David L. Harrison with Holiday House.

So without further ado, please welcome David Catrow!

Where do you live?

I live in Ohio but mostly I live inside my head. Being an artist is a 24/7 existence and there are times when it’s hard to separate what is actually happening around me and what I am imagining or wish was happening around me. Which is probably why I’m not in an occupation like brain surgery or being an airline pilot. 

How many years have you been in publishing?

My First Book was published in 1990 which is well... a long time ago (you probably should do the math, I am a picture person) 

How did you first get published?

It was completely unexpected actually, I was studying to be a doctor at the time and someone asked me if I could illustrate the procedure for doing an emergency cricothyrotomy on an un-anaesthetized patient in the middle of nowhere. My drawing was published in the Journal of Emergency Medicine and here I am. 

Do you write/illustrate full-time?

Yes, I write and illustrate full-time, but I would happily do it more if I could figure out how to get the earth to rotate a little bit slower thus gaining me a few more hours of daylight. 

What inspires you to create picture books?

Oh, anything and everything—you name it, I’ve been inspired by it... (Go ahead, name something, the first thing that comes into your mind and just shout it out!)  I heard you! YUP, I’ve been inspired by that too.

What surprised you the most working as an author/illustrator?

What surprises me the most is that I’m never done. The minute I’ve finished a book that I think pretty much says it all, I’ll suddenly think of something else to say- (which is surprising because most people who talk to me think I’m a person of few words.) 

What is your favorite thing about being an author/illustrator?

My Favorite thing about being an Illustrator is, that not only do I have something that I love to do, but I am able to keep doing it for as long as I wish. After I’m done being an artist I plan on devoting all of my time to learning how to catch a frisbee in my mouth. 

What do you find difficult working as an author/illustrator?

For me the most difficult thing is trying to swat away all the pesky other ideas that buzz around my head and interfere with me doing my work that is front of me.

For me the most difficult thing is learning that I can get carried away sometimes and forget what it is that am supposed to be doing. 

-which reminds me of a funny story about an elephant, a turnip, and a guy named Ned who all decide to go on a road trip together- Ned didn’t have a driver’s license so the turnip has to drive, because, honestly, whoever heard of an elephant driving a car.

(sorry, what the question again?)

What do you do to shake the rust off or get new ideas?

I get lots of sleep, I eat right and I take a multi-vitamin.  

Anything you are habitual about when it comes to creativity?

I eat right, I get lots of sleep, and I take a multi-vitamin.

Recommended reading?

Everything and anything.

What has been the highlight of your career thus far?

Waking up and doing what I love to do—Oh and playing with my dog.

What is something you wish someone had told you when you first started writing/illustrating?

I wish someone had told me that you can’t do it all.

Can you tell us about your newest book?

Your body is busy, busy, busy! Learn how it works in this funny-but-informative book.

I want an apple. Smart brain, help me find one. Sniffy nose, smell the apple. Bright eyes, help me see it.
Legs, feet, arms, teeth, tongue, tummy . . . and long intestine too . . . all snap into action when a child decides she wants an apple. A clever and humorous introduction to body parts and their function.

Interior art from I WANT AN APPLE: HOW MY BODY WORKS by David L. Harrison, illustrated by David Catrow with Holiday House

Interior art from I WANT AN APPLE: HOW MY BODY WORKS by David L. Harrison, illustrated by David Catrow with Holiday House

Interior art from I WANT AN APPLE: HOW MY BODY WORKS by David L. Harrison, illustrated by David Catrow with Holiday House

Anything else you’d like to share with aspiring authors and illustrators?

Keep working hard at what you love to do and eventually you will make it- no matter what it is that you want to do- whether it’s juggling on a tightrope, walking in space, writing poetry, or singing an aria, or anything in between- all the people that are doing those things now, were once like you.  

And last, but not least, favorite 80s movie?

Turner and Hooch.

DAVID CATROW is a political cartoonist, artist for animated films, and illustrator of best-selling books for children, including two New York Times Best Illustrated books. His books for Holiday House, which he also wrote, are The Fly Flew In and Fun in the Sun. He lives in Ohio. Learn more about him at

FOR MORE INFORMATION about David, visit him online:

Or follow him on social media:

@DavidCatrow (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram)

BUY THIS BOOK To order David’s books, click here.

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